_uwu_senpai October 11, 2023 10:09 am

Chapter 28

"The more time goes by the more I can't control my body....and my feelings"

What feelings now Doc Dan?? Stockholm Syndrome???

I'm such a hate watcher I can't even let this shit go I'm tireeeed. I hat this trop with all my being. Manhwa authors seem not to know how to write. This shit ain't enemies to lovers, it's rapist-victim to lovers.
I sincerely hope I'm wrong and that they don't get together and that Jaekyung dies in a hell fire or of brain hemorrhage after being knocked during a fight so Dan has no one to be in debt to forever. Amen.

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 10:15 am

    It is not SS.

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 10:18 am

    From a friend.. Who is busy.

    it isn’t Stockholm Syndrome. .
    As we know, Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abusers over time. This condition applies to situations including child abuse, coach-athlete abuse, relationship abuse and sex trafficking

    This isn’t the right type of relationship abuse and if you look at psychological causes, signs and symptoms this story doesn’t fit.


    It gives you 5 Examples of Stockholm Syndrome. None are close. 4 is the Stockholm syndrome abusive relationship. The abuse that causes Stockholm Syndrome isn’t there and there many elements that doesn’t allow to develop to Stockholm syndrome.
    The original Beauty and the beast is Stockholm Syndrome but the Disney’s version isn’t. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1460&context=criterion#:~:text=The%20original%20Beauty%20of%20Beauty,syndrome%20have%20all%20but%20vanished.

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 11:11 am
    From a friend.. Who is busy.it isn’t Stockholm Syndrome. .As we know, Stockholm Syndrome is a coping mechanism to a captive or abusive situation. People develop positive feelings toward their captors or abuse... Morning Diamonds

    Maybe people don't really know how to name this condition other than Stokholm Syndrom, since it's the kind of behavior that's close to SS (?).
    In any case, I think this is to name a person (aside of captivity) who falls in love or feels affection for the person who abuses them.
    Thank you for the links.

    _uwu_senpai October 11, 2023 11:30 am
    Maybe people don't really know how to name this condition other than Stokholm Syndrom, since it's the kind of behavior that's close to SS (?).In any case, I think this is to name a person (aside of captivity) w... MangaSanctuary

    Exactly it may not be SS but something close to it. At the end of the day his feelings are not coming from a good place.

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 11:42 am
    Exactly it may not be SS but something close to it. At the end of the day his feelings are not coming from a good place. _uwu_senpai

    Yeah... Maybe this is masochism, something like this? Infortunately I'm not well versed in the psychology domain, so sorry I don't know much either. But you're right in saying that Dan falling for Jaecunt's not normal, despite the fans who paint their relationship in rose.
    They may grow to be closer (through sex?), even becoming lovers, but at this state of things I don't know how author will turn the tables to make the ML more likable since he's such an arrogant jerk.

    Tang ina? October 11, 2023 11:48 am

    fr oh god I agree it’s like a trauma response at this point??

    like his grandma is dying, he lost his home and like he has no money to his name

    and like JK holds like the key to his salvation and he also lives with him so the factor of the roof over his head is in Jim’s hands too ToT

    so like In my head I think he’s just convincing himself to find some light in the end of the tunnel and Ig for him or would be that Jk likes him in some way that isn’t sexual (which fuck I still think jk sees him as a object that he owns, his little angry face in the end of that last chapter to me reads as some toddler who was forced to share a toy)

    it’s just sad ToT

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 12:45 pm
    fr oh god I agree it’s like a trauma response at this point??like his grandma is dying, he lost his home and like he has no money to his name and like JK holds like the key to his salvation and he also lives ... Tang ina?

    The lesser of two evils...?

    Not forgetting that Kim Dan was beaten and nearly raped by the loan sharks; the fact Dan was saved from these thugs plays a role too as to whay Dan is so forgiving to JK.
    Dan is not only an escort nor prostitute in this situation I'd say his situation is worse en the sense that he owes everything (to his job to his living) to ML, making him extremely vulnerable and maybe accepting in regards of the way JK treats him.
    In POTN there is a passage where the MC, Nakyum told to himself that he has no choice but accept this fate, however we don't see such thing from Dan in Jinx.
    It'll look less out of place if we knew the reasons why Dan opposes so little resistance (aside his personality).
    Yes about JK...

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 12:46 pm

    * was saved from these dudes by ML

    Tmsmyz October 11, 2023 2:05 pm
    Exactly it may not be SS but something close to it. At the end of the day his feelings are not coming from a good place. _uwu_senpai

    You have picked out a line that should start changing the whole story for you. Take that line which should had been in chapter one and read for the beginning again and maybe you can pick up on things about Dan that is easy missed on the first reading.

    toilet terrorist October 11, 2023 4:05 pm
    Exactly it may not be SS but something close to it. At the end of the day his feelings are not coming from a good place. _uwu_senpai

    The word youre looking for is trauma bonding, stockholm syndrome is a form of trauma bonding. What trauma bonding is...its in the name.

    toilet terrorist October 11, 2023 4:09 pm
    The word youre looking for is trauma bonding, stockholm syndrome is a form of trauma bonding. What trauma bonding is...its in the name. toilet terrorist

    "Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse. It occurs when the abused person forms a connection or relationship with the person who abuses them. The person experiencing abuse may develop sympathy for the abusive person, which becomes reinforced by cycles of abuse, followed by remorse." thank you google

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 4:14 pm
    "Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse. It occurs when the abused person forms a connection or relationship with the person who abuses them. The person experiencing abuse may develop sympathy for... toilet terrorist

    Is it really that? He had feelings before as TM said.

    toilet terrorist October 11, 2023 4:22 pm
    Is it really that? He had feelings before as TM said. Morning Diamonds

    dude before what? chapter 2?

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 4:40 pm
    dude before what? chapter 2? toilet terrorist

    You guys really never took the time to listen to Tora, Tmsm, Rose or any one saying this isn’t rape or SS or whatever. Have you? Wait!? you did on the SS if I remember correctly from Tora. But that was a fight too.

    Maybe it is time to let them explicitly explain things then slamming them into a box because they have a different opinion but to be honest as exterior pov they don’t have much different from you besides on a few things. I think.
    I know your answer but I think this should go to TM or Tora who has been beaten repeatedly into a box. They need to finally be able to express themselves. You asked a question and TM has it done but he wanted more to proofread but he has been hesitant to post it. They have lost their voices with the story and make trolls think they take over the topic section when they never have. They barely even make topics. Trolls offended by them standing up to cyber bullying? I am not taken the floor. Tm has said this before and he needs to explain it better. Or Tora. The trolls need to leave them alone.

    Purky October 11, 2023 4:44 pm
    You guys really never took the time to listen to Tora, Tmsm, Rose or any one saying this isn’t rape or SS or whatever. Have you? Wait!? you did on the SS if I remember correctly from Tora. But that was a fig... Morning Diamonds

    I thought after the bdsm chapter when dan was shown vulnerable without his consent to heesung, everyone was on the same page about this bullshit being rape. Guess not.

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 4:45 pm
    "Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse. It occurs when the abused person forms a connection or relationship with the person who abuses them. The person experiencing abuse may develop sympathy for... toilet terrorist

    Remorse for liking the person who abuses him?
    (Thanks for googling).

    I think the perplexity of their relationship makes the "like" and "feelings" Dan feels for JK more complexe and subtul than of a (simple) trauma bonding, even though I agree that TB fits in this situation.
    JK helped him, still do, is handsome, plus the guys only has sex with Dan... It's understable that Dan can be attracted to such handsome dude. These may be reasons why he blushes etc...

    Sorry I didn't reply yet to your comment last time. I'll be once I collect some arguments.

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 5:04 pm
    I thought after the bdsm chapter when dan was shown vulnerable without his consent to heesung, everyone was on the same page about this bullshit being rape. Guess not. Purky

    Bdsm isn’t rape. That line was taken out of context by you guys. You are being condescending. That is not needed.
    It was sadistic with what happened to Heesung. It was not Heesung who entered him. Rape is who enters them. He was not rape in chapter 34.

    You can talk to me or fuck off. I am not putting up with your shit. You messed with Tora when he was helping you. You admitted to it. You purposely and deliberately causes issues with Tora and Tmsm. Notice he ignored you when you messed with him a few days ago. He is finished with your types. He never returned to that thread. Tora and Tmsm are two of the gentlest, sweetest, and helpful people I know. They never deserve who you or anyone has treated them. Here is your chance let’s untangle this mess. The tmsm vs everyone has got to stop. When they say “you are being something”. They are saying you are acting that way. They are not calling you anything. They are not forcing anything on you either. If you don’t want to stop the mess. Leave them alone. They are not toys or something for entertainment. I can explain them to you. They have been misunderstood by the people here and some has deliberately chosen to do so.

