Nice as this manga is, did it have to shoe in one of the most annoying shoujo cliches? I hope it doesn't drag on too long. This is one of the rare times I actually LIKE the friendship between girls in Shoujo manga. DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME, AUTHOR-SAN.
And did anyone else find it weird how Nana brought in another student to deal with Himari's condition instead of a teacher? Like I get you're trying to set up the whole jealously dynamic-thing, but come on! It's standard procedure.

Like everyone else has been saying: communication is everything, and while I'm usually one to criticize characters because of their lack of communication, I understand why they would be reluctant: Souma thinks he's someone's replacement, and Hayato doesn't want to offend him any further, sooooo.
But I want to see them make up! They're just so cute! They have an awesome friendship, and I'm sure they could have an even greater relationship.

You couldn't take rejection like a big girl, could you, Yuyu? Seriously. She should leave Nana and her friend the fuck alone. What is she hoping for now, exactly? Nana doesn't want to be her friend so she's going to ruin her friendship with Himari? Fuck. That. She already tried it once. Take a hint, Yuyu.

God, Kang can be so annoying. He's so off and on with Siwon and then finds the nerve to get all pissy when he decides he doesn't want to associate with him (for--what? the second? third time???) any more. Like who are you trying to fool? And I will roll my eyes into my skull if anyone tries to tells me, "He's trying to protect the Siwon from himself!!" No Kang is trying to protect himself with this whole isolation thing.
I kind of felt bad for the guy he was flirting with, too. Not that I like him all that much, but how would you feel if you think some good-looking guy was into you and thought, FROM KANG'S COLD ASS ATTITUDE TOWARDS SIWON, that he was being harassed, try to protect them, only to get a massive beat down?
Don't get me wrong, I like this manga. I mean, it would be nice if the whole dreams thing was explained better, but I still like it. I just want to see Kang shape up a little. And to maybe tone down all this unnecessary drama??

Why am I seeing comments bitching about Viktor being the bottom? Why can't there be variety? There's no one way of having sex, you know. I swear every time there's an "unconventional bottom" in manga, there's always someone bitching about the positions. Like, why are you even here? The dj clearly stated it was going to be YurixViktor, not the other way round. If you don't like it, don't read it.
Let us rejoice because this is one of the few, rare instances where the main character wises up and chooses the nicer, more deserving boy for once! I am so happy! My ship became cannon!
I'm so glad Serinuma was straightforward with her feelings, too. So often I will see main characters lead on others when they clearly have feelings for someone else. I am proud of her!
Great, great manga.
Yet I can't shake the awful feeling that the reason was beacuse of the suspension bridge affect ( ̄∇ ̄")
It's NOT really a suspension bridge effect cause Kae was not the one in danger.
It's more like she realize how important Senpai was when his life was in danger.