Does anyone know what happened to Deokim's maid friend? I think it was inferred that she was seeing a man secretly. I totally forgot about that but was reminded after seeing her tear up holding the little prince. Is this in the novel or kdrama? What's her ending?
In the kdrama she was caught pregnant with another man’s child (he was her lover, a soldier or civil servant of some sort who works in the palace as well). She’s jailed because it’s a crime (all women in the inner palace are the king’s women) and eventually died. Before she died she told Deokim that in the end she does not regret anything since it was the happiest thing in her life to be with someone she loves.
I forgot. Did her mom died from childbirth or illness?
Not sure so someone fact check me if you can but in chapter 2 she tells the late king her mother died “when she gave birth to my little brother” but in one of the more recent chapters when her brother is telling the current king about her childhood there is a panel where she mom is reprimanding her with a baby on her back. I think she only has three brothers so it may be that her mother died from long term complications from the last child? Can’t tell you for certain.
Does anyone have any recommendations of other stories like this?