What a ride. I'm not sure if I can say if I really enjoyed this, but i appreciate how all the characters were layered and explored in this series. Loved all the female characters. Main couple made me want to take a couple of swigs of alchol (I don't drink) but...idk. They're really, really, REALLY messy, but I hope things works our for them the third time around.
I'm having trouble articulating my thoughts on this one, but I'd say it's worth reading if you want to feel something.
Had to drop, this dude is SO annoying. Usually, I eat up characters that are upfront about their feelings lean into the "I mean what I say and I say what I mean" archetype, but this guy just minimizes his impact on other people's lives dismisses the hurt HE causes. He really thinks he's cute. Trash.
I don't want to get updates for these dog shit side-stories, but I also don't want to remove my one-star rating. Choices, choices.
If he gets reincarnated as baby #3 I'm going to flip a table. Give the boy a break
Mitsumi and Mika's friendship is so special to me! They've come so far! This chapter was sweetness overload!
Seeing older women living full lives and experiencing budding romances just speaks to the soul.
So, he leaked her address to a crazed fan, and he *didn't* think he'd kill her? Really? The incel that developed a parasocial relationship with Ai? The one who projected a rigid image of purity onto her? The one who was enraged over that fact that she didn't "belong to everyone"? That fan?
Sorry, but this is getting stupid.
The fact that their dad was like every other abuser that kills their lover because they no longer have access to their partner's body and emotional labour is both incredibly realistic and also incredibly disappointing. Will roll my eyes into my skull if this dude loses it when he realizes Ai actually loved him the whole time
This is so ass. I think I'm skimming the tak-sanho side stories just to feel something atp, lmfao.
Also, Tak will go to hell for a host of reasons, not for being gay!
Idk how to feel about this...Sibling incest a major ick for me. While I'm NOT against having it featured in fiction, I'm still very particular about how it's portrayed. I guess what bothers me the most in Ruby's case is how little blood bonds stand in the way of her feelings? I totally understand why she loved the Doctor in her past life: he was the only person in her life who treated her like someone who mattered, who was kind in quiet ways that respected Sarina's dignity - I GET that. I get that something broke inside her when she thought she lost the doctor forever, I can't image the level of relief she must have felt when she realized the Doctor had been reincarnated and was by her side all this time.
But the fact of the matter is: he's still her brother. These two have been siblings longer than Sarina has been alive, but this doesn't seem to have any impact on how she views Aqua/the Doctor, nor gives her a sense of hesitancy in pursing him. It's just strange to me. Giving her all that character development, but reverting to "Sarina" when it comes to loving Aqua? I *really* hope the story doesn't leave Ruby here as another girl a part of Aqua's "harem" and actually gives her psyche a deeper dive.