BL4lyf May 29, 2021 4:46 pm

(first of all thanks to the translator 4 ur effort I appreciate it, I'm enjoying it a lot) second, I read the novel a while ago but from what I can remember, yes, he bought zhaomu a phone bc it was his fault his got broken. Zhaomu sent him 3 payments after that. One for the hotel room, one for the phone and one for the meal for 2 that "andrew" ordered for him a while ago. So now he doesn't owe him anything. And lastly zhaomu's professor called him to offer him a job/internship or smn like that so he would have to move again and he was thinking about it bc it would mean he would finally leave the lab he hates so much. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

BL4lyf November 30, 2020 6:20 pm

Wtf? Not even google translate does such a poor job. It is very obvious you took this from another scanlator and just changed the speech bubbles because THE WATWRMARK IS STILL THERE.

BL4lyf November 18, 2020 8:09 pm

They used the spanish translation without consent and now the spanish translators will stop uploading thanks to this idiot. Say goodbye to this one.

    A Fancy Sex Toy November 18, 2020 8:16 pm

    Lol did the spanish translators have permission from the author to translate it? If not they have no right to be mad

    SoCalledSnipers November 18, 2020 8:16 pm

    Click my profile for updates on the situation. Thank you for your concerns.

    BL4lyf November 18, 2020 8:31 pm
    Lol did the spanish translators have permission from the author to translate it? If not they have no right to be mad A Fancy Sex Toy

    Who cares if they have the right or not. Just don't mess with other scans' work. The de-censoring was made by them. If you're gonna steal the translation at least don't steal their edits. Do the work yourself. Whatever.

    SoCalledSnipers November 18, 2020 8:41 pm

    They have every right to be upset, that's why were working to correct it.

    Chou November 18, 2020 8:42 pm
    Lol did the spanish translators have permission from the author to translate it? If not they have no right to be mad A Fancy Sex Toy

    i don't think you realize what this means. if the newest chapter used the spanish translation for their raws, what does that mean when the spanish translators decided to remove access to their chapters? plain and simply, it means that this translator is no longer able to translate your megutsugu, because they no longer have access to the spanish translation. it's why they're shirking responsibility off to another group who was nice enough to take on the offer, who will most likely buy their own raws, because they immediately got cold feet after realizing that their actions affected two entirely different communities at the same time lol. heroscans, who also buys their own raws, who were the original scanlators of this group, dropped it, so who knows when you'll get another update if you ever will

    SoCalledSnipers November 18, 2020 8:52 pm

    @Chou you're spreading misinformation with this statement. I sent you a message.

    y2k bb November 18, 2020 9:15 pm
    They have every right to be upset, that's why were working to correct it. SoCalledSnipers

    They have NO right to be upset because they’re doing the same thing to the author. The only person who should be upset here is the author

    SoCalledSnipers November 18, 2020 9:49 pm

    It's a double edge sword, what we're dealing with here.

    A Fancy Sex Toy November 18, 2020 11:16 pm
    Who cares if they have the right or not. Just don't mess with other scans' work. The de-censoring was made by them. If you're gonna steal the translation at least don't steal their edits. Do the work yourself. ... BL4lyf

    Lmao really? It’s a translation they should get over themselves they all doing the same thing from Spanish to English it’s not as if they went and yanked their shit and translated it in the same language

    BL4lyf November 19, 2020 2:24 am
    Lmao really? It’s a translation they should get over themselves they all doing the same thing from Spanish to English it’s not as if they went and yanked their shit and translated it in the same language A Fancy Sex Toy

    Like I said. They spent time on drawing the dicks that used to be blank spots. At least acknowledge that. They could've used other raws and clean and edit their own and it would've been fine but what they did was a little too much. I'm not defending the illegal translation im here to enjoy it just like you. But if you knew the amount of time and work that it takes to put out a chapter of this quality you would think differently.

