I woke up at 3am from a nightmare so this fluffy really helped calm me down :') So cute <3
Been there. Had night terrors into my 20’s. Now I sometimes get panic attacks trust feel like those night terrors. Well, without the bizarre dream part, just the feeling of a hopeless terror that feels like it will never end. Fortunately they’re rare. I mostly get them when I cut my antidepressant back to much. But I’ve been trying to ween off the shit for like five years so it’s hard not to push it sometimes. (As an aside I have a standard poodle obsessively licking my foot and leg while I type this. I try to make him stop but he poodle punches me while whimpering till I take my foot out from under the covers. Weirdo dog.)
I love the novel to this so much ( >w<)♡ So far there's only 11 chapter but im falling in love with it already! They tend to update almost every and twice too!!! Which is great because Im so addicted to it XD So Im excited to see that they made a manga out of it X3 Thank you for the update ♡
Here's the link if your interested~ http://www.novelupdates.com/series/common-sense-of-a-dukes-daughter/#sthash.JBz7kFpG.dpuf
I want to see Stella's and Levi's child! They are so cute together! I need to see them married with children