uwu June 23, 2021 6:13 am

We all need a friend like bawoo~

uwu June 16, 2021 6:07 pm

We all know that jiwoo's probably never gonna get to fully recover cus that's just how this author writes ╥﹏╥

uwu June 15, 2021 2:39 pm


uwu June 15, 2021 5:39 am

The main couple is pretty damn cute but omg the side couple. What the actual fuck. Seungho literally committed arson TWICE and even staged a freaking car accident nearly killing someone and you're telling me he's only on probation and has people supporting him??? And he also gets a happy ending not long after the incident? Meanwhile a dude who just spread rumors for a living is publicly humilated and has his whole career destroyed? Wha-? How is that fair? Excuse me but Seungho is definitely unstable and should be in jail or something. Having a sad backstory doesn't make him any less of a criminal. If he got a happy ending years later when he is better I would have accepted it but this urgh no.

uwu June 8, 2021 5:38 pm


uwu June 5, 2021 4:06 pm

here for the angst (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
but the flow between scenes is pretty confusing and jumpy. There was lot of times where i felt like there was missing panels or chapters when there really wasn't, especially in the earlier chapters. Also, some of their dialogs are awkward and after so many t/n changes I don't think its a translation problem. But the author is improving, so i'll probably continue reading.

uwu June 1, 2021 1:49 pm

This was very cute and pretty well written. but i feel like the ending was a bit rushed? Especially the whole regain memories part felt kind of convenient and fast.

Also, this has to be the first romance i've read that has no side couple at all. Maybe its just the authors style or she didnt think she could handle another couple since this is her first time writing romance. I usually dont care much for side couples but i found myself hoping for haena's sister, yool and mr lee have love interests. They played such a big part in getting the main couple tgt that I wanted to see them happy more than the main couple. Honestly I sort of lost interest around ch60 but i kept going thinking that one of them might get with someone. Ha guess not :( oh wells.

Other than that, this was a pleasant read. :)

uwu May 22, 2021 7:39 pm

I just can't bring myself to like seowoo?? Like bruh having someone else to do the chasing and stuff for u so that u can end up with ohn like it was u all along? Oh hell no. And i get that he's hella introverted and shy because same but that aint an excuse to act this way. its also jaewoo's fault for enabling this behaviour but it annoys me that seowoo takes jaewoo's help for granted. I just want jaewoo to not give in to his hyung for once.

But i think ohn will end up with seowoo and author will create another character for jaewoo. :/

    masticatious May 24, 2021 6:02 am

    jaewoo wouldnt have even been interested in ohn in the first place without him agreeing to act as his wingman. now hes screwing them both over, he's lying to ohn, and being unfaithful to seowoo.

    uwu May 24, 2021 9:33 am
    jaewoo wouldnt have even been interested in ohn in the first place without him agreeing to act as his wingman. now hes screwing them both over, he's lying to ohn, and being unfaithful to seowoo. masticatious

    well tru, ik jaewoo aint no saint but seowoo is the one who asked him to lie to ohn? Not sure what u meant by screwing them over but if its about exposing their identities, imo seowoo is actually the one screwing up more? Like boy gives vague ass info to jaewoo and goes around making moves on his own without saying anything before or after and expects nothing to go wrong? So far he's just lucky ohn's kinda slow and jaewoo's good at adapting to his bullshit lmao.
    I know seowoo's not a bad person but just like jaewoo, he aint a good brother.

    null May 24, 2021 6:17 pm
    jaewoo wouldnt have even been interested in ohn in the first place without him agreeing to act as his wingman. now hes screwing them both over, he's lying to ohn, and being unfaithful to seowoo. masticatious

    You speak as if Jaewoo belongs to Seowoo. Seowoo is the most problematic character for trying to deceive Ohn into liking him. He’s dragging his twin brother into it, and when Jaewoo catches feelings yall think he’s screwing it up?? Dude he wouldn’t have been involved in Seowoo wasn't so ridiculous

