I am so happy and sad because I want a season 3. The kids…the girl reminds me of Hwa and the boys remind me of Bin and Gok. They’re all beautiful and I love this big family so much. I will be rereading this for the 50 millionth time but it just keeps getting better. I am happy Khakia and Ino found love and loved each other. I honestly was hoping Lee Hwa and SH would turn into vampires but they’re already unique. Seeing Gok and Bin still in love and still romantic as ever just makes my heart burst. Bin is right, because of Gok, he is able to live such a blessed life and this blessing bloomed to everyone.

Lee Bin is so funny and he don’t even realize it. That sigh like ugggh taking up all my time with my wifey. I dislike they’re going to separate but I get why. Sigh I need someone else to take over for the lycans and let Lee Hwa live his life with his family. It kinda makes me angry like they’re disregarding he’s a father and husband like no one else can do it.
This should’ve been longer and more thought put into it but it’s good and the art is awesome
Ikr ㅠㅠㅠ i was like a bit invested in the plot but the ending's somewhat anticlimactic lmao