Ok from what I read on internet, this manga was Yoneda-sensei first manga 7 years ago and she dropped it. I don't know the reason but then she makes Doushitemo Furetakunai, after that she makes Yorube Naki Mono, but she stopped it to go on hiatsu and came back... and now we have Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai ;)

Oda know how to end a chapter, every time I want the next one!!!!! Go go Law and Luffy kick Mingo ass!

I know. Of all the shounen manga, I've read, One Piece is the only one I haven't skipped or stopped reading.

Thought so too..
Everytime i missed and came back to read again i'll always taken a huge blow..
Really love one piece!
Wow an uncensored Zaria manga 0.0 So great! I loved the plot and the smut was perfect!