...comes the rape. That's really a turn off. (And the mangaka still makes the guy piss himself.)

CrazyEgg I don't know why people like you get so upset when someone says they don't like something. People don't have to like the same things. That's what makes the world interesting and creates variety. No one is stopping you from enjoying your manga but everyone else doesn't have to like it. And they're allowed to say they don't just like you're allowed to say you do.

You can express an opinion BUT you can't demand what other people will do, i.e. "Dont like dont read go back to ur shoujo or yuri:)". They can read a yaoi manga, rate it very low and write whatever the f they want here. So your comment " I can say whatever I want on a opinion too" (?) is invalid because it was a demand and not an opinion.

Fenko & Katy You may be right. I didn't expect other people would join in this discussion. so I wasn't trying to gang up on anyone. I simply didn't like way CrazyEgg attacked Alancaster for her opinion so I simply decided to tell her she was wrong.
My other comments may have been just as wrong, but I meant what I said in the second one. I find that when someone just attacks random strangers on the internet simply for expressing a different opinion it means they're unhappy in their life and are trying to spread the unhappiness around.

Crazy egg told alancaster that if you do not like a yaoi manga you do not have a place in yaoi world. That is obviously an attack. And we didn't gang up against a person. I did not even "see" the Meccaroni's comments when i was writing my comment. Only three people commented me, anwko and meccaroni. Afterwords 3 people disagreed with us (fenko, katy, forgetmenot). So how is that jumping to one person?(⊙…⊙ )

Hey you know, your taking this too seriously. Im not gonna bother to read your comment to "educate me" on how things work:) You dont even know who I am and your saying all this nasty stuffs to me:) You should at least know some basic respect before lashing out your anger on someone eles. Judging by how long your comment is, clearly your the one being childish and inconsiderate to the rest of the people reading. Dont you are comment back and let the rest of the manga readers read peacefully:)

“Don’t read it” is not an attack.

You are acting like a child, stop.

In fact I'll say this publicly CrazyEgg I'm sorry for attacking you after I felt you attacked Alancaster. I get angry when I see someone who (in my opinion) is attacking someone else for simply disagreeing with them. So maybe I reacted emotionally. I hope you can accept my apology and we can both admit our mistakes and simply agree to disagree.

take aggressive action against (a place or enemy forces) with weapons or armed force, typically in a battle or war.
"in December, the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor"
synonyms:strike, charge, pounce; More
an aggressive and violent action against a person or place.

Not being truthful is acting like a child.

She did not attack anyone and saying she did is acting childish.

Attack is a very wrong word and people jumped on her for just stating an opinion is more of an attack, which is ironic.

But you and the other people who commented in reply of her were just as rude, if you are going to use that word then use it for yourself as well. Maybe she felt that the OC was being rude for speaking ill of the person who worked hard to make this manga.

And you also went personal and attacked their life. That’s very rude.

It’s never okay to attack someone’s life.

Who said saying that is rude? She made a reference to the person who worked hard to make this manga.

The person who made this manga made it specially for people who like this arc, it’s also labeled. It’s understandable why some readers would want to defend her if they feel like she is being disrespected by people.

The person who made this manga made it specially for people who like this arc, it’s also labeled. It’s understandable why some readers would want to defend her if they feel like she is being disrespected by people.

“Mangaka”means author so that is what she was referring to....

It’s usually tagged right in the beginning when they post it, I am guessing the people who put it on mangago start the tags right away. Either way, I am glad it’s clearly tagged.

The tags don’t usually change once it gets a lot of votes by people then it stays and looking at the number, it’s very high. This manga was also just released here.

How do you see where the uploaded tagged it as just those?

Either way, alancaster replied a day after the manga was uploaded. I am sure the tags were there. Also, I was speaking about the tags on the right which even the uploader can tag.

I think that it’s because many people don’t look at those tags, which are there by the second day. I always look and decide to read or not read based on them.

I think you're all wrong and nobody came out of this looking good. Why does everyone have to be so mean to each other?

You know you were wrong... and why are there suddenly whole bunch of anonymous comments going after meccaroni? this comment section looks suspicious to me...

yeah... whatever you say...

This shit does look hella suspicious, lol. She probly did that sh*t to mess with macaroni. I bet that's why she don't want you to reply to her on here. She don't want everybody to know what she did. Lol! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

It's okay. Your comment just ended up on page four because like someone else said there was a sudden influx of anonymous comments all defending CrazyEgg. That I didn't notice look very fishy until they pointed it out. But whatever I stood by what I said. Although I admitted arguing with her was me being just as immature as her. So I think the conversation is pretty much over now.

Ok calm down everyone. The author choose the rape theme rope that does not please everyone i get it, but that does not bother everyone either. Shaming the author for using it is disrespectful for her and for the readers who read it and like it. If you feel uncunfortable with thoses themes it would be wise to read something else and move on.

I'm not trying to be a troll and I'm sorry if everyone feels that way. I can understand that it looks like I have been going on and on about this. But I felt I was simply replying to comments directed at me in what I thought was a reasonable way. I was not trying to be rude to anyone else but if I have been I'm sorry.

All stories were original, different and nice (even the first one, with the story that was in the subtext). The art was really nice and made me crave for more stories from this mangaka.
The last story, though, was a major turn off. MAJOR because I just saw, again, romantized abuse. Child abuse. By THE UNCLE. That felt seriously disgusting.


All stories were original, different and nice (even teh first one, with the story that was in the subtext). The art was really nice and made crave for more stories from this mangaka.
The last story, though, was a major turn off. MAJOR because I just saw, again, romantized abuse. Child abuse. By THE UNCLE. That felt seriously disgusting.
I'll just read the final chapter once is out, this is srly just too annoying.