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Hari5 August 27, 2020 3:49 pm

Well I have to say that I love this manhwa despite it makes you anxious and even a little angsty...
However in this last episodes I miss Joowon so much because his character has really grown on me, I would like to see also his side of the story from the breakup onwards.

Hari5 May 17, 2020 12:07 pm

I’ve loved this couple and this story so much that I’ll miss them, I needed more chapters with them together.
Anyway, now that it’s finished let me complain a little. I actually want to say a little word about Sam who has always been so kind and sweet since their childhood but nonetheless everyone seems to focus only on his jealousy (comprehensible and not even that strong) even though he never did anything wrong. He was just frustrated because he wanted his feelings to be taken seriously and to be heard by Henry, who I adore, but honestly he was a bit of an as**ole towards Sam the whole time because he was really scared.

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