    A Fancy Sex Toy November 19, 2020 3:00 am
    Like I said. They spent time on drawing the dicks that used to be blank spots. At least acknowledge that. They could've used other raws and clean and edit their own and it would've been fine but what they did w... BL4lyf

    No I wouldn’t. If it’s in a different language I wouldn’t care. It’s not the end of the world, oh no the dick I drew got “stolen” what ever shall I do?! Come on like I said it’s not like they translated into the same language so as I said they have no right to be mad if they were the artist themselves who drew the characters and scenes and everything then I’d understand but no all they did was uncensor it whoopie de fucking do

    ananon November 19, 2020 3:57 am
    No I wouldn’t. If it’s in a different language I wouldn’t care. It’s not the end of the world, oh no the dick I drew got “stolen” what ever shall I do?! Come on like I said it’s not like they tran... A Fancy Sex Toy

    why exactly are you getting so heated over them supposedly "getting so mad" if it's really not as big of a deal as you keep saying..........

    A Fancy Sex Toy November 19, 2020 4:27 am
    why exactly are you getting so heated over them supposedly "getting so mad" if it's really not as big of a deal as you keep saying.......... ananon

    I’m not.. in fact I’d go and say they’re getting mad about it from the way they keep coming back as if Id change my mind all of sudden if they said something new

    ananon November 19, 2020 8:25 am
    I’m not.. in fact I’d go and say they’re getting mad about it from the way they keep coming back as if Id change my mind all of sudden if they said something new A Fancy Sex Toy

    that's good to hear you're not upset. so i guess we can take that lesson, to not assume the intentions/feelings of others, and apply it to correct what you're presuming is motivating a scanlation group that posted scans they bought to the public, and then decided to revoke that access/work at their own discretion, right? it might be more productive to ask why the commentors here (not you, of course, right?) seem upset at some other consumer's decisions when they aren't entitled to free access to this artist's work, as you yourself pointed out before, and should probably be aware at this point that that illegal access is always precarious.

    BL4lyf November 19, 2020 1:52 pm
    I’m not.. in fact I’d go and say they’re getting mad about it from the way they keep coming back as if Id change my mind all of sudden if they said something new A Fancy Sex Toy

    I never said the spanish translators got mad. They're just being careful because there's currently a hunt for illegal translations. But go on about how it's illegal and stuff when you yourself have a mangago acc.

    A Fancy Sex Toy November 19, 2020 4:25 pm
    I never said the spanish translators got mad. They're just being careful because there's currently a hunt for illegal translations. But go on about how it's illegal and stuff when you yourself have a mangago ac... BL4lyf

    I haven’t said anything about it being illegal I said they have no right to be mad cuz they did the Same thing... you obviously haven’t been paying attention but go off I guess

BL4lyf October 2, 2020 3:26 am

They already finished translating. It's short but more detailed and I can give you the spoilers if you want. It's called social outcast on their webpage.

    Just call me Mars♡ October 2, 2020 4:16 am

    If you don’t mind then - pls share some spoilers ^^ oh and if you know, could you also tell me how many chapters are gonna be in this manhua?

    Pain Less October 2, 2020 9:17 pm

    Yeah spoiler and link to the site will be best.

    BL4lyf October 2, 2020 10:55 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! manga-lover234

    BL4lyf October 2, 2020 10:56 pm
    Yeah spoiler and link to the site will be best. Pain Less
    Let me write the spoilers and I'll reply to the first comment

    BL4lyf October 2, 2020 11:47 pm
    If you don’t mind then - pls share some spoilers ^^ oh and if you know, could you also tell me how many chapters are gonna be in this manhua? Just call me Mars♡ 33 chapters so I guess manhwa will be similar.

