If this doesn’t give me “Painter of the night” vibes...then idk what does. Yeah he used a toxic way to get close to him but Seung is right, Min Ji wouldn’t have talked to him. People do this everyday tbh if we think about it. I hope things work out for them. They both have genuine feelings for each other
Yesssss!!! I see people use the word 'toxic' all the time when thry obviously have no clue what the word actually means. There is no toxicity happening here. It is just a case of Jiwook being upset over his poor grade when they tried so hard to do well and then taking his anger and frustration out on his boyfriend, who just wants to help. Sure Seungeon wasn't completely honest, but he just wanted an excuse to get close to Jiwook which I'd totally relatable
people are taking their time, energy and resources to provide a service for free and yall wanna be douches?? It’s bad enough the site is having issues because people have big mouths but to be ungrateful is just disgusting. Doesn’t pay to be a twat. If you don’t like how fast it’s being provided for free, then kick rocks and go pay for it. I despise ungrateful entitled people.
Stupid teacher why open your mouth and say such things?? Clearly he just wanted to get close to him or his parents bought his grades. How is he top rank and he hardly ever attended?? How?? I smell something SUS! I think this was done on purpose by the dude who was scratching like a crackhead in class...we shall see
That still doesn’t make sense to me. U can be a genius still you won’t be first (I mean it’s not like the other students are dumb) if u don’t attend at least to class or study at home. Because all lessons aren’t logic or whatever so you still have to read or at least be present lol anyway we shall see that’s just a comic maybe the reason won’t be rational.
I’ll like it more if there was money involved tbh cuz that would be fking selfish he wasted the time of the mc knowing that in this world if you’re poor your only chance is most likely to have good grades to have a great job later lol
Why are these chapters so fuggin short?.. Geez Author?..yeaaaahhhhhh Tristan should've went and got laid instead.... Dumb dumb dummy