Anoni Grrl December 19, 2016 2:44 am

"Don't ever make me guess what you are thinking or feeling."

LOL, so how's that working out right now?

For any of us?

    Anonymous December 19, 2016 7:57 am

Anoni Grrl December 19, 2016 2:26 am

Why are they both being so nice to Lilly? Can't they tell her to piss off?

Anoni Grrl December 17, 2016 4:22 pm

This vampire society seems to really value strength. They believe they are better because they are stronger, and within their ranks there is constant competition to be the strongest or stay the strongest. The strong dominating the weak is their version of How Things Should Be. Historically, vampires lived in the shadows until mankind was weakened, and then they came out like beautiful and cruel social-Darwin butterflies. As a people and a culture, they are all about the strongest ruling and completely dominating in every way (including sex).

I think what bothers some people about Ellie is that he's this do-gooder bleeding-heart with radical ideas that appeared out of nowhere in this Genghis Khan vampire wet-dream world. I mean, this environment does not exactly breed Ellie's type. Intellectually speaking, he's a bigger mutation than his son because he's this spontaneous Renaissance man in a world where the most shameful thing is a strong man who wants to be submissive. It's kind of amazing when you think about it.

But of course Ellie's going to fail. You know how they talk about a perfect cinnamon roll who's too good for this world? That's Ellie. But his son---His son has both some potential for good and the ability to dominate. We'll see where that goes.

And in a way, Humpty Dumpty is also carrying out Ellie's radical ideas--just in a way that is cruel and would ruin everything and everyone just to take down the system.

    Aye Aye Whatever December 17, 2016 6:05 pm

    Oh great comment
    I'm curious to see One's mother, she must be something else to have won Ellie's (The do-gooder bleeding-heart with radical ideas and source of some one-sided crushes/love) heart haha
    I think 'One'(The son) has great potential taking account his parents

    Anoni Grrl December 17, 2016 7:15 pm
    Oh great commentI'm curious to see One's mother, she must be something else to have won Ellie's (The do-gooder bleeding-heart with radical ideas and source of some one-sided crushes/love) heart hahaI think 'One... Aye Aye Whatever

    Thanks. I am not sure whether to say One or Eric. :) But I think you are right.

Anoni Grrl December 17, 2016 4:39 pm

I liked the bits about the camera and how the photos are real and disappear when destroyed--and Jesse playing possum with the maid to avoid "evidence". I mean, of course I am happiest about sexy Jesse teasing Law, but the other parts seem to be potentially meaningful too.

    blackdia December 18, 2016 12:27 am

    I've been missing reading your comments ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Anoni Grrl December 18, 2016 3:39 am
    I've been missing reading your comments ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ blackdia

    Aww thanks. I'm full of theories--but so is everyone on this one. (⊙…⊙ )

    Anoni Grrl December 18, 2016 3:43 am
    I've been missing reading your comments ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ blackdia

    PS It's good to see your comments too.

    blackdia December 18, 2016 12:29 pm

    I'm full of theories too, but I'm just enjoying the story by far. I'm even a little bit envious of the author's brilliant mind, I must confess. It's very clever.
    Have a nice day!

Anoni Grrl December 16, 2016 7:05 pm

I am deleting my original post because it contains a joke other people may find religiously offensive and it was not my intent to start a debate on religion or offend others. I apologize for not being sensitive to other people's religious beliefs. I was joking based on my own thoughts and experiences, and was not thinking seriously about religion.

I am leaving some of the comments because people have a right to disagree, and I want to make my position clear that I see a difference between comments that disagree with the *content* and those that make *personal* attacks or have an axe to grind and seem to me to be posted only to disrupt discussion instead of promote it. Since some people found my joke to fall into the later category, I deleted it. I left some comments that have a mixture of content discussion an personal attacks because I can't delete just the part of the comment that is not directed at content.

For the record, I think trolls are those that post in order to make personal attacks or state things in a hostile way meant to insult others. This is different than simply disagreeing. Disagreeing is fine (though it doesn't mean people can't politely respond).

