This story is missing something!!
When you want the people to read to get attached to a character (and that character is the one ending up with the mc) you have to let them know his story!! But, let's be honestly! what do we know about Karam?? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Even the dog had much more story than him wtf.
We only know he's liked by Jaewon, and that's it! We know nothing else, we didn't have time to get attached to him, and I don't think I'm the only one based on the comments I've read.
It's normal for all of us to want Jaewon and junseo to be together, cause we felt an affection towards junseo's character. We learned about his past and got to love him and his interaction with Jaewon.
In middle of the story I also thought "I like the relationship they both have, it's nice that he has found a friend and they can support each other" and I was like "now I can't wait to find more about Karam.."
But nothing. NOTHING. I think who wrote this was also confused about the ending and didn't know if they wanted the mc to end up with one or the other lol
I have to say I'm disappointed in this, not because he "didn't end up with the one that I wanted to" but because the writer didn't give me a reason to like Karam.
Sorry I had to vent lol