    _Rebel_Clara May 24, 2021 6:37 pm

    OOOooo I'm not alone! I was scared to put my comment with these sorts of thing. The amount of hate one can get xD. Yea I totally get u. And if Jaewoo wasn't involved by his brother which btw makes Jaewoo do things without informing him about SHIT. Like I'm surprised Ohn didn't notice man, Jaewoo wouldn't have been involved and wouldn't catch feelings. from the way the author is going, Seowoo will probs be with Ohn and it's sad seeing jaewoo being the one with consequences when he did the work to make Ohn open up. Sure some faults lie in jaewoo for accepting and being a slight pushover. But i think the fault lies in Seowoo more. He half ass things and also needs to think about his plan more. Also his fault to even deceive ohn in the first place. He might be blinded by love but get some common sense man, deceiving your crush is wrong. If that crush don't like u for who u are, then they ain't worth it. PERIOD

    _Rebel_Clara May 24, 2021 6:48 pm

    Tho honestly with all the hate and complications i don't really care who they end up with as long as they happy, I just highly pity Jaewoo and find Seowoo to be irresponsible. But that's just me (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
    ALSO EVERYONE STOP BEING TOXIC GOOODDDD this is why people judge our community so much, it's just a manhua guys.

    uwu May 24, 2021 7:31 pm
    OOOooo I'm not alone! I was scared to put my comment with these sorts of thing. The amount of hate one can get xD. Yea I totally get u. And if Jaewoo wasn't involved by his brother which btw makes Jaewoo do thi... _Rebel_Clara

    Mhm go off sis. Ngl i was ready to fight when i posted this lol. Didnt think that there would be this many people who agree considering that majority of the comments are babying seowoo and bashing jaewoo.
    And same, in my heart i've already accepted that ohn and seowoo are gg to end up tgt since it's clear that ohn reacts more when interacting with seowoo. but at the same time im way too invested in jaewoo at this point and i pioritise his happiness over the other two. I just hope author doesn't turn jaewoo into an asshole. :/

    _Rebel_Clara May 24, 2021 8:01 pm
    Mhm go off sis. Ngl i was ready to fight when i posted this lol. Didnt think that there would be this many people who agree considering that majority of the comments are babying seowoo and bashing jaewoo. And s... uwu

    Sammmeee i pity the man already i don't want the author to turn him into the villain either. That would just be unfair. Sure Saewoo is cute to some for being shy but to me he looks insensitive to the consequences of his actions. i personally hope Jaewoo stays away from his brother and Ohn in the end and that boyfriend and finds true love. Others are just bad influence not gonna lie. He end up being hated while being under expectations of those around him because of his brother? That's just too cruel for a person. I'm willing to put up a fight for someone who deserves better. I feel u sis

    masticatious May 24, 2021 8:57 pm
    well tru, ik jaewoo aint no saint but seowoo is the one who asked him to lie to ohn? Not sure what u meant by screwing them over but if its about exposing their identities, imo seowoo is actually the one screwi... uwu

    seowoo might have been the one to suggest the idea, but once jaewoo agreed to it, he became part of the problem. guess I should have elaborated, by "screwing them both over" I meant that he's acting in place as "seowoo" to help his bother out.. but at the same time.. is harboring his own intentions/feelings concerning ohn and hiding this from his brother. in this state he's being unfaithful to both of them, he can't fully support his brother that he cares about, and is not being honest with ohn either about who he really is. dude needs to make a decision, and stick to it. he's also in some kind of toxic relationship with his ex, keeping him around as a third wheel just in case, listening in on the stuff going on with ohn? yea.. its all comes off so dishonest.

    seowoo's a coward. his situation however is a lot less complicated and has been at least sincere in his feelings towards ohn. I'm not even sure this whole scheme is necessarily anymore. now that the real seowoo is interacting with ohn on his own and will be having more interaction with him going forward. whats the point? if jaweoo switches out now, ohn wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyways.