    Torakaze October 11, 2023 7:46 pm
    Bdsm isn’t rape. That line was taken out of context by you guys. You are being condescending. That is not needed. It was sadistic with what happened to Heesung. It was not Heesung who entered him. Rape is who... Morning Diamonds

    I will write this here….too.
    Kind of calm it down? You can’t solve it and hmmm…. come off as a cactus. They need to know they can approach you and able to have a conversation. Okay? Purky maybe different from the others you have meet so far. I can’t remember much but remember Purky and I talked before the mess. It was one of the last times I tried to have a real long conversation on here. Purky maybe more reasonable here, when the others are more resistant. Don’t undermine your goal. Not all of them are trolls or being malicious. Behave, Sherlock.

    toilet terrorist October 11, 2023 8:13 pm
    Remorse for liking the person who abuses him?(Thanks for googling).I think the perplexity of their relationship makes the "like" and "feelings" Dan feels for JK more complexe and subtul than of a (simple) traum... MangaSanctuary

    I dont think what JK gives is remorse but rather intermittent kindness, hes nice then hes angry again, completely inconsistent and unpredictable towards Dan. You dont know if hes gonna be abusive or kind, belittling or merciful. If he was a real person he would be kinda terrifying to be around (he reminds me of my dad a little, not really). JK is obviously completely unresponsive to Dans emotional needs, as long as hes not fainting its whatever to him and it seems like Dan is clearly used to it because he was suprised that JK didnt continue raping/sexually abusing him in ch 34. Trauma bonds are extrmeely complex, what i gave was a simplified definition but i do suggest you research it yourself if you are wanting to know more. Nothing is more reliable than the sourced evidence you found yourself !

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 8:15 pm
    I will write this here….too. Kind of calm it down? You can’t solve it and hmmm…. come off as a cactus. They need to know they can approach you and able to have a conversation. Okay? Purky maybe different... Torakaze

    Agree and well formulated. We may have different view on things, but we can still try to understand the other's party opinion, and vice-versa. For that to happen a calm attitude is better (if we can). (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 9:26 pm
    I thought after the bdsm chapter when dan was shown vulnerable without his consent to heesung, everyone was on the same page about this bullshit being rape. Guess not. Purky

    BDSM isn’t rape. That line was taken out of context. I am sorry, I feel you are being condescending. That is really not needed here. That is not trying to understanding someone's else POV. That I feel was not cool of you to do. Dan and JK in BDSM is not rape. Heesung witness without Dan's permission isn't rape because Heesung did not enter him. Heesung being called there it see that is wrong. It was a violation of Dan's trust. Rape is not the right word.
    I apologize for Synfull's behavior that caused my heated behavior. I apologize that Syfull told someone to go KYS, talked down to Rose like she knew nothing, forced their pov, avoid someone wishing someone else to be raped, pretends to disprove an argument, vulgar, and many more things. I apologize for Synfull's irrational behavior.
    I don't know Tmsm well but I know about it through Tora. I have known Tora for about 3 years on her. I can't log in my main account. I have a weird password and can't log in. I give it Tora to see if he can figure it out. I have heard lots about this through Tora. I have seen a lot too. I am aware of things. I remember Tora's frustrations when he learned you were just messing with him. As you learn he stopped having real long conversation. He even stopped talking to you back then and I guess you did notice? He was trying to help you.
    Tora and Tmsm are two of the gentlest, sweetest, and helpful people I know. They never deserve this, how people have treated them. Since Synball has changed talking about the story to attacking people. Here is your chance, Purky, to untangle this mess with them. Because this Tmsm vs everyone has got to stop. I don't know if you noticed but nearly everyone is ganging up on tmsm. Who really hasn't done anything.

    I am afraid it is from misunderstanding them. Like when they say “you are being something”. They are saying you are acting that way. They are not calling you anything. They are not forcing anything on you either. If you don’t want to stop the mess. I am asking you to please leave them alone. They are not toys or a source of entertainment.

    I hope you can reconsider and I can explain them to you. They have been misunderstood by the people here and to be honest, some have been deliberately done. It does seem like no one wants to listen to them. They only want to attack them and force a pov on them.
    There is no trying to understand them. They have been repeatedly beaten into a box. How they have been treated has been uncool.
    They have been repeatedly abused and forced into a box where they can’t share without getting attacked. How is this right? They are people like you. They can barely even make a move without someone down their throats. Then someone acts like they are taking over the topic section and they barely do. How do you take over a section? They have pulled away and pulled away since Sep 14. They don't even see it. Tmsm the social butterfly has pulled away and wants nothing to do with most of them and that does nothing with the attacks he continues to get. They have never been the problem here. They are not toys or something for entertainment. They are people like you. Most of their opinions match yours. For what I can tell. I am sorry I let Syball's irrational behavior control me. How did Tora and Tmsm even do this?

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 9:34 pm
    I will write this here….too. Kind of calm it down? You can’t solve it and hmmm…. come off as a cactus. They need to know they can approach you and able to have a conversation. Okay? Purky maybe different... Torakaze

    Better? Right. I forgot what we talked about. Did you know someone is a bad person for arguing with a rape survivor who told someone to go KYS and ignored another rape survivor in what she said and acted like she didn't know what rape was to degrade her as to force an opinion on her but ignored the wishing rape on someone comment?
    Who knew?
    And aren't you the Sherlock, Sherlock?

    Morning Diamonds October 11, 2023 9:59 pm
    Agree and well formulated. We may have different view on things, but we can still try to understand the other's party opinion, and vice-versa. For that to happen a calm attitude is better (if we can). (๑•�... MangaSanctuary

    Right. You were right early. They want you to spit nonsense. I should not even bother to reply to synfull. I knew I should avoid them after I said something about the KYS comment and what they did to Rose. I have my account private and it seems I have no books. teetee. I have over a hundred. My first comments were on the story. shrug. I have not revealed my viewpoints. I have two accounts. I can't log in to my main account. I think Synfull is a troll. I apologize for my behavior. I apologize for their behavior. They are projecting.

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 11:54 pm
    Right. You were right early. They want you to spit nonsense. I should not even bother to reply to synfull. I knew I should avoid them after I said something about the KYS comment and what they did to Rose. I h... Morning Diamonds

    No problem.
    I've read your comments and it honestly hurt my brain since I was not there and you have a lot to express. I think you can make it a lot shorter, avoid repetitions, because most prefer to read short replies and some are lazy to read if it's more than 3 lines.
    Maybe they're troll, but maybe not too, cause as I told some are just lazy to give the reply that you deserve. Relaxe and don't take it too much to heart :)

    Purky October 12, 2023 6:04 pm
    Bdsm isn’t rape. That line was taken out of context by you guys. You are being condescending. That is not needed. It was sadistic with what happened to Heesung. It was not Heesung who entered him. Rape is who... Morning Diamonds

    I never said bdsm was rape.
    Bdsm is a form of sexual intercourse and like all sexual intercourse it becomes sexaul assualt (rape) whne consent is LOST.
    Dan has no idea heesung was there. If dan consented to being seen vulnerable by heesung then yes. Its just a bdsm chapter; here it is with no doubt just simple sexual abuse.
    "Sexual abuse is a sexual behaviour forced onto someone man woman or child without their consent"
    Your way of understand sa or rape in thsi context isnt simple "entering"
    And wtf are you talking abt with this 14 y/o drama?? Who tf is tmsm and tora???
    And why the hell are you so mad jesus Christ get a grip. Its embarrassing

    MangaSanctuary October 12, 2023 7:02 pm
    I never said bdsm was rape.Bdsm is a form of sexual intercourse and like all sexual intercourse it becomes sexaul assualt (rape) whne consent is LOST.Dan has no idea heesung was there. If dan consented to being... Purky

    "And wtf are you talking abt with this 14 y/o drama?? Who tf is tmsm and tora???
    And why the hell are you so mad jesus Christ get a grip. Its embarrassing "

    If you had read... They refer to their friends who are enduring the bullying here in this comment section. That may be long and confusing but I think we can still understand, since they reach to us to be more understanding of their situation.
    This is a matter that lasts for some times now, so they have some history and I suspect they can become extremely defensive about this issue now.
    It's ok if you don't want to understand, but I'd say it's better for us to not be rude or make fun of them, since it can only flame furthermore the situation here, if it's not too much to ask...

    Morning Diamonds October 12, 2023 7:08 pm
    I never said bdsm was rape.Bdsm is a form of sexual intercourse and like all sexual intercourse it becomes sexaul assualt (rape) whne consent is LOST.Dan has no idea heesung was there. If dan consented to being... Purky

    As I said, I apologize for Synfull's behavior that caused my heated behavior. I apologize that Syfull told someone to go KYS, talked down to Rose like she knew nothing, forced their pov, avoid someone wishing someone else to be raped, pretends to disprove an argument, vulgar, and many more things. I apologize for Synfull's irrational behavior.
    I know you did not say anything about BDSM and I was clarifying. Why are you explaining BDSM when I know? I think you might have sexual assault and rape a bit confused. It should be rape (SA) because not all SA is rape while rape is SA. I think you need to read more about SA and Rape. Heesung seeing him isnt rape.
    why are you explaining sexual abuse?
    Your way of understand sa or rape in thsi context isnt simple "entering"
    Rape “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” https://www.justice.gov/archives/opa/blog/updated-definition-rape I am using the DEFINITION of rape. Heesung was forced into voyeurism. Is voyeurism rape? it is offence if it is done without the person's permission. Yes, it is something but it is not rape. It is not Heesung who is inside him.
    Here is another word for you. https://www.healthyplace.com/abuse/rape/what-is-rape-was-i-raped Tmsm has a better site. to explain Rape is Sa but not all Sa is rape.

    Sexual Coercion is a type of SA but not rape. That is from Tora.

    14 y/0 drama? who are tmsm and tora? when you just messed with tora like two days ago? "Jesus Christ get a grip. Its embarrassing"
    I apologize for your behavior. I don't think that is having a good conversation. It is rude. I think I will exit our conversation until you can be an adult.

