well shit's feed

well shit created a topic of Someone Like You

It ended nicely and sweetly (though i would have loveddd a wedding special chapter and them filling up the picture frames..)

Shinwoo loml my baby boy i love u so much youre doing so well sweetie. As someone who was once in his shoes, seeing the way author portrayed his anxiety and trauma felt very, fulfilling (is that the right word lol) it just felt right. I love how the overarching conflict was shinwoo trying to come to terms with his past and trauma. And yeah his resolution in the end felt quite rushed but it was great nonetheless to see him overcome it. AND han!! Han’s character development was fucking great lol i love how it wasnt one chapter of oh boohoo i did bad no he was really regretful and keep thinking as such continuously!! So satisfying lol it was a really nice read! Solid 9/10!! Love how all the side characters are acting as adults especially the exes.. love them!!!! (Big kudos to han’s ex for warning shinwoo abt him LMAO he was rlly looking out for him and i get it bc whew.. han’s track record was not great lol i’d have done the same thing)

But seriously.. author.. wedding chapter i beg TTTTT