    Your mom December 16, 2016 11:03 am

    I know we're not allowed to find a problem with stuff posted on here as if you disagree you're called a troll more often than not. But I do find a problem in you likening a beautiful religious Christmas song, to a's a bit much.

    Reality bites December 16, 2016 11:56 am

    I don't think the intent was to make fun of any one's beliefs or dis respect others. although the joke may not be for every one, I don't think it was meat to hurt any one either.

    Anonymous December 16, 2016 2:29 pm
    This reply was deleted by the author of the post @AnonK

    You sure whine alot ╥﹏╥

    Reality bites December 16, 2016 3:33 pm

    No one has called any one a troll but you. but i do notice that any time anyone says anything on this page positive, some one comes in to level it. I have no need to defend or castrate her. Perhaps you should reread my post. you come in to make a grand statement to put every one else down at the 1fst sec .Posing as another AnnoK. Cursing as per usual. No one runs this page but you Annoymous which ever one you are today. you see you set it up and you get . Your Mom. you posted your OP to a question no one went after you for it or called you a trolled. you said your OP abt. AG's post, I was polite and light hearted I could even see your side. there is no posse here. And yet here you(ANno) come to sow the seeds of discontent. This(AG) person has never been disrepect. to others when posting here, used disruptive lang., so I can say it was meant to be a joke. You (AnonK) jump at the change to sling your mud. you don't know the person well enough to call her disgusting. the rest of society may well judge you the same for even reading this type of material. Remember as you judge so to you can be also.

    Reality bites December 16, 2016 3:34 pm

    Still feel like we are the baddies Your mom?

    Your mom December 16, 2016 5:42 pm
    Still feel like we are the baddies Your mom? @Reality bites

    Um this question actually shows that you are pretty confrontational! Why bring me back into it? I stand by my original point because I have every reason to find a problem with anonis post like it or not.
    It seems that you guys just can't stand people disagreeing with you. maybe they have a point.....? You seem to fly off the handle and say that someone is trying to 'castrate' anoni, don't you think THAT is the kind of thing they are talking about?
    Why not just let people disagree if they want. Yet again something gets blown way out of proportion and like those guys says it seems to be anonis cronies doing it. Sorry but all I said was I did not agree with her post and i am allowed to. No one had to respond and it's nothing to do with me. There are no baddies and goodies either here because I'm sure all of you can be bullies or trolls when you want to be. I'm sure there are examples of all of you being mean to someone at some point.

    Anonymous December 16, 2016 6:26 pm
    Um this question actually shows that you are pretty confrontational! Why bring me back into it? I stand by my original point because I have every reason to find a problem with anonis post like it or not. It see... @Your mom

    Errm you are the one blowing this out of proportion. You could of stuck with the second part you wrote which I wholehearted agree but you started out first with a rant about trolls which is kind of confrontational too.

    Anoni Grrl December 16, 2016 6:37 pm
    I know we're not allowed to find a problem with stuff posted on here as if you disagree you're called a troll more often than not. But I do find a problem in you likening a beautiful religious Christmas song, ... @Your mom

    It's a joke...but it's also what I think when I selectively listen to the lyrics. You are entitled to religious sensitivities--but I still think what i think.

    Your mom December 16, 2016 6:53 pm
    Errm you are the one blowing this out of proportion. You could of stuck with the second part you wrote which I wholehearted agree but you started out first with a rant about trolls which is kind of confrontatio... @Anonymous

    It was hardly a rant when I'm genuinely asking rb to question (her) replies and no it's not at all confrontational. Only in the way that asks that someone confront their own behaviour. Naturally anyone in my position would feel frustrated when after posting my original post - I come back to see all that shit. And a question asking ME of all people to back up someone I have no obligation to agree with.

    Why rb felt the need to try and placate me on behalf of anoni anyway is beyond me because anoni herself clearly didn't put any thought into her post in the first place. And there in lies the point. That all the usual suspects are involved in this nonsense and quite frankly it does always centre around the SAME people. Perhaps you should start seeing these patterns too. maybe they crave the drama, but don't. I'm going to live my life so you trolls stay on here and be miserable with each other. There's clearly no winning against stupid.