    Morning Diamonds October 12, 2023 7:12 pm
    No problem.I've read your comments and it honestly hurt my brain since I was not there and you have a lot to express. I think you can make it a lot shorter, avoid repetitions, because most prefer to read short ... MangaSanctuary

    I will try. teetee I think you read what happen afterwards. That was a bad situation. This page has many callous comments.

    Morning Diamonds October 12, 2023 7:13 pm
    I will write this here….too. Kind of calm it down? You can’t solve it and hmmm…. come off as a cactus. They need to know they can approach you and able to have a conversation. Okay? Purky maybe different... Torakaze

    Purky.. Tora ^^^^^^

    _uwu_senpai October 13, 2023 4:26 am
    fr oh god I agree it’s like a trauma response at this point??like his grandma is dying, he lost his home and like he has no money to his name and like JK holds like the key to his salvation and he also lives ... Tang ina?

    That's why I can't see anything he's doing as nice or benevolent, I only see him as a manipulator. Sexual coercion, abuse and control via financial means.

    _uwu_senpai October 13, 2023 4:28 am
    "Trauma bonding is a psychological response to abuse. It occurs when the abused person forms a connection or relationship with the person who abuses them. The person experiencing abuse may develop sympathy for... toilet terrorist

    And thank you toilet terrorist

    _uwu_senpai October 13, 2023 4:35 am
    I dont think what JK gives is remorse but rather intermittent kindness, hes nice then hes angry again, completely inconsistent and unpredictable towards Dan. You dont know if hes gonna be abusive or kind, belit... toilet terrorist

    Who are all these weirdos under my topic I wanted to reply to them but apparently I was blocked for no reason..or maybe because I am not a rape/SA apologist? I fell like a lot of people in these comment sections are either less than 14 or acutely lack critical thinking.

    _uwu_senpai October 13, 2023 4:37 am
    I never said bdsm was rape.Bdsm is a form of sexual intercourse and like all sexual intercourse it becomes sexaul assualt (rape) whne consent is LOST.Dan has no idea heesung was there. If dan consented to being... Purky

    I was so confused reading their comments like what are they on??

    _uwu_senpai October 13, 2023 4:39 am
    "And wtf are you talking abt with this 14 y/o drama?? Who tf is tmsm and tora???And why the hell are you so mad jesus Christ get a grip. Its embarrassing "If you had read... They refer to their friends who are... MangaSanctuary

    My problem is why are they getting mad under MY topic when clearly no one has been rude to them under this topic???

    MangaSanctuary October 13, 2023 7:34 am
    My problem is why are they getting mad under MY topic when clearly no one has been rude to them under this topic??? _uwu_senpai

    No worry. I think they simply want for you to understand their POV on the topic you wrote, and went with a bit too much passion. Don't take it personally.

    They may have a different POV and think it's not rape, you think it is. This is surely because the frontiers between rape/SA are verry blurred in this kind of scenarios; if the ML vwere a complete monster that would not be so problematic. No, even this, that will pose problemc. You know Non Zero Sum? The ML is a lot worse than JK. He beats and abuses the Uke, shares him to his friends so Uke has sex with other men, chapters of abuse later the Uke loses their memory and happy ending with the ML who abused him.
    Despite being beaten, in the smut scenes, you'll see the Uke enjoying s*x (??...).
    And it doesn't look like he's mind broken even if it's surely his way to cope with the situation.
    My sole comfort is that Non Zero Sum like others of this calibre aren't popular.
    I didn't even look further the first chapter since my stomach couldn't take it anymore.
    I posted a comment to share my opinion and got 6 likes, 3 dislikes.
    So, EVEN in this kind of sickly plots, there will always be readers who are gonna eat the shit because it's BL and ML is hot.... Others will put 5 stars simply for the sake this nauseating thing exists and someone has worked hard to create it -_- Everything and anything excuse...
    Having see so many of Fujos and Fudans liking "dark" stories like these and finding excuses to the violent relationships, I'm now vaccinated and don't care much either way the prota end up together or not. I don't look at these Yaois majority of time, most have toxic content for the sake of being toxic content and have a poor writing and resolution of the issues posed by the plot.
    Knowing how things usually go for these kind of rapey plots with horrible MLs, I don't care either way MC end up with ML. How author-nim will make these two with such gap in personaility etc IS WHAT I'm here (I bet they'll fail).
    You too, don't take this story too much seriously, you'll get sick if not... It's not even so well written and it's all smutty.

    MangaSanctuary October 13, 2023 8:43 am
    My problem is why are they getting mad under MY topic when clearly no one has been rude to them under this topic??? _uwu_senpai

    Now for why they're like this under your topic...
    They have a long history here in the comment section.
    What I understood is that despite not being glorious fans of Jinx, they wanted for the target audience to have the possibility to express their like for Jinx and not being harassed by the "haters". Tmsmyz had this stance, fought a lot with the "haters" to forbid these ennoying persons to comment, Tmsm was cyber bullied after that... There was Rose, Tora etc they had some arguments with Ina as well... I was not there, my computer was out so I don't know much of the issue...
    For Ina, I think their beef was mostly because she asked for them to let people share their view on Jinx's comment.
    Since they took the matter to heart too much and encountered indelicate people making fun of them, telling them to KYS... they've become very defensive/passive agressive.
    If you listen well, their complains aren't directed to you/one person in particular, they reach to us about the cyber bullying they endured since +2 months because of their stance and POV on whether Jinx is rapey or not.
    Well... considering how the Jinx plot is tied and written, it's not a surprise they think it's not rape and I understand their POV. TBH I don't really care if it's rape or not, because for me it's not the point (and my brain hurts).
    I think we in the majority agree that what's JK doing to Dan isn't right for the moment. What's matter isn't the existence of the rape itself in a story, but how will react the victim of the rape or SA to the situation, their actions they may take... The plot should have some ground in reality and the way the protagonists founctions must be a bit realistic/coherent...
    ................ But since we have a Dan blushing........... (cringe).
    Some will find psychological explaniation as to why Dan is blushing... however I think he's just being the usual passive Uke and this is just Yaoi.

    To finish this long reply... How to react to Morning, Tmsm?... Just let them be and don't contribute to the mockery or pour water to the arguments. Tmsm is a gentle person, Tora surely is too, same for Ina... Things only get problematic when people don't listen to each other and ridicule others instead of communicating.
    Sorry for the loooong explanation.

    MangaSanctuary October 13, 2023 9:33 am

    Sorry for the bad english, I wish I could become better but my english still sounds like a bad French coupled with a broken English... -_-

    Mi Amore Anon October 13, 2023 1:30 pm
    Sorry for the bad english, I wish I could become better but my english still sounds like a bad French coupled with a broken English... -_- MangaSanctuary

    Uwu called them weirdos. “Who are all these weirdos under my topic.” or “maybe because I am not a rape/SA apologist?”
    We are not rape/SA apologists
    How disgusting. Why cannot they see our view is the same but one thing? We are our rape/sa apologist so are they.
    We blocked uwu.
    It is how uwu went around starting things. The one you talked to MD on uwu completely misunderstood the topic.we are not uwu punching bag.
    Then uwu goes around saying fans are sick. The author is sick. Tora was engaging with uwu but uwu started to be nasty. We blocked before Tora and MD was called weirdos. And saying they were apologist. For one uwu is misusing that and MD as not revealed anything. There is no group. They have been attacking one person this own time. Tmsmyz. Who will never be a rape or SA apologist. Tora is not. MD is not. I am not. It is disgusting how they do this game.
    How they have acted is wrong and just justified on the block. No one owes a topic why do they says that. I think uwu should said MD who explained and apologized for it. But uwu wanted to insult and degrade them.
    I think uwu was playing one of those games. They knew. If MD or Tora explained again. They were be laughed at but since you explained they will drop it. MD is not on anything. Tora is not on anything. They were clear. It is sad to pretend not to understand them and insult them.

    Stop calling people sick. Stop calling people weirdos. Stop calling people rape/Sa apologist. Stop going around to stir trouble. Uwu was being really disgusting.
    “ Things only get problematic when people don't listen to each other and ridicule others instead of communicating.”

    MD is sick of how Tora and Tmsm is treated. He is a loose canon. Don’t provoke him. Since MangaSanctuary and I have tried to remedy this. He won’t do anything.

    For how gentle Tmsm he endured a lot. I bet many people here couldn’t endure what he endured from people like MangaSanctuary was talking about.





    Mi Amore Anon October 13, 2023 1:41 pm
    Now for why they're like this under your topic...They have a long history here in the comment section.What I understood is that despite not being glorious fans of Jinx, they wanted for the target audience to ha... MangaSanctuary

    Yes Tora is really gentle. The trick is with him is not to attack him. When you attack him. He will start to call you out. He is a big teddy bear! He comes off like an Ai at first but when you get him off the straight and narrow. He is awesome and awkward. He is quite in person. He would bend over backwards to help others. He brought a house from a women’s shelter. He is very active protecting rape/SA survivors. He is a rape crisis counselor. People attacking him puts him in that call out mode where his gentle demeanor don’t show.
    The same with tmsm. He tried many different things to get them to stop. Even methods that are not him. He is amazing too. He is willingly to help others in any way he can. I don’t understand why people are harming them.

    Morning Diamonds October 13, 2023 4:10 pm

    I was upset at how synfull dealt with Rose and the KYS statement but I think Synfull's knows I was purposely doing that to make a point. It is not hard to apologize for your behavior. I apologize for over-exaggerating my anger to show Synfull something.

