Dan-chan asked Hakase, around 2x or 3x, if he is sad or will be sad. Dan-chan knows him this much. I'm so soft to him.
I want Hakase to move on with the caring Dan-chan ^^
I hope the author will have that as a new project. The manga art is just soooo beautiful, plus the theme. ^^
I saw this panel from another manga wc the scanlation did, and I was trying to find out what manga that is *the one with "I neither dont know" line where misaki is under the sheets when chii-chan tried to pull him out... Then I remember 2345 coz the art is sooo great I cant forget it. And boom. I've read this jewel! ^^
I came from the Yaoi Department and I think I'd be very much willing to sacrifice more of my remaining hours for this gem. Refreshingggggg. Intriguing. Suspenseee. The Royaltyyyyy Thank you!
Me too sis. Me too.