It’s a good plot but it pains me that people in real life actually go through this. Like I’m reading this and I think damn… this is a story but it isn’t just a story yk? It hurts my heart to know some people have suffered from these type of crimes and feel guilty when the perpetrator is charged. That’s a trauma that’s hard to get past. I’m sorry some of y’all had to go through that. Stay safe y’all.

I know! And it’s those people who don’t understand that the person’s history has nothing to do with the crime! They committed an atrocious act that will leave someone traumatized for the rest of their life. Just because they may have had a terrible past or life does NOT give them a free get out of jail card. Your past is no excuse to do wrong against others. Sure you can feel some empathy for them bc of their past but it does not change the fact they did something horrible to another person. You can’t excuse them of their actions.

I read this chapter and I started thinking… ‘AWWW I want a relationship like theirs!’ Then I remembered all the BS the seme put him through… On second thought, I’m good fam… I mean y’all can keep going through your redemption arc and being cute and cheesy as hell and I’m all for it, but I don’t want the beginning you had ( ̄∇ ̄") I want a nice and healthy beginning (●'◡'●)ノ
“I’d be out of there so fast… he’s so pathetic.” He literally loves his captor. He feels guilty for putting him in jail. He isn’t trying to escape. He feels like he deserves what’s coming for the “things he’s done”. He’s not pathetic. He’s in “love”. He can’t help this.