There’s a whole lot of rape and abuse done in the name of revenge or s&m (which it isn’t). No matter how much of a jerk someone is, it doesn't mean they should get raped and abused like Minho was. Minho wasn’t some tyrannical sadistic bully, he was literally just some asshole with a big ego and an inferiority complex. But I keep seeing comments saying that that justifies everything that happened to him and it doesn’t.
Honestly one of the grossest things I’ve read. I kept reading hoping for Minho to get justice, spoiler alert, he doesn’t.
FYI, there’s no safe words, aftercare or consent in this manhwa so don’t take this as an example of what s&m is irl.
Now I’m gonna search for some wholesome happy fluff to try purify my mind cause this shit is hella traumatising.

Literally the only reason why I keep checking this story every now and then. Minho is an asshole, but he definitely doesn’t deserve all the shit he gets. Doona is so unlikeable to me, like she hardly has any care for how her actions effect others except for very few minor instances. I’d like to think Minho would like go to therapy, get his shit together, apologize properly for his past actions and go on to live a better life, but the way this story is going I feel like his story will end in possible suicide. Or jail. And thats so unnecessary for a character who had the potential to grow. (Sorry for the long reply but this comment just perfectly summed up my feelings for this story lol).

Well if you’re going to bring up realism, irl most of the characters would be criminals locked up for committing assault, battery, rape, sexual assault, etc. It also definitely does not accurately portray s&m at all. Also, not pussies just bc we don’t want to read rape content dubbed as rough sex.
Read it if you want, I’m just saying that its not realistic and if you’re staying for the plot it doesn’t really get any better (in my opinion).

And i don’t think the characters were that well written at all tbh, especially minho. The author had him abused, raped, assaulted but didn’t change his personality at all and it has 90+ chapters now. Maybe to try justify the whole violent “play” as revenge from fl. So for me, the plot and characters just weren’t it.

Obviously she wouldn't portray rape victims realistically, she's stated so many times that Minho was heavily inspired by someone who emotionally abused her and the whole "abuse Minho" schtick in this manga is her method of catharsis. Also, why does porn need a message?????? She did a good job of portraying Doona as a victim of abuse, though. Her whole arc of learning to trust and love again with the help of Haesol was powerful. Also it wasn't justified, it was seen as a scene of catharsis for Doona and represented as one of her lowest mental points. She's the main character.
even the love struck looking prince is exaggerating his loveliness. also how the turn tables for the ronan fam dickheads
Right! It's about time she cut herself off from them