I really feel no one's gonna like the ending no matter what it is but I'm here for Taku and Taku only

I think that it's there are more K's fans so it's more prominent. The comments like : "I don't care about Joowon" when the chapter is focused on him, "I miss Taku" even if he wasn't there for one chapter, "I'm only here for Taku" or just comments which are focusing on dissing or just hating on Choi J using very colorful euphemisms while most negative comments about Taku focus on him being "shady" or "suspicious".
But most readers imo are rather respectful ( to be clear: I'm not saying I miss Taku or I'm only here for Taku are disrespectful lol)

Man if it bothers you so much that it ruins the manhwa for you I can only recommend you stop reading the comment section. People won't stop posting their opinions no matter what. Also I had no intention of bothering anyone with my comment like i never mentioned any other characters and didn't say anything negative, I enjoy this story and will continue to do so no matter what others say about my favorite characters.

I stopped reading the comment section a long time ago, I replied to you just because it happened that yours was the only comment I read - I think Taku is objectively one of the worst character ever in a manwha but the comments section it's always about him and how good he is? It doesn't make any sense and I think you're all trolling
Spanish version is already on chapter 49
I'm gonna take Spanish classes now,just to read this (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Link? :0
??? Link pls
https://lectormanga.com/library/manhwa/47050/colega-angel here u go
https://lectormanga.com/library/manhwa/47050/colega-angel enjoyyyyy