    I was using one of your methods that you had use on TM SM to laugh at him but I did it teach. It is not hard to owe up to your behavior and apologize for your behavior or cyberbullying one person for over 2 months.

    I am not a werido. Tora is not a werido. TM SM is not a werido. Who calls us weridos that is your honor. TM SM was trying to guide for once he tried to guide someone to what they are able to see and you slammed them in the box? Tora only got on to me.

    I am not a rape/Sa apologist. Tora is not a rape/SA apologist. TM SM is not a rape/SA apologist.

    You would be blocked for being one. Rose had gone off on a few rape apologists with Tora supporting her. She even exposed one. She even called one rapist for a comment they made.

    Whatever you think about Rose, TM SM, Tora and the ones saying it is not rape but SA it is wrong. From what I can tell they are aligned with you but a few details.
    You are a weirdo rape/Sa apologist too that goes around shitting on people and calling the fans on Mingwa and Mingwa sick. It is a fantasy, bro. It is not that deep, bro. You should let people have their opinions. Now if you notice there are not many people who love jinx that comments, people like you have pushed them out. They have stopped trying because they feel judged. They get cyberbullied. You are so heated and looking for prey, you try to find comments different to have heated fights to feel better about yourself. You completed changed two topic to your own argument and ignored the story and the conversation to cause a fight. You knew TM SM and Tora had a different view. You don't know my view.
    Why make it them when it was me? I am not them. I am not a them. You have imposed a view on TM SM, Tora, and me, so you can attack. That is so not cool. There are not many Jinx's lovers responding and you are turning anyone into an enemy to attack them. We are not your punching bags. Soon you will only have your own kind (only shitting on the story) here with no different opinions because you have pushed them all out by being ugly. What are you going to do then? Your behavior is a reflection of who you are. You are making people weirdos or sick in your opinion what does that make you? Why would people want to engage with you? I am glad we were right with the block since you insulted me as us and this says it all "Who are all these weirdos under my topic I wanted to reply to them but apparently, I was blocked for no reason..or maybe because I am not a rape/SA apologist? I fell like a lot of people in these comment sections are either less than 14 or acutely lack critical thinking." Why do you think you would unblocked for being a rape/SA apologist? Rose has literally gone off three or four and one may not respond again. You were blocked for critical thinking on your other replies and you just confirmed it here. I just saw the signs of your behavior and told them and they blocked so they will not deal with more cyberbullying. TM SM or Tora does not need more of that petty shit.

    Morning Diamonds October 13, 2023 4:43 pm


    TM SM, Tora, and I can talk to Manga Sanctuary in an open civil conversation.
    TM SM. Tora, and I can talk to Toilet in an open civil conversation. VANILLA TOILET!

    Mikaela and Sam are unblocked and those have been civil conversations too.
    I don't have purky blocked.

    I want you to think about that.
    You just called all of them rape /Sa apologists to have a jab at TM SM and Tora but really me but you don't know my views. You assumed I was with them and you assumed my views were the same as theirs. I don't see why you are doing this to them when it is not much different from your own. It is like fighting over different pronounce of one word but you are attacking them over their pronunciation.

    toilet terrorist October 13, 2023 4:55 pm
    Sorry for the bad english, I wish I could become better but my english still sounds like a bad French coupled with a broken English... -_- MangaSanctuary

    Je pensais que tu étais un natif anglophone mtr

    Purky October 13, 2023 5:29 pm
    "And wtf are you talking abt with this 14 y/o drama?? Who tf is tmsm and tora???And why the hell are you so mad jesus Christ get a grip. Its embarrassing "If you had read... They refer to their friends who are... MangaSanctuary

    Yall act as if mangago is a warzone lmao
    Guess what. People are going to be trolls, people are going to be mean,and nd people may fight you. This is the internet; just dont get hung up over it for the rest of your life as if its your villain origin story.
    Your ruining THIS comment section by telling us your "backstpry" like some npc.
    Sincerely; get a life.

    Purky October 13, 2023 5:37 pm
    As I said, I apologize for Synfull's behavior that caused my heated behavior. I apologize that Syfull told someone to go KYS, talked down to Rose like she knew nothing, forced their pov, avoid someone wishing s... Morning Diamonds

    I am sorry. But what you just wrote was literal aids. I simply dont care about the drama you and your peers faced by someone i dont know nor care about.
    I do not care what that synfull guy did to your or your friends cuz i never asked. I dodnt know that dude and i am not responsible for his actions, and i def dont want you apologizing for his actions cuz i dont care.
    All i have tos ay for that is to get a grip and get over it; cuz its really embarrassing how youre going around telling ppl that never asked that someone trolled you on the internet
    And to the websites you've sended; i apperciate them and i understand your pov.
    My point is that dan was sa, he was shown vulnerable, and you might be completely right that this exactly isnt rape but it is under the umbrella of rape.
    Anyhow, my point is that dan was wronged and that act that they did was un-consensual and thats it. :)

    Purky October 13, 2023 5:38 pm
    I was so confused reading their comments like what are they on?? _uwu_senpai

    I have no idea dude.
    They keep preaching abt this dude who trolled them or sumthin.
    Its so embarrassing, i think they a victim complex or sum

    MangaSanctuary October 13, 2023 5:49 pm
    Yall act as if mangago is a warzone lmao Guess what. People are going to be trolls, people are going to be mean,and nd people may fight you. This is the internet; just dont get hung up over it for the rest of ... Purky

    Was my message adressed to you? Apparently you also don't have a life if you have the time to read a long message that wasn't for you. I happened to speak a few times with that person and since she ask a genuine question I replied.
    Your rudeness makes you look like an immature person, a 12 years old (and even they know better how to behave...).
    Do a favor to this Jinx community, buy yourself a heart and a brain and stop speaking like a spoiled brat.

    MangaSanctuary October 13, 2023 5:56 pm

    And you can't reply to me cause I've blocked your rude ass, Purky.
    Learn to speak without insulting people and one day maybe I can decide to unblock you.

    Purky October 13, 2023 6:00 pm

    Shit my bad man; thsi wasnt for you manga sanctuary, it was for another user and i missclicked
    I am sorry if i hurt your feelings my guy, my bad bbg.

    Morning Diamonds October 13, 2023 7:00 pm

    Purky, mangago on this page has been a warzone on one person. Your rebuttal was just to justify ganging up one person. Why are you making me a villain? Look at what you just did. Look at your behavior. Look at how I will respond to you. You are one of the villains of this story. If you are saying they or I have a victim complex how are I or they a villain?

    Why are you saying people are going to be mean and trolls? but saying we are villains for standing up to 50 or more ganging up on one person? That is true trolling and being mean is going to happen but they don't gang up on one person for over 2 months. Are you justifying that?
    I bet you could not handle what TM SM YZ endured. You and people like you have ruined this topic section. Don't blame me or any of your victims who are standing up to you. Standing up to this madness is not embarrassing. Asking you to say what is wrong so we can end this is not embarrassing. I explained what happened and that is not aids or embarrassing. This is not a joke. TM SM is not entertainment. I am not entertainment. You make it difficult to talk to you. I am glad those links helped you but they are from Tora, who feels he doesn't have a voice here. TM SM does either.
    the "aids" I was exposing to you some of what they get. I wanted you to see how serious this is. I can't believe you dismissed it. If that happened to you. Tora, TM, Rose, Mi, and I would be there defending you. It is wrong. You are normalizing cyberbullying.

    I wonder if Tora sent those messages to you would you be the same to him as you were to me? OR TM SM? I am thankful to you you were kind to me at that part and understanding to that pov. I have not shared my pov, that pov is to what they have been saying. They have been trying to get people to understand them.
    Do you think it is more embarrassing to attack someone over 2 months on a false view, which uwu still has of them? And they have been saying their view repeatedly to where no one listens to them. From what I can tell their opinions are similar to your own but just a few differences.
    They are victims of cyberbullying. They have been cyberbullied hard. There is no victim complex. If you read the backstory you would completely understand. Why dismiss cyberbullying? You can't owe up to torturing innocent people stuck in a sick mind game?
    You openly admit to messing with Tora before the mind game. Since the mind game are many who say they are trolling them. The game is obvious. It is a sick mind game on them. Don't justify it or dismiss it. I feel you are projection and not wanting to have a civil conversation. You are insulting but thankful in the same comment and just more insulting in other comments. Would you find that thankful genuine? Do you think you could have an open civil conversation with Tora? Do you think you could say that to Tora who deserves it? When you two first talked he did not understand how most on this page were going to take a few simple lines, this lines were misunderstood by many.

    TM SM YZ October 13, 2023 11:46 pm
    Now for why they're like this under your topic...They have a long history here in the comment section.What I understood is that despite not being glorious fans of Jinx, they wanted for the target audience to ha... MangaSanctuary

    Looking at everything. We wanted to share and talk about the story lightly. It is just a story to us. It does not matter to us. I mean we sympathize with Dan and feel for him. We want to beat JK up. But for many on this page, they take this story and the contents to heart way too much. They almost make it a reality. It is like it is real to them. So much so that they took illogical views from a few sentences and attacked Rose to attacking anyone who defended her. I feel and I have the right to say this after experiencing this behavior since July, they are so bloodthirsty they don't care who they hurt or attack. They don't care what someone's real views or opinions are. Can we go back to 2020, when topic sections were fun? I have been watching today's comments they are just disappointing. I have joined another site where the comments are not so violent and hateful. Maybe you should visit other comment sections on other sites and you will see you should have written haters instead of "haters". If you have different people telling you the same thing..... Truth never damages a cause that is just.
    ""Hater" is a label used to refer to people who use negative and critical comments and behavior to bring another person down by making them look or feel bad. These hurtful and negative comments can be delivered in person, online, or in texts and apps."