    . (I don't remember the seme's name sorry)
    Seme starts to realize he likes uke so he starts planning to leave the app and get closer to him irl. He pretends to have a cold so that uke doesn't find out about his voice being andrew's voice. After that he starts watching him from afar while also talking less on the app. One time seme had the couple's meal delivered to uke's house bc he couldn't be with him due to the fake trip to Seattle. Also he starts following him home with his car but uke gets scared someone with bad intentions is following him and he calls andrew to tell him without knowing it was him in the car lmao. After that it's uke's bday and he buys a cake for himself to eat at home. He sends a pic to andrew and seme realizes he's spending his bday alone and no one had congratulated him.

    So he heads to his house and fakes his car breaking down and texts uke for help since he lived close by. While they wait at uke's house for the repair dudes to arrive he congratulates him for his birthday through text bc remember he won't talk in order to not get found out. So uke helps him bc he's nice but he rlly doesn't want to. So they eat cake while they wait and when they're done seme wants to treat him to a meal to thank him but uke refused. After insisting many times and getting rejected the uke finally says he really doesn't want to go with him and goes back home. Seme realizes no matter how close they are through the app, uke hates him irl bc of how he had treated him in the past.

    After this uke tells andrew if he should go visit him (in seattle). Seme's friend sees the message and replies yes without backreading the conversation. In that moment uke buys plane ticket for the next day. Seme realizes and hurries to get there sooner and book a hotel room. When uke finally arrives in the room the lights are out and seme says he doesn't want to reveal his face bc he ugly and uke is ok with it he doesn't mind. So they make out and just as they about to frick the seme stops and turns on the lights. Uke is in shock and just goes to the bathroom to throw up. After that he takes a shower and gets his bags to leave without saying anything. But he can't get far bc there's a hurricane he won't be able to go back home, his phone breaks and stops working and he has no way of going back. So seme convinced him to stay in another room. Those next days he didn't go out. Uke feels played with and betrayed. (I'll continue on another comment bc this is getting long :)

    Just call me Mars♡ October 3, 2020 1:14 am 33 chapters so I guess manhwa will be similar. Spoilers...... (I don't remember the seme's name sorry)Seme starts to realize he likes uke so he starts planning to leave the ap... BL4lyf

    First of all ~ tyvm for taking the time that write all of that ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ and 2nd ~ I lowkey feel bad for both of them. I completely understand the ukes feelings but at the same time I also feel bad for the seme after seeing the ukes reaction even tho he pretty much had it coming :( I hope everything works out! And If you’re still up for it I’ll look forward to reading the rest of you type it(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Pain Less October 3, 2020 1:25 am Let me write the spoilers and I'll reply to the first comment BL4lyf

    Big thanks!

    BL4lyf October 3, 2020 6:51 am
    First of all ~ tyvm for taking the time that write all of that ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ and 2nd ~ I lowkey feel bad for both of them. I completely understand the ukes feelings but at the same time I also feel bad... Just call me Mars♡

    Ofcc sorry I got busy. I'll write the rest. In these replies

    BL4lyf October 3, 2020 7:36 am
    First of all ~ tyvm for taking the time that write all of that ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ and 2nd ~ I lowkey feel bad for both of them. I completely understand the ukes feelings but at the same time I also feel bad... Just call me Mars♡

    So the uke felt rlly betrayed and that it was all a lie and that he wrongly gave away his feelings and talked about really personal stuff with someone he didn't want to share any of thst with. After that seme knocks on his door and explains everything from the outside of the room. That his friend made the profile, that he hadn't made fun of him, and that he was afraid of rejection and that his friend was the one who told him to go to Seattle. Uke just asks why must he make a fool out of him (hes rlly hurt) and says nothing more. Seme tells him.he left a new phone in his room and when he leaves he sees 3 amounts had been transferred to his account. One was for the room, the other for the phone and the last one he didn't know but after a while he remembered. It was the amount for the couple's dinner he had had delivered to.uke's apt. This meant all the promises of going out with andrew once he returned from seattle were no longer going to be fulfilled. (If it wasn't obvious already)

    Many timed uke felt the need to grab his phone and message andrew but was brought back to reality where andrew doesn't exist. He didn't even have the app anymore bc of the new phone and was definitely not going to download it. The storm would last more dsys so he booked a room on another hotel and left. After that seme called him but he blacklisted him. Then the phone in the room rang and when he answered lt was seme again but he hung up. Seme stopped trying after that.

