kejkej's experience ( All 1 )

growing up, i always believed im straight and just doing fine crushing to boys but i felt something was wrong, i normally just hug my girl friends and such but it just hitted me all of a sudden in the middle of the night that I'm actually pansexual, and turns out that i was resisting/lying to myself from falling in love to the same gender, other ge......   1 reply
08 01,2021

kejkej's answer ( All 4 )

meh. its like theyre there but js feels weird like??   reply
25 08,2023
tell me about itttt. some bl fans would literally eat up anything as long as its BL even tho the plot is shit and if u say smth bad or just give your HONEST opinion, theyll attack u like im not sorry i dont like some popular BL's tht r not worthy of their hype??   reply
25 08,2023
どん底ヘ転落死状態中様が崖っぷち情報方法教育費MAX中なのでよろしくお願い申し上げ奉るm(_ _)m   1 reply
02 06,2021
what- (●'◡'●)ノ   reply
02 06,2021

kejkej's question ( All 1 )

im not a minor but the fact tht 5pm is still my curfew is the worst. i hve good grades and all but they couldn't rlly let me have fun atleast?? do they want me to js study study study? anyone else hve the same experience?
25 08,2023

People are doing

want to do not getting over someone

Im too ace for this

5 hours
did being queer

I’m pan and have know for a long time. And I have a big problem with falling in love with my best friends.

6 hours
did being queer

im so queer coded my longest crush (very on and off rn) was on my bestfriend. she honestly did me so dirty tho. still love her tho.

6 hours