    We take cyberbullying seriously as much as they take fictional toxic behavior in a fictional story. We care about something real and that could hurt or cause suidence with real human life. I don't normalize cyberbullying. I wished Purky listened to you. One of the problems is I tried many methods and many were not like me. I stop being me on here. I am going back to being me. Maybe you will see there are haters on this page since you are back. That is childish behavior. They could have asked instead of insulting. I have been blocked and I have asked the person. That is what you do. It was an accident on their behalf or a glitch but I had nothing to feel guilty of to behave ill-manner or insult them. I do thank you for helping and taking the time to understand us. I hope it has stopped. But... maybe not... I am not a weirdo. I am not a rape/Sa apologist either that was disgusting. That is why they are blocked. I wanted nothing to do with their hate or lies. I want peace and to enjoy mangago. I want to help others. I was helping them. I will never understand their behavior.

    Mi Amore Anon October 14, 2023 1:08 am
    Looking at everything. We wanted to share and talk about the story lightly. It is just a story to us. It does not matter to us. I mean we sympathize with Dan and feel for him. We want to beat JK up. But for ma... TM SM YZ

    Reading that TM you didn’t transactional well.

    When he said “that is childish behavior.”
    “That” meant how uwu acted instead asking why they were blocked. It is clear on the sentence that follows.
    It does not make sense to the sentence that is before it.
    He need a space and to say what “that” was instead.
    Just to make that clear.

    BelovedRose October 14, 2023 10:31 pm
    Now for why they're like this under your topic...They have a long history here in the comment section.What I understood is that despite not being glorious fans of Jinx, they wanted for the target audience to ha... MangaSanctuary

    "For Ina, I think their beef was mostly because she asked for them to let people share their view on Jinx's comment."

    Until yesterday, it was Tora who clicked on who Ina was, when everyone was thinking Ina was someone like us. We are not alone. There are many people who are speaking the truth. They have been silenced. IS Ina.. Tang ina?
    Everybody with a different opinion or POV should ask Ina, Purky, uwu to let people share their view on Jinx's comment.
    Tora can not share his view
    Tmsm can not share their view
    I can not share their view
    Someone who likes this story can not share their view.
    Someone who likes JK can't share their view here.

    Ina attacked people who liked this story. https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14528488/

    Tora defended them. she made it look like people are defending JK and forced them into this roll "like admit your here for the fucking and enjoy his toxicity don’t try to delude yourself to ay he’s getting better." I hate the story and there were steps he did take to get better. She is personally attacking people.
    That is not an opinion.
    Tora's first comment was on possessiveness and jealousy with the story and links.
    Tora's second comment was explaining things and calling out things. Say Ina attacked people.
    Tora's third comment was to Tmsm on BDSM to prompt a funny response from Tmsm. They were going to bring humor to the thread. ING jumped to conclusions.
    INA comes in talking about research papers? and her opinions? possessiveness, jealousy, and Stockholm Syndrome were not part of her main topic. The conversation moved away. A comment is not yours when you post it. ING judges many of them not being in sexual relationships. She defended the BDSM when nothing was said. No one was disrespecting her.
    Tora replies and this reply is not like him. He said he does not write in CAPS. He was working on a paper and he was confused by Ina. His data mind could not understand her irrational mindset. I don't understand her reply.

    So Ina blocked Tora. Tora returns it. Ina degraded Tora on it. Tora was not offended. Ina was offended from all her actions to assert dominance and silence him. Ina will start attacking Tora where Tora were slowly stop trying to talk. Tora did not attack as Ina claims. Tora was dealing with a hostile person and he did not know why. Ina will start creating topics. Cici will create topics to stop Tora having sharing facts and calling out bad behaviors. Neko will create topics to stop Tmsm and Tora from sharing facts and calling out bad behaviors.
    Ina will go to topic to topic with false warnings to stop Tora from having a voice. Ina will make topics against Tmsm and tora to stop them from having a voice who already don't have a voice. She is kicking the victims while they are down.

    The real beef is she is insecure in herself and feels stupid when she is not instead of feeling thankful or appreciative of Tora and Tmsm. She gets triggered and retorts to cyberbullying them when she could engage in health discussion and see they are helping. Sharing articles and facts can be helpful in countering misinformation and false statements. It is important to provident accurate information. They are doing nothing wrong. He was educating and informing. He was not demeaning or silencing her. She misunderstood. We need to promote a respectful and open dialogue. we need to be tolerant of each other.
    Now, she sets up a game for them. Tora responded to someone and when he noticed it was a game he left. One the them with a lie post on ina post's.
    Tora and Tmsm like to help others. They are not in the wrong to share facts and links to help others. They have done this for years. Ing has been the only one to act so violently and be so manipulative with them. She needs to start working on her instead of silencing them when she is claiming that is her problem. That is something they never do. She has misjudged them completely.

    https://www.mangago.zone/home/mangatopic/14568633/ ( MD is a friend, they don't like the toxicity. they block. they is no point to create an alt. pointless.)

    and more.

    It is ing that will not let Tora or Tmsm share anything links and facts here. It is not the other way around. While I understand she feelings on feeling stupid they did not make her feel like way. Those comments were not even to her. She made herself feel that way. She needs to deal with it instead of harming Tora, Tmsm, and me. That is her problem. Tora has offered to help her. She keeps attacking him over nothing he did. Those are her feelings. he did not cause them.

    MangaSanctuary October 14, 2023 10:59 pm
    "For Ina, I think their beef was mostly because she asked for them to let people share their view on Jinx's comment."Until yesterday, it was Tora who clicked on who Ina was, when everyone was thinking Ina was s... BelovedRose

    Thank you for taking the time to explain all this to me. It's very long and I didn't finish reading it but I'll try tro reply to some passages and to TM SM.

    Purky October 16, 2023 3:34 pm

    I physically can not believe these five are all diffrent people.
    Anyways, i hope this is satire cuz this is just sad.
    I am going to be serious here for a second.
    Staying on mangago for THAT long is really unhealthy; for what it is, its just a porn site.
    PLEASE. Just take a break or sumthin, its insane how yall keep making these long ass essays about some yaoi characters
    I am ending this debate, argument, or whatever this chat is here.
    I wont to reply to any of yall 5; sorry bbgs

    Morning Diamonds October 16, 2023 7:10 pm
    I physically can not believe these five are all diffrent people. Anyways, i hope this is satire cuz this is just sad.I am going to be serious here for a second. Staying on mangago for THAT long is really unheal... Purky

    No one of us stays on Mangago for THAT Long. We all have a real life. Tora is a PhD student writing 6-10 page papers weekly. TM has a job with 2 projects a week. We have a life. Mi Amore is barely here so stop adding her here. Rose is not here either. I am not here either. You are sad picking on us for no reason. You make comments in false accusations. This is not a porn site either. How about you take a break from the porn and wake the fuck up. These long messages are not essays and not on yaoi or characters. Stop dismissing us or cyber bullying.
    I am not a Yaoi character.
    Tm is not a Yaoi character
    Tora is not a Yaoi character
    Mi Amore is not a yaoi character
    Rose is not a yaoi character

    And anyone else that has been cyber bullied is not Yaoi character
    Are you that obsessed with porn? Are you that obsessed with yaoi to not see the real people?
    Why are you making different people all one person? Why are real people just yaoi character? How are we here all the time when we have lives? How is Mangago a porn site when it is not? Your message makes you look unhealthy to continue to attack people who have enough cyberbullied. When you have nothing good to say, say nothing. This Thread died off. You should have kept it that way with a message like that. This was a conversation to stop cyber bullying. Take that break and reflect on how they have felt and what you did wrong here. Stop the defamation of us. I am just an exterior view. We are not a group or anything. It would help if you stop grouping us together. It was just the group that defended the rape survivor that you guys tormented and you guys have kept them in a group to keep tormenting them for doing the right thing. Why are you so offended they did the right thing against cyber bullying? That is what you have to ask yourself.

    Morning Diamonds October 19, 2023 4:01 am

    Hello Tangina? How are you? I hope you are good.

    We would appreciate it if you stop calling us mf. We would appreciate it if you stopped inciting that we fight you tooth and nail when it was you attacking us as we protested and defended from your attacks. How did we fight you tooth and nail when we did not talk to you? Tora has been avoiding you since the 1st, Tmsm I don't think replied to you. This is like my 4th or 5th. They avoided you for the most part. I think Rose was the one talking to you about how hostile you were. The boys have endured attacks since July and have turned away from people attacking them. They would not fight you.

    I did too besides a few comments. None of us are "one of them" because you are not talking about the real us. You don't see the real us.
    We have no power over you. so you can delete your topics. We never even any incited if we were mad. We actually prefer it if you did delete them but you can leave them up and continue to show it is you who attacked people and tried to get people to gain up on three people and tried to suppress others' voices over nothing but your agenda against a few people who did nothing. They are harmless. You attacked innocent caring people.
    Actually, we would prefer if you to start having civil conversations with us instead of spreading lies. There is no group. There is no drama group but the ones ganging up on a few people. Please stop saying unnecessary things to cause more drama and trying to cause more damage to their character. They don't deserve what you did to them. They actively avoided you. You never even realized. You are the "drama club". We are not mad. Your hate is not returned. We don't hate you or hold grudges. Let's bury the hatchet or live in hate over people who don't exist that you are imposing on a few people that you don't know. Either way please stop lying. Remove your topics if you want. We have no power there. Have a good day.

