Anoni Grrl January 26, 2017 4:31 pm

This involves chapter 17 spoilers. Please scroll down.

So, what I am wondering is why that chubby guy could not get up and let Bum out of the booth? Seriously, what a jerk. If they are going to be rash enough to kill of people Sangwoo knows, I say let the stupid girl live and kill the dude would wouldn't get up for a guy with a crutch.

But as a side note, I had thought that Sangwoo's friends would be safe, but now that he left publicly without the girl and then texted her to meet him alone, I am not so sure.

    faith January 26, 2017 4:57 pm

    Maybe the fat guy is next? I hope he is next. Sang woo kind of like becomes Bum's saviour (???) in the most fucked up way.

Anoni Grrl January 23, 2017 11:20 am

Can someone explain Bum's uncle to me? I mean, Bum thinks he lives (lived) with his uncle but that apartment didn't have space for more than Bum. And Bum had nail polish and make up as well as the bra--I'm thinking those were Bum's (unless he stole them from an "ex")? And no one was looking for Bum. So, where was the uncle in all this?

    Dani January 23, 2017 3:41 pm

    I don't think he actually lived with his uncle. Maybe in the past but not anymore. Bum hasn't taken the best care of himself, health wise or in general cleanliness, so he proably lived alone. Completely speculating, but I think that his uncle finanically supported Bum in return for sex. When Bum went missing his uncle would have stopped sending the rent. I didn't get the impression his uncle cared for his well being so he might not care that Bum is missing.

    I think the nail polish and other items were stolen from people he obsessed over. There's a theory that Bum dressed as a woman to stalk people but I can't imagine him successfully cross dressing.

    Anoni Grrl January 23, 2017 4:52 pm
    I don't think he actually lived with his uncle. Maybe in the past but not anymore. Bum hasn't taken the best care of himself, health wise or in general cleanliness, so he proably lived alone. Completely specula... Dani

    Thanks. That makes sense. It's hard to tell because when we see things from Bum's POV, you can't trust what is "real' completely. Not that you can trust anyone in this story.

    Anonymous January 23, 2017 10:55 pm

    I think Bum has a place of his own and maybe a place at his uncle? In chapter 1 we see him in this bed: and this one

    The first one is clearly not the same bed as his apartment so I'm guessing it's the one at his uncle since it's more furnished than just a mattress on the ground.

    I'm not sure if his uncle financially supported him in terms of rent since the landlady said bum being a student and not having a job was not an excuse to pay rent...the way she said it made it seemed like she spoke with bum about missing rent prior to Sangwoo.

    Anoni Grrl January 23, 2017 11:50 pm
    I think Bum has a place of his own and maybe a place at his uncle? In chapter 1 we see him in this bed: and this one @Anonymous

    I noticed the two beds too--it's one reason I was wondering where we were in Bum's mind at the time. I also saw that Sangwoo calls Bum "middle-aged" (in English anyway) when he can't possible be over 30. He may be an older student, but he should be about four years older than Sangwoo, right? Sangwoo can still pass for 20, and skinny little Bum shouldn't look that old to most people. So sometimes I wonder.

    Anonymous January 24, 2017 3:08 am
    I noticed the two beds too--it's one reason I was wondering where we were in Bum's mind at the time. I also saw that Sangwoo calls Bum "middle-aged" (in English anyway) when he can't possible be over 30. He may... Anoni Grrl

    I think the furnished bed was when he encountered Sangwoo again after the army and started his stalking him. Koreans add a year to their age so Bum was 23 when he first met Sangwoo in college (since he started 4 years late), 25 by the time he finished his army service, and assuming a year has passed, I want to say he is 26. The reason for that is the police mentioned Sangwoos parents being murdered 3 years ago when he was in high school...assuming it's the end of high school/early start of college + 2 years of army service...seems right that only a year has passed at most.

    Chacha January 24, 2017 3:16 am
    I think the furnished bed was when he encountered Sangwoo again after the army and started his stalking him. Koreans add a year to their age so Bum was 23 when he first met Sangwoo in college (since he started ... @Anonymous

    There's a theory that Bums uncle pays him for sex. One day Bum will have sex with him in his house the next at his that's why you see two different places.

    Anonymous January 24, 2017 3:21 am
    There's a theory that Bums uncle pays him for sex. One day Bum will have sex with him in his house the next at his that's why you see two different places. @Chacha

    Yeah, I've seen that mentioned a few times but not sure I buy into it quite yet...

    Dani January 24, 2017 4:18 am
    Yeah, I've seen that mentioned a few times but not sure I buy into it quite yet... @Anonymous

    There's really not enough information to be fully convinced on anything about Bum's uncle. I thought the money for sex theory makes sense because Bum hasn't been shown to have a job and it could explain how Bum got money. The condition of his apartment makes it appear that he lived alone. However based upon what Bum said and his flashbacks about his uncle I believe his uncle came to him for sex on a regular basis. If Bum lived alone without assistance from his uncle then why would going back mean him seeing his uncle? I figured he could lock himself in his apartment to escape his uncle otherwise.

