Because why? If you want to be done! Be done! If this is revenge then makes no sense to me, cause clearly he still likes him. No matter how they try to play it, at this point I think all this is for the drama cause I tell you communication isn’t what they lack even when they played as lovers. But all of a sudden the ML can’t read the signs and the MC can’t be upfront with questions.
Heavy sigh
And btw I’m very impressed with the comment section and how everyone seems to in-tune with this and having very objective opinions.
You guys rock

I had always imagined that when Seungho finally lets his hair down is probably next to Nakyum happy and they’re both asleep together in a maze of flowers, under the moonlight but imagine my surprise when I see it’s when he’s crying and wallowing infront of his demon-of-trash bag-stone-hearted-sperm-donor,after being drenched in alcohol and locked away in misery. Damn this shit hurts.

I like the energy, bs should be called out, whatever reason the uke has can exist in fiction, but in real life fam toxic-red-flag doesn’t even cut it for Siwon. Tanchu.
I mean I really couldn’t read past chapter 10, cause an 8 year relationship and it’s so easy for him to just cut off the person, move out and block them. Like did you even care enough to ask for an explanation and thrash it out to be sure. He didn’t even kick the damn door down to be sure, he walked away so nonchalantly, didn’t even explain the situation like I heard you say this when I got home that day,

So here’s how I think it unfolds
Paljae is the black turtle of the four creatures guarding the four cardinal whatever points (can’t recall the name); and I think he commits a grave offense which makes the other three magical creatures band together to try and seal him, now he escapes to the mortal realm and meets Ryeong; who then ran way from his mute dad, p.s this is his first life (guys stay with me remember he’s lived twice); now he meets runaway baby ryeong and they become acquainted, the ying to his yang and R represents the sun energy and P is the moon energy so they balance themselves, that’s why P can’t stand too much heat and R can’t stand the too much cold, now this ending part is his first death but he doesn’t die as P-man saves him by stealing his soul back and I don’t know if he returns him home to his dad since we didn’t see him do that but we know somehow R finds his way back home to the Papa; remember when he was all cold and the dad covered him up, and maybe P is killed since he took the Vermilion birds curse from R’s body, but can he really die is the question—stay with me guys.
Now the flash back we see of R getting betrayed and his Papa getting killed is after his events with Paljae, I think he loses his memories cause he doesn’t seem to recall the events with Paljae, and then his master who we haven’t seen yet comes and saves him right taking away his sight and his memories—remember that’s his second death as Orun’s(his adoptive father)son, before sending him to the academy school he’s in and him needing to ascend, for his body to be stable remember he nearly died or did die but got his soul back.
Now we don’t know yet why R man killed his master but he did and was banished or escaped to that cold island where he reunites with P man by saving the essence left of him that found its way to the island and saying “I want to live” and then him cultivating him to the Paljae that we know and love now; who by the way doesn’t have much of his memories back but eventually will.
So they’ve met twice now, having P man meet R first and took care of him before the tide was turned, now it’s R-Angel taking care of P-man. And I think eventually both will get their full memories and realize they’ve met before.
Whooooshhh!!!! Okay correct me if I’m wrong but this is how I think I see it.
Guys remember when this came out and it was caught fire , I still remember how tenacious SY was and maybe still is, always putting himself in harms way to help the innocent or even the guilty as he did for his Ex, and honestly I know a lot of people have so many things to say but to see the end with SY still putting himself in harms way exactly how he did on the beginning part but for TH, lol makes me remember how much of a character he is, he’s truly a brave person. While I’m not so much a fan of both ML’s, I hope everyone gets closure and he ends up happy with whomever he chooses. The world the author created is same as the real mafia world, it’s fucked, vile, disgusting and warped so complaining won’t change a thing, people still love who they love, I wouldn’t encourage it but nothing can be done.
But wow we are getting to the final chapters of LTWW, congratulations Author-nim. Be safe and happy with your work.