English is my first language but I casually learn other languages for media purposes since I have trouble with subtitles. So I'm partially able to understand a few other languages, but not fluent. Maybe just conversational.
Honestly, I find myself often thinking in other languages despite being english speaking in an english-mainly country. More of...... 1 reply
yeah no i was molested from like 5-14 by my step dad and a lot of my early life is a black hole i have no memory of but i do have a few very vivid memories of the crazy shit he did to me.
the second person if we dont count that was also still weird. i was like 13 he was 18, i did not like him, he was me sisters friends boyfriend, and when he was a...... reply
I got the same thing I've been getting for 5 years. a $200 gift visa and nothing else. That $200 will be used to buy exactly 3 sets of clothes, since it's all I can afford, and those will be the only new clothes I get this year.
I am still living at home. I'm a dependent. and yet my Christmas gift is buying my own clothes, and not many at that. 1 reply