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idk April 28, 2024 6:57 am


idk April 1, 2024 8:54 am

Bruh i thought this had lile 40 chapters or something like wtfffffff the cliffhanger

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idk April 5, 2021 3:22 pm


idk March 7, 2021 9:07 am

So I'm really bad at explaining things so bare with me. I've been trying to find this story for like a year now it a gl. So I remember it going like this: so their is a princess and a prince and there a couple and one day the prince brings another princess and is like"i fell in love with her 2" and so if course she is upset on how he cheated on her and I THINK I think she was trying to win him back but then she like started noticing how the other princess(the other girl that the prince fell in love with) Was like seducing and being extremely nice 2 her and she was like why is my heart beating so fast. I have no idea are I saw this I think it was an ad but I dont know โ•ฎ(๏ฟฃโ–ฝ๏ฟฃ)โ•ญ

    YesButLikeNo March 7, 2021 9:21 am

    I don't know that sorry, but you may like:
    ^ Girl 1 used to date the guy Girl 2 is dating

    High Class Homos (read on webtoons for free)
    ^ prince is gay, princess is lesbian and they're going to get married but they both are great friends and know eachother's sexualities so the prince has a male lover and the princess has a female lover. They're only getting married for their kingdom. I love it

    idk March 7, 2021 10:37 am
    I don't know that sorry, but you may like:^ Girl 1 used to date the guy Girl 2 is datingHigh Class Homos (read on webtoons for free)^ princ... YesButLikeNo

    Omg thankyou sadly it wasn't it but this looks interesting. Thankyou for recommending and reading a whole paragraph I wrote

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