    Anoni Grrl December 16, 2016 7:12 pm
    It was hardly a rant when I'm genuinely asking rb to question (her) replies and no it's not at all confrontational. Only in the way that asks that someone confront their own behaviour. Naturally anyone in my po... @Your mom

    You are correct that I did not put that much thought into the original post, and I have changed it based on your objections. However, I think some of the drama "centers around the same people" because others simply disagree with what we say and find ways to characterize us as "rabid fans" or "attacking" when they are in the process of making personal attacks instead of focusing on the content of the posts.

    I am not against you posting your opinion. I am simply going to post mine too. I am not trying to attack or be offensive. I am just saying what I think.

    Anoni Grrl December 16, 2016 7:19 pm
    I don't think the intent was to make fun of any one's beliefs or dis respect others. although the joke may not be for every one, I don't think it was meat to hurt any one either. @Reality bites

    Thanks RB. TBH, I just didn't think of "fall on your knees" as having a religious significance, but now I realize that to many people it does. Also, it seems we are a posse :) I think we should get t-shirts or something.

    Reality bites December 16, 2016 10:17 pm

    I'm sorry Your Mom that was not my intent, my apologies. I wanted you to see we aren't as bad as ppl say we are. ii was not really asking for a ans. back. sorry.

    Reality bites December 16, 2016 10:35 pm

    Forget it AG not worth it. We did what we were supp. to do. Which was more than they did.

Anoni Grrl December 13, 2016 5:58 pm

Though you can't judge a book by it's cover, I think it's fair to say much of the tone and context of a manga (or manhwa) is conveyed by it's art. The Finder cover at the top of the page reflects elements of the classic "bodice ripper" cover in an homage that could almost be seen as tongue-in-cheek (depending on how the reader interprets the story). Asami in his dark suit bends over Aki, whose white shirt is ripped open and their eyes suggest this is a story of passion and desire. Compare it to a typical bodice ripper cover like this one for Pirate in my Arms:

The dark haired pirate bends over the woman in the white dress whose neckline is open to show skin. The woman exposes her neck in a gesture of surrender.The pirate grabs her in his strong, manly man arms. See where I am going with this?

But modern romance has changed. Now, the man on the cover would probably be shirtless (see e.g.

Compare this to the cover of Killing Stalking:

On one level, both Finder and Killing Stalking have story elements that involve the main character "stalking" and pursuing the seme for his own reasons until the seme captures, imprisons, and rapes him. But look at the difference in the art. These stories use the same elements in very different ways. Sure, the KS MC has on open shirt just like Aki, but he is looking down and is unaware that the seme is about to wack him from behind. The seme doesn't look passionate in that picture. He looks menacing--and not in a sexy way. And the MC looks sad and lonely. The background is dark and blood red. Without even reading the stories, we can see that the tone and intent seem to be very different.

Of course, Finder isn't for everyone, and everyone is entitled to an opinion. But it is worth noting that the context varies depending on the story, and how story elements are used matters. It just seem to me that even if people don't read the tags, if they see a cover of a manga that looks like a bodice ripper, they should consider that the story may be like a bodice ripper.

    Anoni Grrl December 13, 2016 9:53 pm
    This reply was deleted by the author of the post @Anonymous

    Why does it bother you that I enjoy something you don't enjoy?

    LadyLigeia December 13, 2016 10:16 pm
    This reply was deleted by the author of the post @Anonymous

    What's your problem? Oo

    J Unleashed December 13, 2016 10:48 pm

    Most BL covers (including Finder) look like the cheesy teen pulp paperbacks you see in the romance section of bookstores... which is to say, awful. This is not a comment on the artwork, just the composition. I guess that's par for the course.

    (Anoni, dismiss that idiot from your thread. They're purposely being a distraction)

    Anoni Grrl December 13, 2016 11:07 pm
    Most BL covers (including Finder) look like the cheesy teen pulp paperbacks you see in the romance section of bookstores... which is to say, awful. This is not a comment on the artwork, just the composition. I ... J Unleashed

    Thanks, I forgot for a moment to do that. Now, Lady L and I look silly. Sorry Lady L!