    Tang ina? October 19, 2023 4:51 am

    dude would it kill you to leave me alone

    I only responded because they commented on my old post and this stuff is exhausting I would appreciate it if you’d leave me alone I already blocked you, and have told you I don’t plan to interact with you ever again but if you keep doing this I don’t know whole heartedly how to make you stop

    no I will not apologize and you can’t really make me change my mind or my feelings about your group of associates I’ve told you not to contact me again in any means I don’t even know why your bringing this up again when this drama is dead

    did you not read the message leave me alone.

    Tang ina? October 19, 2023 5:00 am

    that and I never even mentioned your names in that post so no one would know it’s about you mfs

    I really don’t care how you feel about how I refer to you but this just pisses me off more that you’re trying to interact with me again

    if you have any sense don’t fucking respond to me I already took away your ability to respond to my topics because of these long winded responses you make because I expressed that I fucking hate the four of you

    I and most everyone would like it if you would stop looking in to the topics of people you hate and finding ways to contact them when they’ve fucking blocked you

    I don’t owe you and pleasantries and politeness I do not have to be nice and I am free to say what I want

    so for the fucking 100th time




    Morning Diamonds October 19, 2023 6:57 am

    To all... I am sorry. I was hoping to rationalize here. That is a good point that who is not mentioned and Tangina is not seeing the real us. She is talking about no one but herself as that only applies to her. The ones hating us are not seeing the real us. MANY have misinterpreted them. TMSM was many methods to stop being bullied. Some were not like him. They have been cyberbullied since July and Tangina has been the one. There is no group and they are constantly made a "group". Many confused the callouts as attacks. It is not them. Tangina is proving it. I AM NOT PART OF THE "GROUP". I am an exterior POV. I came to understand and tried to get them their account where they are not Jinx-only accounts. "The group" are the ones who defended a rape survivor and things got misunderstood in July thanks to lies from "haters". Now since Tora and TM understand the situation. It will not be the same.
    Tang ina can say what she wants but lies about us do provoke interactions. As their lies did here Tora and TM avoided her and asked her to leave them alone many times but she hated on them in many threads as they avoided her. She is not talking about Tora and TM. The threads prove that. I have an account that I created Feb 2020 once I can log in I could DM Tang but I am not interested. If I was interested in talking to Tang I would just create another account. Why would I? She lies about innocent people. She is kicking victims. She is being hostile. I am trying to see her as a good person. Tangina is hating to just hate. We are not punching bags, she can direct that hate elsewhere. It shows that TM did not talk to her. Hate us so little too? It is not us she hates. She will see that one day.
    Tora gave her friendship. We will not hate Tangina. We love Tangina. We will always extend our friendship to her. She has misunderstood Tora and TM. She does not even know us. I don't think many here know us. And trying to know someone from drama or who has been cyberbullied for over 2 months is not a good judgment call. Sorry everyone I tried. It failed. I am sorry Tangina as misjudged us.

    Purky October 20, 2023 4:26 pm
    that and I never even mentioned your names in that post so no one would know it’s about you mfs I really don’t care how you feel about how I refer to you but this just pisses me off more that you’re tryin... Tang ina?

    Tbh. Deserverd.
    These 5 or 4 or however much they are; are fucking assholes, they suck.
    They keep annoying everyone on here.
    So preach my guy

    Rose Blossom October 20, 2023 9:31 pm
    Tbh. Deserverd.These 5 or 4 or however much they are; are fucking assholes, they suck.They keep annoying everyone on here.So preach my guy Purky

    Hey, projection. You don't even know us.
    Bless your heart.

    Purky October 21, 2023 3:32 pm

    Well; You dont know them and you and your pals decided they are hell-spawns, you and your pals.
    Dont be a hypocrite.
    You five are being repetitive and annoying just bcuz someone was allegedly mean to you, sooooo

    Roaman October 21, 2023 6:38 pm
    Well; You dont know them and you and your pals decided they are hell-spawns, you and your pals.Dont be a hypocrite.You five are being repetitive and annoying just bcuz someone was allegedly mean to you, sooooo Purky

    I read this and they want to work out things with you, ina, and all. They have not made anyone hell-spawns. They are not hypocrites or assholes. If they are repetitive, why don't you understand them? I don't fully understand this after reading two threads. They seem nice but you on the other hand, don't. MangaSanctuary gives good advice. I want no part in this.

    Tang ina? October 21, 2023 6:50 pm
    I read this and they want to work out things with you, ina, and all. They have not made anyone hell-spawns. They are not hypocrites or assholes. If they are repetitive, why don't you understand them? I don't... Roaman

    your awfully bad at hiding the fact your all one person you realize that right

    this account was made in Oct 7 of this year and you have nothing saved or even like and comment anywhere but here

    and why are you bringing manga sanctuary up?

    you can say what you want but my point stands on them failing to ever leave me alone when I don’t even mention their names they follow me apparently and just keep stalking me around because how they find my comments and keep following me is beyond me

    I don’t care if your a new person or an alt actually just I don’t want to hear from anyone unless it’s those four explaining why rose describing how she was sexually assaulted graphically in my old topic was appropriate thing to share just so she could force the idea she was right

    unless she explains why the hell she put that up here and not to a therapist than I’m not listening

    Roaman October 21, 2023 7:07 pm
    your awfully bad at hiding the fact your all one person you realize that rightthis account was made in Oct 7 of this year and you have nothing saved or even like and comment anywhere but hereand why are you bri... Tang ina?

    "and why are you bringing manga sanctuary up?"
    I said I read this in my last comment. I have watched this since Oct 7. I have watched you go after them. You are stalking them. They want nothing to do with you. They avoid you. You are irrational. They are different people. They are not forcing anything.
    I have reading and want to reads but I have to set to where only I see it. Jinx is one. You are paranoid. I am not them.
    You are wrong. You are looking for a fight with any lie you can come up with. Again, I want no part in this. Bye bye. I am leaving.

_uwu_senpai May 5, 2021 12:55 pm

Ngl that tattoo ugly af

_uwu_senpai April 21, 2021 4:52 pm

What are y'all calling character development? This is lousy writing and the only way Seungho can get redeemed is giving Na-Kyum his freedom and FUCKING GO TO JAIL!
I'm not sure... you realise he did kill someone??? And rape and abuse this dude for like..months? Even now he is being sweet but still predatious and threatening, asking Na-Kyum not to anger him by not refusing him..just in a nicer way? Wth is wrong with y'all. Okay but just imagine. Close your eyes and picture yourself in Na-Kyum's place ..like for real. Does it matter if your rapist is hot? Imagine being that destroyed and the same person that do that to you now gets nice all of a sudden cause whatever his reasons are and now wants to properly date you. I mean..just picture it for a second...wtf this should not be encouraged. Or I hope you do discern reality from fiction even tho fiction should not be romanticising bs. Y'all need therapy if you think this is okay. What's wrong with this generation...even tho I'm part of it. I just started this cause I thought it would be some wholesome Enemies to lovers but boooooooy was I wrong. Anyways I'm just gonna stick around hoping Seungho gets what he deserves and Na-Kyum is cured from his Stockholm Syndrome.

    Fun April 21, 2021 5:14 pm

    Don't worry we are all adults and we know the difference between reality and fiction ! I do agree with you, if this was a real story I would be DISGUSTED by Seungho and sent him immediately to prison. Here it's a clumsy tentative to involve the reader in a "broken" character and then justify its action by the trauma he lived before. If you search for psychological depth and healthy coping, this is not a good story haha

    rmy April 21, 2021 5:17 pm

    you just wrote a whole essay about how horrible it is but still continue to read it. if it's against of your morals, I honestly think how did u get to read this far? shouldn't you stop it when it makes you uncomfortable?

    Amaia April 21, 2021 5:39 pm

    Lollll please sit down it’s not that deep it’s a work of fiction in a time period way different than ours. He’s never gonna “pay for his actions” if he was someone would’ve said something a while ago when he kilt people in public. Pls give it a rest love

    audrey April 21, 2021 5:41 pm

    With the time period it’s in this was all allowed and we get he’s done bad things but we should just be glad he’s changing ? If you don’t like it quit reading it

    Private InvestiGAYtor April 21, 2021 5:42 pm

    if it’s against your morals just pls stop reading it and shoving an essay to ppl’s faces. not to be harsh but we dont need someone’s lectures, we’re here for serotonin/entertainment/ to kill time with a fictional story not violate irl laws.

    nam April 21, 2021 6:11 pm

    calm down it's just a book i understand where you're coming from bc i agree tht seungho is messed up and nothing can justify the things he did but to shit on other ppl bc they enjoy fiction is not it lol im sure no one wants this to happen to them irl but this is fictional where it's not illegal to explore and enjoy their guilty pleasures. u are entitled to ur own opinion but dont guilt trip other ppl for liking things

    Pumpkin April 21, 2021 6:36 pm

    Stop comparing works of fiction to real life. No one was killed and no one was raped, because they don't exist. This is a creative work that's not supposed to follow real life standards. You said it yourself, you were looking for something wholesome, this story is fucked up, you are in the wrong place. You have thousands of stories to choose from, I would suggest you to read something else.
    If you're gonna stick around you better keep in mind that Seungho and Nakyum will end up together as the promotional artwork has been suggesting from day one.