    null May 24, 2021 10:43 pm
    Mhm go off sis. Ngl i was ready to fight when i posted this lol. Didnt think that there would be this many people who agree considering that majority of the comments are babying seowoo and bashing jaewoo. And s... uwu

    I agree! I was Jaewoo to be happy. Not to mention he only got into that toxic relationship with that guy because of the stress of his twin brother. If anything, Seowoo is a terrible brother imo

    Popcrazy May 24, 2021 11:24 pm

    I cant understand how people could not like the cinnamon roll lol

    null May 24, 2021 11:59 pm
    I cant understand how people could not like the cinnamon roll lol Popcrazy

    I mean if you look past his cuteness and blushing and shyness his personality really isn’t all that and he’s a coward. Honestly we kinda know nothing about Seowoo he’s just adorable

    Popcrazy May 25, 2021 12:16 am
    I agree! I was Jaewoo to be happy. Not to mention he only got into that toxic relationship with that guy because of the stress of his twin brother. If anything, Seowoo is a terrible brother imo null

    I mean, jaewoo is just as guilty. he could have refused in the first place, not enabled seowoo. he cant hide behind his big brother as an adult who can own up to his own decisions. I get that he got cheated on, that sad, but its hardly has anything to do with ohn. they are both making a fool of him with this trickery of theirs :/

    jaewoo isn't a bad guy by any means but I'm kind of tired of the whole "ohh woes jaewoo, he needs love, seowoo is horrible and selfish argument." spiel.
    its not looking at both sides.

    uwu May 25, 2021 4:00 am
    seowoo might have been the one to suggest the idea, but once jaewoo agreed to it, he became part of the problem. guess I should have elaborated, by "screwing them both over" I meant that he's acting in place as... masticatious

    I agree that he needs to make a decision and that he does come off as not taking things seriously. He started with pure intentions but now he has ulterior motives but other than this, I don't think he has the heart to expose his brother like that. Or maybe he's just scared of ohn's reaction. Yeah he aint a great person i get it but i just sympathise more with his character. After going through many comments i understand why more ppl are team seowoo. Like you said despite his cowardice, his feelings are sincere and he's probaly better for ohn. So my stance has changed to as long as jaewoo finds himself and ends up happy, seowoo and ohn can get married for all i care. but that doesnt change the fact that i dont like seowoo. I couldnt disagree more with your last sentence. It is exactly because of this that i dont like seowoo. This mentality of 'oh u've served ur purpose, thanks u can leave now so that no one gets hurt and i can reap all the benefits' bothers me a lot, to the point that despite having many things in common with seowoo, i cant bring myself to like him. I know he meant no harm but it doesnt change the fact that that's exactly what he wants and thinks he is entitled to. Ultimately, imo this is just a difference in the values we pioritise. (⌒▽⌒)

    uwu May 25, 2021 4:20 am
    I mean, jaewoo is just as guilty. he could have refused in the first place, not enabled seowoo. he cant hide behind his big brother as an adult who can own up to his own decisions. I get that he got cheated on,... Popcrazy

    Mhm, the one suffering cus of them will be ohn. but he gonna end up with one of them anyways lol.

    Uh not sure about others but i was trying my best to look at both sides and come off as more of a 'they're both selfish n in the wrong but i just like jaewoo way more'. lmao guess i am kind of agressive whoops.( ̄∇ ̄")

    _Rebel_Clara May 25, 2021 4:50 am
    I agree that he needs to make a decision and that he does come off as not taking things seriously. He started with pure intentions but now he has ulterior motives but other than this, I don't think he has the h... uwu

