The Abandoned Empress. Absolutely beautiful art, but I could not get behind the fact that [SPOILER] despite the fact that MC goes back in time, she STILL ends up with the same guy who neglected her, cheated on her, r*ped her, made her lick his boot saying he would spare her father only to reveal that he already killed him, and executed her. Which g......
Probably not. I'm a romance junkie. I read romance in almost any format I can read it in. I watch it in every show/movie I get interested in. It doesn't matter what the gender is and who loves who. I just love, love. So no probably not.
Noooooo. That is so creepy. If you must fantasize about real people in sexual situations, never tell the person. Especially if even one is actually gay; that's just so disrespectful (gay guys have said themselves). "Hey I think it's hot that you two get along." "You two are dating? That's so hot!" Like wtf? Keep it to yourselffff. If a guy (......
Me and hubby got married early last year after dating for 7.5 years( we were 25 when married)and from about our 4th anniversary (21-22) onwards every family event we attended would always get the oh arent u guys gonna get engaged yet blah blah blah so there's definitely that expectation and pressure even today which is definitely an annoyance. Even......
Adults aren't always right, adults don't always know the answer, adults can and do take advantage of younger people. Don't be afraid to speak up if there's something going on that feels bad and wrong. Question everything everyone tells you and find facts to back it up to form your own opinions. It's okay to show emotion, be it anger, sadness, or fe......
G.I Ships