_uwu_senpai created a topic of Jinx

Still hoping this is actually a story about an abusive relationship and how that dude is gonna free himself from the shackles of whatever syndrome he's suffering from and find a decent person. 99,9% of this dude's problems were due to his grandma so I hope she dies soon enough, that plotline has been dragging as hell. I'm not even interested in the other fucking idiot's backstory, no amount of trauma can make you such a monster. Fuck his fans too, they're just as restarted. Fuck Kim Dan too btw, with such a loving parent how did he end up with no self love and confidence? I'm not even happy he left cause he left because he felt useless and not because he had been mistreated all this time. Fuck this author fr is they end up together. Stupid bitch.

_uwu_senpai created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Deserves 0. Since when is rape smut? Dipped out as soon as I saw the blood. Yikes. This type shit is really ruining people's brain cells to think it's okay to like stuff like this. Get help.

_uwu_senpai created a topic of Under the Green Light


Truly I am SICK and TIRED of the forceful rape scenes included unnecessarily in these BLs. What was the reason for this too? I just...I don't understand. This was one of my fav too like? Bitch just had to ruin it??? Like fool I thought you evolved from Walk on Water like do you like writing and drawing disgusting rape shit like this? Is it a kink?

I knew Mathew was deranged but I was hoping, hoping so bad for it not to happen and it didn't seem like it would so I am truly starting to think that the Asian (especially the Korean) fandoms of BLs reeeeeaaalllyyy love rape scenes. Like they probably encourage and comment for the author to do this shit. Cause why was I seeing Filipino and Vietnamese girls commenting on how the rape scene was hot on another site? That's disgusting bruh are they even human? Or have these type of shitty stories desensitized them this much? Why do they have such weird fetishes? Goodness I am not one to kink shame but GOODNESS!!!!

And even more when clearly Jin was NOT having it like? Why'd she have to ruin Mathew like that? Sure he's on drugs but really using that as a plot device for rape?? And that brainless author is probably gonna use it later to justify that? Can't ever look at him the same smh . Man why didn't Jin just beat him up omg

Goodbye Under The Green Light. You started off so good but your creator just was incapable of writing a good story to the end. Can't believe I waited 2 years for this. Smh.

Imagine how tired we are...smh

_uwu_senpai created a topic of Jinx

Still haven't read this dumpfest since whatever chapter 20 something or shit. Just wanted to comment that I wish this site had a feature so I could block certain stories from ever appearing on my homepage or wherever. Sick and tired of seeing this bitch with his UGLY ASS EARS and his shit face I wish I could spit on

_uwu_senpai created a topic of Yoake no Uta

Does anyone know the publishing rate of this manga? I feel like the latest chapter has been chapter 14 for a year

_uwu_senpai created a topic of Dear Door

These are two horny mfs. When I read it all I can think about is the audio "You, you like fuck. Everyday fuck fuck fuck"

_uwu_senpai created a topic of Perfect Buddy

How is it hard to actually communicate? Coming back when this is completed cause I hate miscommunication trope with a passion

_uwu_senpai created a topic of Jinx

If this bitch was ugly everyone would be shitting in his mouth. Pretty privilège really is a thing

Whenever I read trash manhwa like Jinx, I come here to remind myself of what a healthy relationship looks like these two are the world because how can you be hot, affectionate and considerate at the same time? I love the fact that of their brains get all mushy when it comes to each other. Love 'em.

Also the relatability ?? Like hellooo? I rarely stumble upon well written manhwa with such a deep level of characterization. This is truly golden

_uwu_senpai created a topic of Jinx

I don't get why I keep reading this when it makes me so upset . I guess I'm still hoping for the best for Dan

Also I have read some manhwa/manga/books with this kind of trope (I tend to avoid them cause they're so bad), some more extreme and some less. I don't know if it's because I'm the kind of person to hold grudges, but I never understand how when the abused character falls in love with their abuser, even after a "redemption arc" (which is bs I hate those) they just forget everything that has been done/said to them.

I'm not sure that's how human beings work cause if someone gets in a relationship with a past abuser, how could they ever forget the degradation and humiliation they made them go through? That is NOT a healthy relationship.

Yes, it's just fiction but arghh pisses me off. Okay my ranting is over. Coming back after 6 months again as usual.

_uwu_senpai created a topic of Jinx

Reading their interactions just feels like watching a 60s American movie of a white household with an African maid.

His "Sir" this "Sir" that is just irking me in the worst possible ways.

Dan, your grandma loved and loves you to death why don't you respect yourself or have any ounce of self esteem?

_uwu_senpai created a topic of Jinx

Chapter 28

"The more time goes by the more I can't control my body....and my feelings"

What feelings now Doc Dan?? Stockholm Syndrome???

I'm such a hate watcher I can't even let this shit go I'm tireeeed. I hat this trop with all my being. Manhwa authors seem not to know how to write. This shit ain't enemies to lovers, it's rapist-victim to lovers.
I sincerely hope I'm wrong and that they don't get together and that Jaekyung dies in a hell fire or of brain hemorrhage after being knocked during a fight so Dan has no one to be in debt to forever. Amen.