Seriously I’ve never seen someone this stupid, so he knowingly puts himself in a terrible position with people that actually have no good intentions, gets saved by the ML then starts spiting and saying the meanest things only to agitate his partner purposely, rather than just saying whatever he needs to say without poking at his already agitated partner or whatever they are, then only explains after causing said agitation to someone he supposedly likes. And this is suppose to be lovely or cute.
Bitch stop hitting He tian, okay enough of that bs, you like him so stop
Hmmm are u a new reader or something? Hitting each other are their whole dynamic, in fact, hitting and slapping and punching is this manhua’s dynamic for the past 8 years lol
And they’re still kids lets me remind u that, and little Mo is just a tsundere, He tian knows that, Everyone knows that~ so chill out~ it’s their love language <3.
The nerve and balls of this bastard to ask for one last embrace….Tschhhh audacity must be on sale in this mfs universe. He’s lucky I’m not Kyujin, Bastard, does he know how he destroyed Chiwoos life and if Chiwoo hadn’t come this devil would have broken Kyjins limbs, or did everyone forget how he pre meditated how he’d hurt him, pay other students to beat him up, and say he’ll cover it up, lol ohhh you want to blame his father now, and to you all that sympathize with him are you not sick in the head, you stupid stupid dumb people. Come at me if you dare.
Don’t really like the Asada-San guy, he’s too flaky this made me so nervous for the seme especially if when he easily just threw someone he supposedly likes just like that or selfishly demand the ML chose him only to say horrible things to him, and I’m a bit disappointed no one is calling this out cause if it were the seme then I know for sure he’ll probably be dragged to a certain degree. So oh well.
Y’all need to quit it, give him a break would ya, all that damn stress and pain, sigh even I reading both chapters felt tired, stressed and feel like I haven’t slept, , Lol let them argue, they’ll sort it out eventually. On this particular one it seems y’all are just reaching to me . Let them argue, let him get his feelings out and let’s see what’s on the table .