alancaster October 5, 2020 7:11 pm

I feel like this manhwa will break me into one million pieces, so I'm gonna wait until it's complete, so I'll break one long time and will put myself together. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    sum.of.quality feelings October 5, 2020 7:26 pm

    There is nothing to break yourself about just enjoy how much smart pants our seme can get just to end up with his uke in a very marvelous way

alancaster September 16, 2020 3:25 pm

Well... tried, but can't, really. The art is cute, though, for those who like. (=・ω・=)

alancaster August 31, 2020 1:50 am

This seme really runs for award of the worst type of boyfriend ever.

alancaster August 25, 2020 4:06 pm

I loved all stories (but couldn't read the smutty parts from the first couple, just not my thing beast x human), but Hiro x Tatuya were great to me. Smutty parts included! Great lineart, great scenes!

alancaster September 7, 2019 1:50 am

Is anyone else having trouble reading the 45 e 46 chapters? :/

    abby1509 September 7, 2019 2:08 am

    Idk if you had the same problem as me that It didn't load some pictures when I was using my phone but when I used my computer it worked

    alancaster September 7, 2019 2:39 am
    Idk if you had the same problem as me that It didn't load some pictures when I was using my phone but when I used my computer it worked abby1509

    Yes, I'm having problem with loading the chapters. Also, when I reach some point between the second and third panel the site just crashes and I have to reload it... then it happens again (only in these two chapters, 45 and 46).
    I'm reading on my computer.

alancaster August 25, 2019 3:27 am

Looking good, girl! Now, go away.

    Itzarit August 25, 2019 4:51 am

    Unrelated, but that picture you have as an icon, I had it as a profile pic for years like back on 2012 Quizilla. Feels nostalgic!

    alancaster August 25, 2019 7:01 pm
    Unrelated, but that picture you have as an icon, I had it as a profile pic for years like back on 2012 Quizilla. Feels nostalgic! Itzarit

    hahahaahah Nice! When I found this pic I felt like someone translated me into anime/manga style. :'DD

alancaster June 18, 2019 4:16 pm

Why are we always so attracted by plots that involve blackmail that leads to sexual assalt, rape, bullying, brain washing?
"They are hot, this is just a story".
Well, we end up ignoring rape because it leads to "love", ignoring psichological terror because comes from insecurities and ends up as "protection urges".
Themes that you see in mass in yaoi: rape, blackmail, bullying, obsessive MC.
Well, after 12 years of yaoi, I can only say... We are just fucked up. And, YES, we are direct influence in what mangakas will produce. Shame on us.

    alancaster June 18, 2019 4:34 pm

    attracted to*

    Krista June 18, 2019 4:36 pm

    Yeah exactly...and in a way there is a reason for that. Do you know that some women fantasize of getting forced by men to get aroused? There is a reason for that and I think this goes by the same principle.
    It doesn't have anything to do with morals, at least I don't think so. Reading mangas about rape, forced situation, psychological traumatic ones or even horrors. No one morally likes these things and if these things happen in real life we would judge them negatively.
    But when reading them they bring a strong sense of hate, surprise, incredulity in readers mind or simply people who imagine being in these situations that they, as a result, feel arousal.
    Thats why we continue reading them. But it probably doesn't mean that we want to encounter these situations in real life. Interesting no?

    alancaster June 18, 2019 5:25 pm
    Yeah exactly...and in a way there is a reason for that. Do you know that some women fantasize of getting forced by men to get aroused? There is a reason for that and I think this goes by the same principle. It ... Krista

    Oh! Thanks for your message - I was hoping that I would not just receive hate-like comments after this post.
    Yes, it is interesting, but also a concern. Unfortunately, I see many stories like this one where characters have an "excuse" for bad things to their romantic interest, since it is out of love (and other harmful feelings, possesiveness, abuse mostly can be disguised as love), and what I can see in comments is that many people really take this the "expectations on relationships".
    Psychologically speaking, many of us tend to transport this for our expectations in relationships and end up romanticizing in our minds many scenes.
    Yes, many fantasies occur of the feeling of being tied up, being forced and others related, but they are also bordering paraphilias, because these scenes are harmful for the people involved.
    Also, the comment "they are hot, so is ok" is kinda concerning ... I mean, they are hot, so it's ok if they rape and abuse - comments like "he's cute, so it's not rape".