    marchrepizo April 21, 2021 8:17 pm

    Well, it is actually indeed a character development. You should remember that seungho also suffered something that is also traumatizing when he was young that's why he is what he is in the story. Furthermore, didn't you see that nakyum already falls in-love with him. Sure, it was rape and all at first but the story dev't isn't all like that but it tells us that no matter how kinky, arrogant, crazy a person is there is someone who will want you and will have no care whether you're a bigshot or not. That's why nakyum never feels the same way again whenever he thought of in-su. And don't tell me it's because of pleasure that nakyum was persuade, bfft nonsense. There are more ways to fall in love. This will continue to develop now where seungho going to correct his mistake and do what is right unless the author have still kinks hidden to twist again the story. I think everyone should have something to learn in the story and try to ask yourselves "When does wrong feels right?" Because this is what I'm getting in the story. Just sayin~ and appreciate the art of the story ciao.

    marchrepizo April 21, 2021 8:31 pm
    Well, it is actually indeed a character development. You should remember that seungho also suffered something that is also traumatizing when he was young that's why he is what he is in the story. Furthermore, d... marchrepizo

    I forgot to add that its in the era where even nobles are treated like animals so I kinda relate to the story as a history major these wildness are common during those times~

    Zarathustra April 22, 2021 12:28 am

    Go fuck yourself. Dude, seriously, this story is clearly a classic rape plot trope from start. If you don't tolerate incest ship stories, don't read it. If you do because you want to follow the crowd, then shut the fuck up instead of thinking you can lecture or 'educate' the other adult readers in the room.
    If you don't like omega verse and still is dumb and stupid enough to read it, it's not anybody's else job to make you feel uncomfortable.
    Same thing for adult Yaoi stories that have any non confirmative ship like these rape plot stories.
    Are you really that stupid that it took you 76 chapters to realize that you were reading a story that will have the 'rapist' end up with the uke? Are you really this dense?
    Or what you saying is that you CHOOSE to read a story that you KNEW it would have this plot and then you have the gall to think you can lecture people on how they should feel and enjoy their story because you are not liking it? Something you ALREADY KNEW YOU WOULDN'T LIKE IT?
    You guys are such assholes that you pick a story to read just because it's famous and know you won't enjoy it but make it your only pleasure to come here feeling superior or entitled to put down other peoples just because they are enjoying something that you don't like it... but can't give up on it either.
    You fuck dumb bitches are exactly like those assholes that follow a crowd to a party that they don't like it just because everyone else is going.
    It's like being a vegetarian and going to a steak restaurant just because everyone else is going. Then you sit there complaining that you are being served steak when you knew all along that that's it's what you were being served. Not happy with being an idiot, you are the type that keeps nagging and shaming the people eating their steak and enjoying it.
    It's way over time that you bitches grow the fuck up and stop taking responsibility for the choices you made. YOU CHOOSE TO READ A RAPE PLOT TROPE, YOU PICKED THIS STORY so why are you whining about reading something you knew you would not like it?
    So fucking tired of the dumb children who can't understand the simple concept of 'If you choose to read something you don't like, it's your fucking problem'.

    Akaihana April 22, 2021 1:20 am

    Long ass essay and you still want to stick around instead of just drop it?? Its pot calling the kettle back for me.

    Danae April 22, 2021 2:26 am

    "Anyways I'm just gonna stick around hoping Seungho gets what he deserves and Na-Kyum is cured from his Stockholm Syndrome. "

    Are really readers that low witted that they can't tell which kind of Yaoi story POTN is?
    I can never take people like you seriously because either you are really slow that you got lost in the wrong aisle of Yaoi and didn't know you had picked a rape plot to read .. then now that it's pretty damn clear this is intended as exactly what your guys hate the most ---- the romantic relationship --- you still can't get it that you choose a rape plot. Wow. How clueless one has to be to still be missing the plot by this much even now.
    However, my guess is that you know very well and have been knowing what you are reading and knew what you were going to get .... but just like any other brainless zombie who reads popular stories just to follow the crowd even though you know you will hate the plot .... just act dumb and pretend that you thought the story would be something else.
    Please dumb girl, if you got lost in the wrong dark side of the aisle and missed all the red flags and still think you will get a social justice moralistic real life plot, save yourself the trauma and go read something that doesn't upset you so much that you have to come here sounding like a child who wanted to read a fairy tale and picked porn and still can't tell that what they are reading it's not what they thought it would be.

    Eve April 22, 2021 3:53 am

    Wow I'm so sorry you have to meet these assholes who replied to your comment. I have done my fair share of negative reviews and get super tired of the "why you reading it then?" BRO people can read shit that they dislike and that's the WHOLE POINT. Man some immature people really replied to you with this bullshit logic...I cannot. Meanwhile if they like it, they can post a long ass essay...what hypocrites.

    Zarathustra April 22, 2021 7:46 pm
    Wow I'm so sorry you have to meet these assholes who replied to your comment. I have done my fair share of negative reviews and get super tired of the "why you reading it then?" BRO people can read shit that th... Eve

    The WHOLE POINT of reading something you don't like is to take responsibility for your own discomfort or frustration.
    What it is really immature is for people to not know the difference between criticizing or giving an opinion and lecture or shaming other people using some kind of moral superiority
    I have absolutely no problem with readers who dislike what I like. What I don't take as honest is this attitude of pretending that the poster is not provoking readers with her arrogant and entitled self appointment judge of how others should read based on her limit.
    If you can't tell the difference and on top of it play some kind of victim, you are just dishonest.
    Have an honest opinion. Read something you choose to read despite knowing you would not like but. RESPECT that having an opinion is not the same as posting an asshole post shaming people.
    Give us a break. Not only a shamer but on top of it still think it's a victim of something.

    Danae April 22, 2021 8:16 pm
    Wow I'm so sorry you have to meet these assholes who replied to your comment. I have done my fair share of negative reviews and get super tired of the "why you reading it then?" BRO people can read shit that th... Eve

    Don;t be sorry for a shamer to be talked back.
    Be sorry that posts like these are defended as 'criticism' when it's not.
    What the poster is doing here?
    She is using the same argument of all shamers: 'Because I can't accept a fictional story that doesn't follow the moral ending of real life, I will lecture you all about how you should feel about this story'.
    Then proceed to shame and 'educate' the other readers because they are cheering on the development of the story.
    You don't like the story but still choose to read it? Have at it. Do you think the story still can magically turn into something you, missing all the clues, though it would be? Please do so.
    Where in this logic, you give yourself the right to put down people, shame, provoke them or demand that they explain to you?
    Either you accept that people can differentiate fiction from reality or you don't. The thing with shamers is that this explanation is never enough for them, as if readers were even supposed to give explanations on their ADULT fiction.
    The worst of it is you trying to frame this very condescending, arrogant, 'let me educate you all about how you should read this' as criticism.
    Criticism is very different. It's about YOUR way to feel about the story. About YOUR taste and how the story affect you. It;s never about how OTHER people feel about the story. This post is literally about shaming and lecturing others because the poster thinks that her way to read this have some kind of moral or intellectual superiority.
    By the way, if you made it to the end of my 'ESSAY', thank you for the attention to this 'Hypocrite'. At least I can tell that I will never try to hide my contempt and disrespect for an audience to a story I don't like as 'criticism'. Hypocrite indeed.

    Eve April 22, 2021 8:39 pm
    Don;t be sorry for a shamer to be talked back. Be sorry that posts like these are defended as 'criticism' when it's not. What the poster is doing here? She is using the same argument of all shamers: 'Because I ... Danae

    You say all that but tbh the person was just sharing their opinion, albeit a negative one. This bullshit about people "shaming" other is so woke and just so tiring. Does it really matter that this person has chosen to continue to read it even if they're not content with the story? You call them out for continuing to read it when its their choice. I never understood the whole "Don't read it then!" but meanwhile someone has to read it in order to really see whether they like it or feel that the word is bad. Your point on that aspect was just unnecessary and irrelevant.
    I disagree about the criticism aspect because so many people criticize a work AND the audience of that work. The point is sometimes audiences could be dragged into the opinion. Sure they could've worded it nicely but I'm never against ANYBODY sharing their opinion whether its "shaming" or not. She's questioning the audience's opinion....which you can do. Moreover she mentioned in the beginning about character development, which is a more objective aspect of a work. Idk why you looked at it so intently as "shaming", "condescending" and "lecturing". What rant isn't lecturing? Maybe you're just looking into it too deeply, where you're projecting her supposed moral superiority. In hindsight....sure her opinion can be a little problematic but instead of maybe countering her points, you just chose to shame her for her opinion and call her out on SOME unnecessary aspects. I mean your whole argument was "DONT READ IT!" I'm sorry, have you not watched youtube videos critiquing LOADS of movies, books, or any other medium that they HATED? I can think on top of my head where they really questioned the audience's perception of the medium.

    Eve April 22, 2021 8:47 pm
    The WHOLE POINT of reading something you don't like is to take responsibility for your own discomfort or frustration. What it is really immature is for people to not know the difference between criticizing or ... Zarathustra

    "The Whole point of reading something you don't like is to take responsibility for your own discomfort or frustration"--what does that even mean? "taking responsibility"? You can still COMMENT even if you don't like the piece for any reason. I didn't see it as very condescending as some of her points made sense. Listen I'm not in total agreement with her opinion or the way she put it but I still don't feel it's warranted for this type of response. However some of it was a bit of a critique such as the point about this not being character development. I don't think she mentioned anything about being a victim? Unless you're referring to my comment.