    And you are right-but usually you can tell a fluffy yaoi cover from a psychological thriller yaoi cover. I think Finder falls just a tad higher on the fluffy scale(*) than something like Moritat or Caste Heaven, but not full on fluffy. The other Finder covers can be a bit grittier.

    * My version of the fluffy scale would have something like Stalking Killing at 0 fluffy and Joou to Shitateya as the fluffiest I read, which would probably make it a 9 on a scale of 10, with 10 being too saccharine for my personal taste.

    Romanceisdead69 December 13, 2016 11:25 pm
    Thanks, I forgot for a moment to do that. Now, Lady L and I look silly. Sorry Lady L!And you are right-but usually you can tell a fluffy yaoi cover from a psychological thriller yaoi cover. I think Finder falls... Anoni Grrl

    You know what, I actually dismiss quite a few manga based solely on their cover art - I have probably missed out on some pretty good reads just because a certain composition isn't to my liking ( ̄∇ ̄") I am really into art, so I can be pretty dang snobby about this stuff….

    For some reason though I grow less and less motivated to try new manga…because sometimes I happen to come across things (- -) that look interesting - but end up burned onto my retinas and nightmares for a week!

    But by the by, those two romance novels you posted have beautiful artwork….although one of the ladies legs appear to be one large fleshy blob ^^'

    Reality bites December 13, 2016 11:29 pm

    change of topic been reading abt. the history of some of the real fairy tales( Little Red Riding hood). The real story of Red makes VF look like the fairy tale. A true blood fest.

    Anoni Grrl December 13, 2016 11:39 pm
    change of topic been reading abt. the history of some of the real fairy tales( Little Red Riding hood). The real story of Red makes VF look like the fairy tale. A true blood fest. @Reality bites

    Thanks Bites. I like comparing stories too. I've always likes Bruno Bettleheim's idea that Little Red Riding Hood was a tale of sexual awakening (poor Red). Do you see Asami as the big bad wolf?

    Reality bites December 14, 2016 12:25 am

    Asami as the wolf! Takaba as Red, leaving bread crumbs on the forest floor to make sure he finds him . hahahaha.

    eworth December 14, 2016 12:26 am

    I love the covers. I guess I take them as being both cheeky winks to the bodice ripper covers, as Anoni Grrl says, but at the same time, they are undeniably sexy. Aki is downright glamorously beautiful on the covers, and I love the challenging way they glare out at the viewer, which gives you a bit of a voyeur vibe. "What are you looking at? Yes, I'm about to fuck his brains out. Want to watch?" (Why yes, I do over-analyze everything, before someone comes at me for it.)

    I've also been swayed by cover art. I also got sucked into Host is Down, to my regret. But I almost skipped Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki because I thought the cover was extremely goofy, and now it's one of my favorite things in the world. So now I'm terrified of missing something good because the cover art puts me off.

    LadyLigeia December 14, 2016 12:41 am
    Thanks, I forgot for a moment to do that. Now, Lady L and I look silly. Sorry Lady L!And you are right-but usually you can tell a fluffy yaoi cover from a psychological thriller yaoi cover. I think Finder falls... Anoni Grrl

    Don't worry! ^-^

    Reality bites December 14, 2016 12:50 am

    The ones with no covers, make me wonder if they have an illness.^^you know with that kid on the front. Is the story so bad they did not draw a cover for it? just kidding.

    Anoni Grrl December 14, 2016 1:04 am
    I love the covers. I guess I take them as being both cheeky winks to the bodice ripper covers, as Anoni Grrl says, but at the same time, they are undeniably sexy. Aki is downright glamorously beautiful on the c... eworth

    Very reasonable--and you are right, going by the cover alone might make me miss something. I love everything by Scarliet Beirko so far, but somewhat like like you I would have skipped Amefurashi - Shunu Ni Shippori To Nureru, Ooedo Renaitan based on the cover alone. I did click on Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki right away because it hints at gun play and I recognized the uke from Doctor Minori.

    One of my favorite Manhwas right now is Royal Servant, but the cover art is just a bunch of guys looking moody. I mean, it's nice art, but I wouldn't know it was going to feed my bondage kink by the cover alone (though the title is a hint).

