Melonhoe asked a question

Any recs for manga like “to your eternity” and “dandadan” where the character designs r so good u like even the villains and the plot is just chefs kiss. Very fantasy/highschool/lovable mc/friendship coded

Types that r really deep And have u thinking to just want to be a better person

Melonhoe created a topic of Dandadan

Waited a year for this to marinate and i binged everything in 2 days

I want to hate him but i just feel sorry for him cause hes just stupid at the end if the day hope theres redemption at the end anyways

Melonhoe asked question about question

I used to follow them on twitter but i lost my acc and i forgot their @ but theyre a smutt artist in twitter that drew unsual things or people in a gay smut way?? TT they’ve drawn different insects as gay guys and also water and fire aswell. I miss it lowkey. Pls help me find them

I feel like callisto listening penelope icl

Melonhoe created a topic of Moving

Gotta have some crazy story telling talent to make the art style seem endearing

Melonhoe created a topic of The Empress Lipstick

I would loveee it if fabian was the end game but just hope it aint the prince, he’s actually so boring like other than his looks theres no chemistry no nothing

Melonhoe created a topic of Dandadan

Everyone is so lovable even some of the enemies