How dare you claim to love Tristan and want what’s best for him yet you’re doing everything to hurt him and the man he loves. Yeah yeah he has Stockholm syndrome but he knows better and knows exactly what he’s doing. I think since the uncle wants both, wren is leading Tristan to his fate. This hurts. I just want Ethan and Tristan happy. Wren will lose Tristan
I am so happy and sad because I want a season 3. The kids…the girl reminds me of Hwa and the boys remind me of Bin and Gok. They’re all beautiful and I love this big family so much. I will be rereading this for the 50 millionth time but it just keeps getting better. I am happy Khakia and Ino found love and loved each other. I honestly was hoping Lee Hwa and SH would turn into vampires but they’re already unique. Seeing Gok and Bin still in love and still romantic as ever just makes my heart burst. Bin is right, because of Gok, he is able to live such a blessed life and this blessing bloomed to everyone.
Please someone for the love of good fuck this dad up! Like beat his ass…dog walk him…. Curb stomp him….im truly sick n tired of this fk head