    I have the hardest time with Harada, because I don't happen to like shota though I like her other work, and you can't always tell ages by the cover. I actually have to read the comments and take a plunge.

    Anoni Grrl December 14, 2016 1:07 am
    The ones with no covers, make me wonder if they have an illness.^^you know with that kid on the front. Is the story so bad they did not draw a cover for it? just kidding. @Reality bites

    Heehee. If there is no cover and no blurb, I have to be in the right mood to click on it and see if i will like it.

    eworth December 14, 2016 1:20 am
    Very reasonable--and you are right, going by the cover alone might make me miss something. I love everything by Scarliet Beirko so far, but somewhat like like you I would have skipped Amefurashi - Shunu Ni Ship... Anoni Grrl

    Senya Ichiya - Shitone no Himegoto was another one I nearly passed by because the cover is very bland and the art borders on bara. Glowing reviews made me give it a chance and now it's in my top five.

    But by the same token, there are some mangakas whose art is exquisite and covers beautiful but the stories just aren't my thing. But the beautiful covers draw me every time to at least give it a try, like maybe THIS time I'll get it. I will give a manga with a good cover at least a couple of pages (unless the blurb is a total turn off.)

    Anoni Grrl December 14, 2016 1:47 am
    Senya Ichiya - Shitone no Himegoto was another one I nearly passed by because the cover is very bland and the art borders on bara. Glowing reviews made me give it a chance and now it's in my top five. But by th... eworth

    Thanks--I haven't read that one yet. It never caught my eye. Now I will. I guess covers can give you hint, but not always a complete picture.

    eworth December 14, 2016 2:34 am
    Thanks--I haven't read that one yet. It never caught my eye. Now I will. I guess covers can give you hint, but not always a complete picture. Anoni Grrl

    I think it's an overlooked masterpiece, the way it threads a reimagined Scheherazade tale through the modern story. And the last two chapters send it through the stratosphere, emotionally. Completely and utterly satisfying.

    Manaji December 14, 2016 1:24 pm

    Just for the information, at the beginning Viewfinder was publish in an other magazine it's wildly know that chapters in this magazine was not valided by the publisher if a sexual scene was not present in it. So because sensei had a contract to fill she has to place sex in every fucking chapters, that's very difficult to devellop a plot with this kind of restriction, especially when you want to create a relationship between two characters. That's why Akihito get rape by Yuri, Feilong, every chapter Asami was not here she still have to draw sex scenes. The publisher close at the end-middle of volume 4 (naked truth) and after that you can clearly see the change. I'm not saying that viewfinder is perfect, but we have to understand that the serie had circonstance and the news issues are still much better

    Reality bites December 14, 2016 1:35 pm

    You are right eworth, it is a brilliant bit of writing. Esp. liked how the writer ties together one part of the story(don't want to give the plot away). using art and words.

    Anoni Grrl December 14, 2016 6:03 pm
    Just for the information, at the beginning Viewfinder was publish in an other magazine it's wildly know that chapters in this magazine was not valided by the publisher if a sexual scene was not present in it. S... @Manaji

    Finder developed from a BDSM short. It was not originally planned to run as long as it did, so everything may not fit together as if the story were mapped out first and then executed. But I like the BDSM part, and I like how it developed. And while I like the characters and the plot, it is yoai and part of being yoai is being erotica--so there is going to be fan service. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Don't misunderstand. That isn't criticism on my part. I really like this story and I really like the erotica with Asami and even Fei. Personally, I don't care for the others as much because I like my erotica flavored with passion and emotional baggage. But still, along with noticing the tone conveyed by the cover and the art, I think a few genre expectations are allowed.

    Your mom December 14, 2016 7:01 pm
    Just for the information, at the beginning Viewfinder was publish in an other magazine it's wildly know that chapters in this magazine was not valided by the publisher if a sexual scene was not present in it. S... @Manaji

    He wasn't raped by Yuri : /

    J Unleashed December 14, 2016 8:28 pm
    Just for the information, at the beginning Viewfinder was publish in an other magazine it's wildly know that chapters in this magazine was not valided by the publisher if a sexual scene was not present in it. S... @Manaji

    After Finder was continued following her BDSM Be x Boy Special Edition entry, it was published in the form of a series of one-shots. Of course each one-shot had to have a sex scene-- after all, that's what Be x Boy readers expect to see. So, this part is correct.