    The rain stopped and uke got back to class but stoooed going to the lab. He had 4 months left for the exchange to end. He got busy to forget about all and he didn't bump.into seme so he let his guard down. One day after class he meets seme in the elevator and one of seme's friends asks for his contact info but he didn't have his phone. He didn't like using it anymore. Later during his classes it started snowing and after clsss seme was waiting for him. Saying it was snowing so he'd drive him home, thst it was slippery. Uke said he'd be careful not wanting to go but he fell and seme caught him. He ends up walking home anyway and seme followdd him. After thst there was gonna be a blizzard. Somehow seme convinced uke to let him drive him home. They hesr the news about the storm and decide to get groceries for the next days. Judt as theh get to.uke's house the lights go out. Seme says it's better at his house. Uke's like what? Seme's like. Im just trying to take you home. Uke's like oksy then and HE GOES. Then he gets to ask seme why he likes him and why he hated the beginning etc and they chat and get closer. Uke gets a fever but that don't stop them from fricking. And they spent a break together and exchange ebded for uke and then after graduating seme visits and they are together happy. I think that's it. Sorrh for my crappy writing im sleepy af

    Pogo20 October 3, 2020 8:05 am
    So the uke felt rlly betrayed and that it was all a lie and that he wrongly gave away his feelings and talked about really personal stuff with someone he didn't want to share any of thst with. After that seme k... BL4lyf

    Thank you for taking your time and writing this

    BL4lyf October 3, 2020 4:05 pm
    Thank you for taking your time and writing this Pogo20

    I just read the mess I wrote Im sorry lmaoo but no problem. Ofc there's more happening in the novel and it's so much better than my crappy summary. It's rlly angsty and I recommend you read it. i liked it better.

    gxxq October 10, 2020 2:31 pm
    I just read the mess I wrote Im sorry lmaoo but no problem. Ofc there's more happening in the novel and it's so much better than my crappy summary. It's rlly angsty and I recommend you read it. i liked it bette... BL4lyf

    Oh my, Thank you so muchhh!!

    gxxq October 10, 2020 2:33 pm
    I just read the mess I wrote Im sorry lmaoo but no problem. Ofc there's more happening in the novel and it's so much better than my crappy summary. It's rlly angsty and I recommend you read it. i liked it bette... BL4lyf

    Oh my, Thank you so muchhh!

    BL4lyf October 10, 2020 8:45 pm
    Oh my, Thank you so muchhh!! gxxq


    Just call me Mars♡ October 10, 2020 11:37 pm
    So the uke felt rlly betrayed and that it was all a lie and that he wrongly gave away his feelings and talked about really personal stuff with someone he didn't want to share any of thst with. After that seme k... BL4lyf

    I’m now seeing this but thank uuuu! And dang that rounds like it’s gonna be rollercoaster. I will look forward to seeing this in the manga but I’ll need to prepare myself for the angst lol (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    yaoilover October 12, 2020 10:47 pm


BL4lyf September 25, 2020 9:20 pm

Does anyone know if there's more or is that the end?

BL4lyf September 9, 2020 4:39 am

I wasn't played I knew it was gonna be a fake update

BL4lyf September 5, 2020 3:23 pm

No name is fucking HAWTTTT like I ship him and nk. I bet he won't kill him

BL4lyf September 3, 2020 2:20 pm

I rlly didn't expect to cry this much.

BL4lyf September 2, 2020 5:09 pm

Watch jooin throw the money in his face. I want to see him and caim now.

BL4lyf August 24, 2020 4:07 am

Does anyone know anything about a s2 release date?
Or if this has been dropped? I read this a while ago and was curious

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