Is this worth the read?

Here's the thing: this has good art and a good MC that doesn't let people walk all over her...but that's about it. The plot goes round and round and leads nowhere. It's always someone trying to fuck with her company and either she retaliates or thr ML does.
Personally, I was reading this just to see the badass MC and her good cute relationship with the ML but even that got ruined kn the latest raws.
Would I recommend this ? I would say read the first 15 chapters or so and if you're okay with that same plot repeating over and over then go for it.
I don't usually see a lot of other languages in the comment sections. I googled a word to see what language everyone was speaking. First word I checked was Tagalog for 'mother whore' lmao
Hehe! Filipino here! And yes every manhwa as viral on Philippine tiktok hahahahaahhaah