_uwu_senpai's feed

_uwu_senpai created a topic of Under the Green Light


Truly I am SICK and TIRED of the forceful rape scenes included unnecessarily in these BLs. What was the reason for this too? I just...I don't understand. This was one of my fav too like? Bitch just had to ruin it??? Like fool I thought you evolved from Walk on Water like do you like writing and drawing disgusting rape shit like this? Is it a kink?

I knew Mathew was deranged but I was hoping, hoping so bad for it not to happen and it didn't seem like it would so I am truly starting to think that the Asian (especially the Korean) fandoms of BLs reeeeeaaalllyyy love rape scenes. Like they probably encourage and comment for the author to do this shit. Cause why was I seeing Filipino and Vietnamese girls commenting on how the rape scene was hot on another site? That's disgusting bruh are they even human? Or have these type of shitty stories desensitized them this much? Why do they have such weird fetishes? Goodness I am not one to kink shame but GOODNESS!!!!

And even more when clearly Jin was NOT having it like? Why'd she have to ruin Mathew like that? Sure he's on drugs but really using that as a plot device for rape?? And that brainless author is probably gonna use it later to justify that? Can't ever look at him the same smh . Man why didn't Jin just beat him up omg

Goodbye Under The Green Light. You started off so good but your creator just was incapable of writing a good story to the end. Can't believe I waited 2 years for this. Smh.

Imagine how tired we are...smh