    Once Finder was serialized (a continuing storyline, with a single chapter published every two months) she was able to concentrate on a more complex plot rather than having to have a token plot revolve around the sex scenes. The first story serialization was the prequel consisting of Fei Long's history, which has almost no sex in it. This was well before Libre's predecessor, Biblos (the first publisher), tanked in 2006, and prior to start of The Naked Truth.

    Since then, Yamane-sensei finds herself sometimes having to fit sex scenes in (occasionally at the expense of character development, or the plot itself) because this is what her audience demands.

    Not that I'm complaining.

    J Unleashed December 14, 2016 9:21 pm
    Finder developed from a BDSM short. It was not originally planned to run as long as it did, so everything may not fit together as if the story were mapped out first and then executed. But I like the BDSM part, ... Anoni Grrl

    I also like that this series grew from the BDSM story-- unlike some other readers who seem to wish that this chapter never happened. It was Asami's surprising brief affection at the end, giving a hint there was a human being behind a brutal facade, that drew me in.

    An interesting bit trivia some may not know: Fei Long's backstory was originally only supposed to be two chapters long. This Finder side story was set up to be foreshadowing for the soon-to-come story "The Naked Truth".

    Also conceived was a continuation of "Flower in the High Loft" where Asami and Fei Long were supposed to have full-on sex, but it was felt this would undermine the development of Asami and Akihito's relationship in the series.

    Reality bites December 14, 2016 10:01 pm

    Love the background info. It is interesting. That was a good arc abt. Fei and yet she gets put down for not being able to write esp. that exchange with Asami. she wrote heat between them

    LadyLigeia December 14, 2016 10:13 pm
    I also like that this series grew from the BDSM story-- unlike some other readers who seem to wish that this chapter never happened. It was Asami's surprising brief affection at the end, giving a hint there was... J Unleashed

    Full-on sex???? O-O O-O If something like that had happened that would have burned in my mind forever and ever ! O^O

    Anoni Grrl December 15, 2016 4:10 am
    I also like that this series grew from the BDSM story-- unlike some other readers who seem to wish that this chapter never happened. It was Asami's surprising brief affection at the end, giving a hint there was... J Unleashed

    That's interesting. I wonder what that means for the potential of Asami and Kuroda in the next novel? I don't really want them to have been lovers, but I don't see a whole novel without sex in it. Maybe Kuroda has sex with someone else so as not to undermine the main couple. :) Maybe it could be young Kirishima--but that would be asking too much.

    LadyLigeia December 15, 2016 12:14 pm
    That's interesting. I wonder what that means for the potential of Asami and Kuroda in the next novel? I don't really want them to have been lovers, but I don't see a whole novel without sex in it. Maybe Kuroda ... Anoni Grrl

    Yeah, it's hard to imagine a Finder novel without sex, but we are talking something happened far back in the past. I don't know if a teen couple (Asami & Kuroda) would undermine the main couple. I was looking forward to it *0*

    Anoni Grrl December 15, 2016 6:38 pm
    Yeah, it's hard to imagine a Finder novel without sex, but we are talking something happened far back in the past. I don't know if a teen couple (Asami & Kuroda) would undermine the main couple. I was looki... LadyLigeia

    Oh, I don't really think it would--but I wanted them to be half brothers and I ship Kuroda w/Kirishima. I'll live if Asami had sex with Kuroda though. It just makes the currant jealousy for Aki petty instead of brotherly. Oh well. :)

    LadyLigeia December 15, 2016 7:31 pm
    Oh, I don't really think it would--but I wanted them to be half brothers and I ship Kuroda w/Kirishima. I'll live if Asami had sex with Kuroda though. It just makes the currant jealousy for Aki petty instead of... Anoni Grrl

    I get your point, but sometimes we act all brotherly and protective with an old lover. I know that by experience. (⌒▽⌒) (⌒▽⌒)

    eworth December 17, 2016 5:13 pm
    You are right eworth, it is a brilliant bit of writing. Esp. liked how the writer ties together one part of the story(don't want to give the plot away). using art and words. @Reality bites

    I'm glad you liked it! Yes, the twining of the two stories really made it for me. The art in the Scheherazade story reminded me of Aubrey Beardsley. And this is one of the few mangas that have made me cry. I actually gasped, chapter 6, page 7. Oh my gawd.

