I saved the Drama CD+manga vids for this right before the Great Yaoi YT Purge years ago. Thought it was selfish of me not to share these so here ya go:
d r i v e . g o o g l e . c o m / drive / folders / 1XYuUU6lZQQOyvRRU0PoIvHKKYT2jeU6V?usp=sharing
I also included just the Drama CD audio in case anyone wants it. Disc 2 Track 7 is a Drama CD-only extra where they SWITCH.
Many thanks to our fallen soldier AndiAnime who created these vids. Gone but never forgotten.
Welcome back degenerates!! We’re not exactly back to our formal glory but we’re definitely better off than we’ve been the last 2 years. This an incredible manhwa btw (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