i just wanted to share my take because i can lmaooo
1. I think Ahyoung has the right to be mad at Sora, i mean yeah she's being petty about it by asking that girl who was talking to Sora to follow her to the vending machine BUT imagine how you would feel if the person who you thought was ur best friend lied about something really big? Having a bf imo isnt that big of a thing but you gotta think about it in context, Ahyoung approached Sora since she said she had a bf (I'm pretty sure she wanted to be friends with Sora before she found out about her having a bf, but she couldnt approach Sora cus Sora felt untouchable being the #1 in class and #3 in the country and all). Their whole friendship was basically built from a lie and when Ahyoung found out it was a lie, it was probably like she couldn't trust Sora anymore since if she could lie about having a bf, what else could she have lied about? (ofc Sora just did it to make friends and had no harmful intentions but you gotta see it from Ahyoungs side). So yeah Ahyoung probably feels betrayed but hopefully it gets better in the next chapters TuT
2. Don't flame me but i kinda like Jae In as a character? like i definitely DONT like her actions rn and i don't condone her obsession with Sora but idk hear me out. Her as a character kinda shows the dangers of idolizing people. When Sora started getting close to someone for the first time (Ahyoung in this case cus she didn't know about Haena yet), she made it her job to insert herself and make sure Sora would stay as the perfect girl she had in her mind. Like in the first chapters when Ahyoung and Sora ate together in the cafeteria with a group and she quickly said that Sora was lying about having a bf, even though Jae in wasn't even close enough with Sora to know. All she knew was that the perfect image of Sora she had wouldnt have a bf. Then in the later chapters when she became #1 instead of Sora the image of the perfect Sora she had started to crack, and so she went into defense mode and made Sora promise to keep being better than her or else, (there are a lot of instances of things like this irl where people idolize other people so much that they think they "know" them when in reality they just know an image of them that they put out. they idolize these people so much that when they don't act in the way theyre "supposed to" according tho the idolizer's standards, suddenly the idolizer is like "how dare you do this, im gonna stop supporting you" "i thought you were better than this", etc when in reality they didnt even know the people) I thimk Jae In character shows the dangers of that, but in a more lighthearted way duh. And now she's seeing that she might not just "idolize" Sora and that she might like like her instead, which not only contorts her image of Sora but also her perception of her own image iykwim, like she put Sora on such a high pedestal and now its crumbling down, ofc she'll start looking at herself too.
idkkkk this is just how i interpreted it and i could be totally wrong, feel free to tell me what y'all think too!! all i know for 100% certain is Haena and Sora are cute and goals <333
This is like lying about being rich to fit (there are many reasons why someone would not fit in) and then making friends because they think you're rich and they become so obsessed and everything you talk about is money or how to make money. The second they find out You're not rich, they leave and even start tormenting your life. They were never your friends to being with, let alone best friends, they are toxic.
I never liked Ahyoung (being obsessed with someone's boyfriend is just no) but I personally hate lies, and I was sympathising with her, because everybody deserves the truth be it small or big, until she stopped that girl from talking to Sora. I just want Sora to explain herself and say her sorry, but I really don't want them to continue being friends, Ahyoung and Jae in are the worst things that could ever happen to Sora and they take too much space! I just want to see more of Haena lol
If i had someone like Jae in... i'd be the top of my class iykwim