Addiction created a topic of Lucia

Does anybody know where we are at in the novel ?
I wish to start it, because I'm too impatient and want to know what happens after ._.

Addiction followed a list

warning !!


- rape / non-con / dub-con
- emotional manipulation
- other tag warnings unlisted

i will mostly only includes R18 stuffs and good art since i am easily turned off with the art i dislike.


edit: links will be directed to batoto or hentai sites

07 04,2024
Addiction created a topic of December

Hello, does anybody have he link for the novel ? Preferably if it was free *wink wink. Thank you

Addiction created a topic of Itazura na Kiss

I know the ml is no good, but is there a redemption arc or not even.....

Addiction asked a question

I'm searching for a manwha where a dad paid money to a witch to seduce his son. The son was not interested in her at first and BAM they're in love


I honestly don't know where this is going. The characters feel very 2D

Addiction created a topic of Paper Flower

I honestly tried to like the emperor but at this point, the dude can't be saved.

General all the way bitch

Addiction created a topic of Paper Flower

The emperor better get his shit together before I come and twist his balls myself.