Anoni Grrl December 13, 2016 12:13 am

So this is one of the fluffy stories.

Anoni Grrl December 12, 2016 5:20 pm

Both Jesse and Law are what their parents' made them, though both are old enough to be responsible for their own choices as well. I think this chapter means some of Jesse's attitude was "real" regardless of memories. For example, the way he thought of servants, and how he used inductive reasoning to surmise Law must be low class. Law seemed like two people in the VR because sometimes he was the fake friend from chapter 33 who was born to suck up, and sometimes he was more of his true self.

I think that at their core, they are a spoiled brat and a suck-up toady, neither of whom was particularly bothered about becoming better people. I predict they developed as people who play cruel games and that both have issues from their past. I don't see either one as on the road to redemption.

PS For those who read Caste Heaven, think of how someone like Karino might be if he was paired with a suck-up son of one of his dad's employees, but they discover in high school that they liked/hated messing each other up, and messing with others for fun. Now give them time to grow up and go to work, but not change their "games".

PPS I really think it's a lab and not a hospital, and the maid is a technician, not a nurse, but we'll see on that one.

Anoni Grrl December 10, 2016 4:27 am

So this Angelo is a rich, not bad looking director and he always has to strong arm others into going drinking with him even though the other doesn't want to? Damn, his personality must be horrible.

    Anonymous December 10, 2016 8:50 am

    Yeah he Must be uke :)

Anoni Grrl December 8, 2016 1:52 am

Is there shota in this? I mean, how young do they revert and how much do they do in children's bodies? I need clear tags to avoid the few things that I don't like. Thanks!

    chic December 8, 2016 2:35 am

    One shrinked to a child, the other did not.
    And don't forget the rape tag.
    And Harada.

    cana December 8, 2016 6:19 am

    There's Harada tag.
    This is the most powerful tag of all

    teh_Sanders December 8, 2016 6:23 am
    There's Harada tag.This is the most powerful tag of all cana

    Haha! True

    raindragon December 8, 2016 6:34 am
    Haha! True teh_Sanders

    hi anonigirl, I think you should go by your own judgement on this, but of course then you have to read the whole thing. haha.
    Wouldn't using the Harada tag cause someone to avoid so many of Harada's really great, really cute, really smartly drawn, really well-written works? Harada's among the very best.

    Anoni Grrl December 8, 2016 8:18 am
    One shrinked to a child, the other did not.And don't forget the rape tag.And Harada. chic

    How young of a child? Rape and Harda I'm okay with. It's children I don't like to see sexually--not even for Harada (who I read). I read lots of stories with rape and enjoy them. I like sick and twisted--but with adults. No judgment--it's just my personal taste. I'm not trying to politically judge a story--just trying to stick to what I like in the realm of nasty. And yes, I know she has some other stories with kids. If they are at least in high school, I can pretend they are older.

    Anoni Grrl December 8, 2016 8:18 am
    hi anonigirl, I think you should go by your own judgement on this, but of course then you have to read the whole thing. haha.Wouldn't using the Harada tag cause someone to avoid so many of Harada's really grea... raindragon

    Catch 22! But thanks. (⌒▽⌒)

    Anoni Grrl December 8, 2016 8:23 am
    How young of a child? Rape and Harda I'm okay with. It's children I don't like to see sexually--not even for Harada (who I read). I read lots of stories with rape and enjoy them. I like sick and twisted--but w... Anoni Grrl

    PS I have a similar problem trying to find good BDSM hentai that does have water sports (or worse--a bowel movement). It's hard to be a freak who is only kinky about some things.

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