He added on him a chin dimple for his fantasy XD

"Concentrate, if I imagine a girlfriend.. *Concentration is too high* Let's continue this at home (⌐■_■)✧"

But stop saying him to shut it XD
"That's... nice. Can I move now?"

*Sports* go fuck yourself XD

"Big Fat Liar" makes me laugh, allez move on I x)

Moreover an fucking unicorne XD

Y-Yes what are you saying?

"Big Fat Liar" makes me laugh, allez move on I x)

lenaGRonyx add 1 photos to Ressents-le

I swear, Yoneda Kou's sceneries

"I'd rather treasure being with you than always full of anxiety" Learn myself, learn u_u
{06 02,2016 uploaded}

Tags: XDDD

"Shitting your child out" I'm gonna say that now XDD

lenaGRonyx add 1 photos to Wanna make babies?
Tags: sexy amazed

The guy is just stunning. Looks like a snake. You know that you're some hot thing, don't you snake?

Tags: XDDD

Fuck thanks! Let's make fun of omegaverses, the boldness of these guys XD

Tags: hilarious

What a fucking ugly thing, let me breathe XD

Tags: XDDD

So true XD

lenaGRonyx add 1 photos to Wanna make babies?
Tags: hot

The guy is febrile...

lenaGRonyx add 1 photos to Wanna make babies?
Tags: sexy well done

The tension and facial expressions in this manhwa are quite amazing