Any bl manhwa where mc is insecure while ml is popular?
Tbh, the uke is more insecure about his relationship rather than himself, so here's some closer to what u want:
I was wondering how they would handle this part in the manhwa and it's much less dark compared to the novel.
In the novel, as the fake 1st commander uses a hostage to protect himself from Karas, Karas cuts off the head of the hostage in front of him without hesitation. Then he killed three more of the innocent people around the fake, coldly stating, "You caused their deaths". It was only then that Abel was able to speak up and ask Karas to spare their lives because Karas likely would've killed as much innocent people as he could to scare the fake into submission.
So no, Abel is not a Mary Sue for asking Karas to spare people's lives. He was taking one for the team