    Mhm, don't get me wrong i like the cinnamon roll, even if i don't like crybabies but that's a different matter. the part where u said "This mentality of 'oh u've served ur purpose, thanks u can leave now so that no one gets hurt and i can reap all the benefits' bothers me a lot" that's exactly what i don't like about Saewoo, he is a great character that WILL have character development but that sort of thing to your own brother is just NO. And i have mentioned this before but Jaewoo is also in the wrong, love him but i know how to admit he in also the wrong, about accepting his brother's stupid idea. But out of both characters i sympathized with Jaewoo more. THAT's IT!
    I'm not shipping him with Ohn so no shipping wars, i don't want another love hate fandom to be created xD I just highly don't like Saewoo idea of a "Pure and sincere love with Ohn" cause deceiving him with your brother ain't sincere in my book. Idk if u looked in the dictionary but sincere and deceiving ain't in the same categories.
    Also if u say we don't look both sides then i guess i'm looking upside-down cause i have considered both and might i remind u that if jaewoo never got involved i doubt Saewoo would ever have the courage to talk to Ohn, that's like literally the whole reason he got his brother involved. Like we mentioned before Ohn and Saewoo can literally get married for all i care, I'm just here to sympathize with jaewoo and my fellow people.
    AND AGAIN! THEY ARE BOTH IN THE WRONG! but from my perspective Seowoo is more in the wrong.
    Now i wrote all this before my exam that is in like 20 min so wish me luckkkk, god i'm so dead

    uwu May 25, 2021 7:05 am
    Mhm, don't get me wrong i like the cinnamon roll, even if i don't like crybabies but that's a different matter. the part where u said "This mentality of 'oh u've served ur purpose, thanks u can leave now so tha... _Rebel_Clara

    its probably over by now but good luck hahahah

    Popcrazy May 25, 2021 7:34 am
    I agree that he needs to make a decision and that he does come off as not taking things seriously. He started with pure intentions but now he has ulterior motives but other than this, I don't think he has the h... uwu

    "Like you said despite his cowardice, his feelings are sincere and he's probably better for ohn. So my stance has changed to as long as jaewoo finds himself and ends up happy, seowoo and ohn can get married for all i care. but that doesnt change the fact that i dont like seowoo."

    thats fair. its just a matter of preference I guess. the whole situation with jaewoo texting his ex and reporting everything to him when he's with ohn makes him look kind of skeezy. I dont like the comparisons he makes between them either. loses points for me, so jaewoo seems like he's got some personal baggage to sort out in his life before I can give him a shot. seowoo so far has no non standing side hoes (that I know of) so I appreciate his uncomplicated schoolyard crush even though others would find it boring.

    "This mentality of 'oh u've served ur purpose, thanks u can leave now so that no one gets hurt and i can reap all the benefits' bothers me a lot"

    if thats seawoos version jaewoos would prob be:

    "my older bro is kind of a nut but we tight so I'll set him up with his crush so good he wont no what hit em- oops changed my mind Ima be Mr. steal yo boyfriend and hit him up myself, we still good tho aigh't?" xD

    I mean both seem like a shitty mentality, either way.
    its ohn call in the end anyways. so screw them both.

    _Rebel_Clara May 25, 2021 11:34 am
    "Like you said despite his cowardice, his feelings are sincere and he's probably better for ohn. So my stance has changed to as long as jaewoo finds himself and ends up happy, seowoo and ohn can get married for... Popcrazy

    Ah yes i like that last paragraph the most, It fits the story perfectly. at least we agree of the fact that Ohn is the one choosing in the end. Being forceful won't make the relationship last, I mean look at sangwoo, he became ashes in the end and Yoonbum became the floor.
    Also yea i finished my test and failed! i mean what did i expect honestly.

    Popcrazy May 26, 2021 6:09 am
    Ah yes i like that last paragraph the most, It fits the story perfectly. at least we agree of the fact that Ohn is the one choosing in the end. Being forceful won't make the relationship last, I mean look at sa... _Rebel_Clara

    "Also yea i finished my test and failed! I mean what did I expect honestly"
    damn, I'm sorry to hear that. dont be so hard on yourself, I've been there too(/TДT)/

uwu May 21, 2021 12:41 pm

the author exceeds my expectations everytime

uwu May 16, 2021 6:16 pm

why do u gotta blueball us like that (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

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