    - I might be going too far, but unfortunately I see many people that transport these scenes to their love lifes, and yeah, it's a concern.
    I'm not saying that people should stop reading things like this, is more like: stop giving excuses and see this for what they really are.

    alancaster June 18, 2019 5:27 pm
    Yeah exactly...and in a way there is a reason for that. Do you know that some women fantasize of getting forced by men to get aroused? There is a reason for that and I think this goes by the same principle. It ... Krista

    *replying on portuguese seeting phone, sorry for the grammar.

    non June 18, 2019 5:41 pm

    Humans have always been attracted to dark fantasy. Our first stories we've created have always been messed up. I think it's a safe way to satisfy a dark curiosity. I actually don't trust people that are holier than thou, because all I can think of is how much pent up stuff the person could be holding. (Not all but some). Enjoy what you like, as long as you can separate fiction and reality ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Leader June 18, 2019 7:31 pm

    Cause I think Yaoi is yaoi and real life is real life

    Alextheaveragetrap June 18, 2019 11:14 pm
    Humans have always been attracted to dark fantasy. Our first stories we've created have always been messed up. I think it's a safe way to satisfy a dark curiosity. I actually don't trust people that are holier ... non

    That’s the thing, many people actually can’t separate. You’d be surprised how many people take yaoi seriously, such as my ex. He believed being possessive like a common trope in yaoi was acceptable, the sex was terrible because he thought men’s ass self lubed like in the mangas who never seem to do prep but somehow their ass is wet. The point i’m saying is sometimes fantasies overwhelm people, if they didn’t it wouldn’t be serial killers who wanted to test the fantasy.

    Andromeda June 18, 2019 11:51 pm
    That’s the thing, many people actually can’t separate. You’d be surprised how many people take yaoi seriously, such as my ex. He believed being possessive like a common trope in yaoi was acceptable, the s... Alextheaveragetrap

    I do like such stories with heavy themes like such from time to time, but I’d rather not see any of them romanticised. It’s just that darker stories like Harada’s can be fascinating, but they make it obvious how twisted and wrong it is.

    Krista June 20, 2019 10:20 pm

    I don't really worry about it that much.
    People say that rape is cute? Luckily I never heard anyone say that, but If they did not only they would be lying, they also will seem to be not that smart.
    We can't do anything about it, some people are stupid and say things without really understanding them. I mean who would like getting raped in real life? I know no one who would like to be in that situation. There is no need to be concerned in my opinion.It may sound sad, I agree with that, but I think that we should not take too seriously what people write here because it may be different from what they think in reality.
    If they like rape so much, well that's on them, with time and experience they would understand how big of a fool they are. But we can't do anything about it, that's their life to live, and probably they would still think that rape is good even without reading mangas. They still would be as stupid as to believe the unbelievable even without the help of yaoi, believe me.
    At least that's how I see one really confuses reality and fiction (when they don't have some sort of disability at least), they just don't know what they are talking about, but in reality I don't think they would enjoy getting raped. I don't know if you understand what I mean ahahahah.

    non June 21, 2019 6:14 am
    That’s the thing, many people actually can’t separate. You’d be surprised how many people take yaoi seriously, such as my ex. He believed being possessive like a common trope in yaoi was acceptable, the s... Alextheaveragetrap

    I agree that people can't separate (it's what I like to study :) ) but I do think that it is not the fault of the story, but society and parenting. If a story romanticized killing (which we do a lot in tv, anime, movies), normal people should be able to discern it as wrong. That's why I fully believe in ratings and less easy accessibility for mature content, but I would never, ever ask someone to stop putting their work out. But I'm very, very sorry to hear what happened to you. That is something no person should ever experience, and you are completely within your right to feel uncomfortable and not like the content that yaoi usually portrays.

alancaster June 17, 2019 1:27 am

Jealous fucker alert

alancaster June 4, 2019 3:26 pm

I was really looking forward for this manga since I saw the raws somewhere.
God, this is precious, they are so cute and naughty at the same time. Love this "teen curiosity" kind of plot (when between students).

Here comes the sexyneeesss!

alancaster June 4, 2019 2:23 am

Understood, people also speak/understand portuguese around here. Now english, please. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

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