WAAAAAIT A SECOND. THERE WHERE MORE CHAPTERS BEFORE AM I RIGHT?? it was when they discovered !!SPOILER ALERT !! he was pregnant
( ̄へ ̄)

it was not done by the original translation team, someone uploaded their trash translation and the team was rightfully upset about it. this is the fake translators awful personality in all its glory:

ok Seungho has NO RIGHTS to do something on Nakyum but i get why he's angry. He thought Nakyum liked him back but then (when that guy kidnapped Nakyum) Nakyum said just "sorry" so Seungho thouth that he tried to escape from him and all his expectations were wrong and get angry to himself so i get why he's angry. BUT PLEASE DON'T DO ANYTHING TO NAKYUM
the hardest lines in history were written in this chapter