    Zarathustra April 22, 2021 9:01 pm
    You say all that but tbh the person was just sharing their opinion, albeit a negative one. This bullshit about people "shaming" other is so woke and just so tiring. Does it really matter that this person has ch... Eve

    "You say all that but tbh the person was just sharing their opinion, albeit a negative one. This bullshit about people "shaming" other is so woke and just so tiring. "
    There. The dishonesty. Her post literally calls on people and lecture them. As if people needed to be educated. Why can't you at least be honest? This poster is a shamer.
    And the irony of using the word 'woke' when it's the shamers who go around pretending to be some kind of social justice warriors using a morality clause for fiction exactly to make feel other people bad for their entertainment. Look at her post. This is woke bullshit. If I posted shit like that in any story that I don't like it but demanded that others followed my distaste using a 'wokish' morality superiority I would expect to be slapped back too.
    Again, have it your way. It's a disservice to criticism to defend shaming and lecture and 'educative' posts like these as criticism. It's the underlying idea here that the poster feels superior intellectually or morally and give herself the role of educate others.
    The 'Don't read it' is a very reasonable critique if the poster is a shamer. It's the whole idea of taking responsibility for your own choices. If you don't like a certain kind of plot, if you know it triggers you, if you know the audience will upset you with their enjoyment, it's just a question of maturity that people are not responsibly for your feelings.
    I don't understand how people can't grasp with this simple concept: Rape plot, like many other 'wrongs' is a door that you choose to enter. You know what you will find and you know you won't like it. Then you proceed and then you think you have the right to then demand other people to fell like you do based on your morality clause or based on the fact that you don't accept the fiction being different from reality or whichever is your beef.
    I will stop talking to you because again, you are both denying that this person whole post is a condescending post like most of these, about shaming and lecturing and educating people and at the same time justifying that she is doing exactly that.
    No, you don't get to assign yourself the role of morality thought on adult fiction. No, you don't get to disrespect people way of enjoying under the disguise of 'criticism' . Even more when it you who choose to put yourself in a situation you knew would trigger or upset you.
    The more I talk to shamer and shamers apologists like you the more I feel how dishonest you all are. I have talked to people who dislike this and other similar stories and know the common rule of respect for adults using the freedom to read what they want in adult fiction. You clearly can tell the difference between honest discussion and what you are trying to do here.
    This poster is a shamer and I hope each time one of these assholes try to put down other people for enjoying their adult fiction, that they get the slap back they deserve.
    If you don't like it and choose to read it, respect the room you put yourself in.

    Zarathustra April 22, 2021 9:05 pm
    Don;t be sorry for a shamer to be talked back. Be sorry that posts like these are defended as 'criticism' when it's not. What the poster is doing here? She is using the same argument of all shamers: 'Because I ... Danae

    Sorry, I hijacked your post.

    Eve April 22, 2021 9:12 pm
    "You say all that but tbh the person was just sharing their opinion, albeit a negative one. This bullshit about people "shaming" other is so woke and just so tiring. " There. The dishonesty. Her post literall... Zarathustra

    I don't know why you automatically lump me in with "shamers" just because I defended them. I just don't see it as all that problematic. The poster also said they initially thought it was going to be wholesome but then they were wrong so why can't they still post an opinion, condescending or not? You're suggesting that they would've known before they even read it when that's not the case all the time. I'm just not as emotionally invested in this as you, clearly. Hence why I don't see such a huge problem. I mean you're throwing names around left and right. There's many passing comments about "why do people even like this?" and you're taking it to a whole new level. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe I'm not. Who cares.

    Danae April 22, 2021 9:32 pm
    Sorry, I hijacked your post. Zarathustra

    I didn't get it what you meant until I refreshed it, lol.
    No worries, I was done anyways. Some people just like to feel superior to others and shaming readers in stories like these is their fixes. Imagine reading something you hate it, be unable to give up and then your only pleasure is to demean other readers for their joy, using of course, some kind of self awarded moral superiority and role of 'educator' of the sinners.
    I guess I will never relate to picking something I abhor, pretending that I don't know what I am reading ( I really can't with the 'I had no idea this was rape plot' , yeah, right) and then posting a jerk condescending educative post to criticize other people who are enjoying something. I would feel miserable if my validation depended on shaming adults for their fiction.
    This is not criticism, it's need for self validation by diminishing other people.
    Good Luck with the shamers and their apologists. :)

    michi April 23, 2021 4:21 am

    What's wrong with y'all?
    What we did was take the context into consideration? The manwha takes place in the Joseon dynasty and Seungho is of high birth.
    Throughout the story this is constantly referenced? The widely-accepted morals and social standing in this time were not the same as it now in 21st century Korea.

    And yeah, while that excuses the killing in a social context, it does not excuse his actions morally.
    Also fiction shouldn't romanticize BS????? That's what its all about. Guess what. Magic is BS- it's not real. Meeting your fated pair? Not real.
    Even a relationship with 0 problems is BS BECAUSE it's not real.
    Fiction is a way to divulge in one's BS fantasies.

    Also stockholm? The chances of this being stockholm are exceedingly rare. the vast majority of captives and victims don't develop stockholm. And because this is a depraved romance, I'm gonna go say I doubt it.

    _uwu_senpai April 23, 2021 9:59 am

    All the butthurt in the comments are those who wanted Sangwoo and Yoonbum to be together. Anyways any GOOD Enemies to lovers/friends to recommend? BL or not

    Zarathustra April 23, 2021 1:00 pm
    All the butthurt in the comments are those who wanted Sangwoo and Yoonbum to be together. Anyways any GOOD Enemies to lovers/friends to recommend? BL or not _uwu_senpai

    This comment is ironic. You choose to read a rape plot trope. Pretends you never knew that it was a rape plot trope even though it is pretty clear even more with the author promotion of the ship ... then when you don't get the magical wishful story you made up in your head you post a condescending, asshole post putting down the other people who are enjoying the story.
    Butt hurt: someone who doesn't get what they want and then find that the only pleasure is to try to diminish the enjoyment of other people by trying to make them feel guilt or wrong or inferior.
    If you were serious about 'recommendations', you would post on the main page of mangago that has bigger visibility and the chance of people with the same taste as yours to see your post.
    Grow the fuck up and learn to take responsibility for the kind of stories you choose to read next time. If you have a hard time figuring out if a story is a rape plot trope and POTN couldn't be more explicit with the red flags, there is not much to be taught. If it affects you so much that you feel the need to post this kind of disrespectful posts, better protect yourself staying away from any stories that depicts rape just to be safe,
    If you haven't figure out at chapter 76 what POTN is, you probably will start another one and do the same.

    michi April 23, 2021 4:11 pm
    All the butthurt in the comments are those who wanted Sangwoo and Yoonbum to be together. Anyways any GOOD Enemies to lovers/friends to recommend? BL or not _uwu_senpai

    You can read Checkmate (TAN)? They are in the process of turning from enemies to allies? They're relationship is kinda ambiguous but I just love how one of them tries so desperately bring them down!

    Also reminiscence Adonis seems to be goes the romance path if that's what you want.

    Also, as a butt hurt person, I never wanted Sangwoo and Bum to be together, the author depicted their relationship in a way that made the ending predictable. They both had too many mental obstacles to become. It was really tragic.

    MangaSanctuary October 11, 2023 1:53 pm
    What's wrong with y'all?What we did was take the context into consideration? The manwha takes place in the Joseon dynasty and Seungho is of high birth. Throughout the story this is constantly referenced? The wi... michi

    If there is a way to make your reply as *top comment* I would like to see it being the most visible.
    I think what you present here, that this story is an historical one, is the most important component of this story, and this is what makes this one valuable and different from. Author also deserves some recognition because they've drawn themselves the historical environmement/sceneries instead of resorting to machine's work, which is not an easy task.

    To reply to OP:
    Of course, what has done Seungho like killing that poor spy (chap1) to the way he treats his servants, to how he treats even other nobles... is absolutely not acceptable (fiction, IRL), but HERE, since it's a historical BL depicting how lived the nobles from that era etc, it was expected we'll be shown some crazy shits done by the nobles to people of lesser status, even people from the same status... The crimes of the nobles remain unpunished because nobles had absolute rights on the life of lesser status persons.
    It was a time where there was not notion of human rights, no way to punish nobles because they're above everyone.
    Plus, the Korean's history from that time paints some weird costoms and beliefs that would upset our stomac, but the way Europeen people lived two centuries ago was also harsh and unequal.
    I think that if you're so upset and feel unsatisfied about the story and ML's character growth, that's because you forgot or miss that important aspect, which is so important to take in consideration in order see things through another lense, and maybe even appreciate the story knowing the conditions of living of people from that time (?). The fact that such character as Seungho can grow to love and care for someone like Nakyung through the story, is already a good thing. Now it's fine if you find that the way author "put them together" is not satisfying for you or it is lacking, it's really fine, since it's a smutty Yaoi.

    TBH I do like the concept (a Lord, manwhore, falling in love with a painter from really low status...), but I do find some plotholes to the writng and since it's too focused on the smut I admit I lose interest after. a moment...

    It's ok for you to express your anger; we all do this time to time. I just hope you consider all the aspects of that story, for you to not regret in case you may miss something.

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