His carefree personality, but still a decent adult!
I m liking all the kids! I hope no bad ending happen
Two transmigrators! Flame is also pretty objective. A decent adult! It's too bad they cant exchange identities. But srsly, the headcanon she made. That was amazing, i love it hahahha. Even i would i cry.
The scene where flame and him met in the hallway lmaoo. The way they both crosses hands at the same time, admit it. You guys ARE old man & old woman.
Eisel is precious. I hope she can be relieved from the past. Idk how the revenge will go. I hope it wont be too bad.
I dont like the blonde crown prince. Fuck off. It's worrying that he has his eyes on flame. Thpugh i think it's better than eisel? Angel? Flame is an adult, and she has the novel. Smack the korean training into him flame!
Ma yuseong, i thought you are psychopath. But youre actually pretty cute too haha
I hope mc got all the friends he can cherished with
Im shipping him with flame. I feel like they would be very professional in dating lol.

FUCK he is such a cutie. Dont worry stella, i completely understand the feeling of eating him up.
But srsly he is a CUTIE, he is sooooo preciousss. He is so gentle, so laidback. No srly, where is the coldness?? The harshness?? The real spartan to his knights???
At this point im thinking EVERYONE is his family. Not only is he and our fl cute, the knights are cute, the butler is cute (saying "my boy my boy"), naru's infinity damage cute attack etc.
I get the feeling of trying to protect him. Srsly, he is such a good kid. I would enlist to protect him too. How would you not love him.
On the other side, if this is going for a bittersweet but sad ending, im just signing myself of to an angst killer huh
I think the next person he should be more cautious with is the lil sis. In fact, i think im less worried to see him near the bro instead of the lil sis.