Anoni Grrl January 22, 2017 5:46 pm

Well, that was at least a discussion. I like Jin more and more. I love the way he talks to Angelo, and how he won't let Ei just go silent and expect obedience without questions in the name of "trust".

And I like the tackle and BJ method of problem solving too. They should add that to couple's therapy.(⌒▽⌒)

Anoni Grrl January 21, 2017 5:21 pm

So, the jerk's last Bf had to drop out of school after being exposed...pattern?

Anoni Grrl January 17, 2017 4:10 pm

It was nice to see it all pretty and in English. Hey Lady L, this version ends with *Asami* must (has to) wait. :) I am not sure if it matters, but I find the Spanish/English and other little differences interesting.

So does anyone know why the picture of current and young Asami is burning? Is that just for the drama or does it mean something?

    Fuyunghai January 17, 2017 4:23 pm

    I think the burning Asami is about his past.ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Anoni Grrl January 17, 2017 4:24 pm
    I think the burning Asami is about his past.ヾ(☆▽☆) Fuyunghai

    That could be. I wonder what makes it worth destroying?

    Fuyunghai January 17, 2017 4:35 pm
    That could be. I wonder what makes it worth destroying? Anoni Grrl

    I think his family? I read some tumblr post said that we will get Kuroda and Asami relationship story too... it's not destroying past but likely to hide his past

    Anoni Grrl January 17, 2017 4:38 pm
    I think his family? I read some tumblr post said that we will get Kuroda and Asami relationship story too... it's not destroying past but likely to hide his past Fuyunghai

    Oh yes. From what I read (spoilers maybe)
    Scroll down

    Asami and Kuroda will have a story. Also, a "demon" (Asami) will haunt a local shrine and little Aki will go and check it out.

    LadyLigeia January 17, 2017 4:42 pm

    Yeah, it seems that in every version in some way the last words are different. I put something about Asami and the flames while ago (some posts down). Could it be that he took the identity of another person and concealed his real past? More or less like "Mr Ripley"? ^^

    Anoni Grrl January 17, 2017 4:45 pm
    Yeah, it seems that in every version in some way the last words are different. I put something about Asami and the flames while ago (some posts down). Could it be that he took the identity of another person and... LadyLigeia

    Ah, yes you did. I steal all my best ideas. :) Maybe he does need to hide his identity...that's always been one of my pet theories. I mean, though it's possible Asami sprung full grown into existence from his own awesomeness, he has to have some family sometime, right?

    J Unleashed January 17, 2017 5:03 pm

    Or maybe the blue flame shows that he burns hotter than normal for... reasons.

    It kind of reminds me of Lunatic from Tiger & Bunny.

    Anoni Grrl January 17, 2017 5:06 pm
    Or maybe the blue flame shows that he burns hotter than normal for... reasons. It kind of reminds me of Lunatic from Tiger & Bunny. J Unleashed

    Aye the blue on the top is for the blue eyes and's moody like cigarette smoke in an old film. But at the bottom, there are dark red/brown smoldering burnt and holy things going on--like someone held a light to the pictures.

    LadyLigeia January 17, 2017 5:42 pm
    Ah, yes you did. I steal all my best ideas. :) Maybe he does need to hide his identity...that's always been one of my pet theories. I mean, though it's possible Asami sprung full grown into existence from his o... Anoni Grrl

    Could it be possible that he's a secret agent, someone who stumbled against an inconvenient truth and needed to hide his real identity and to live protected by the government? ^^

    Fuyunghai January 19, 2017 4:42 pm
    Could it be possible that he's a secret agent, someone who stumbled against an inconvenient truth and needed to hide his real identity and to live protected by the government? ^^ LadyLigeia

    in twitter,it said: "Asami, single, 18 years old story--" means something... why he's single? he's 18 and a fine young man

    Anoni Grrl January 19, 2017 5:31 pm
    in twitter,it said: "Asami, single, 18 years old story--" means something... why he's single? he's 18 and a fine young man Fuyunghai

    Lady L and I have seen the spoilers--but thanks, I love spoilers. I don't mean to speak for her, but sometimes we kick around speculations about Asami's past for fun, and this is something we have touched on before. It's not so much that he was single when he was 18 that raises questions for some of us--it's that he appears to have no family or anyone besides Aki (and people from work, and now, maybe Kuroda). It's part of his mystery. So sometimes I like to wonder if he's got a long-game going on that we just don't know about yet, and sometimes people ask if maybe Asami burnt his old identity to protect his family--it's just random chatter for the heck of it. (=・ω・=)

Anoni Grrl January 17, 2017 4:04 pm

I kinda thought it was funny.
Maybe it's just me. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Anoni Grrl January 15, 2017 11:05 pm

Sangwoo's character is interesting to me in part because of how well he demonstrates abusive techniques such as playing "Mr. Wonderful" in public and drawing Bum's (and some readers') sympathy. Sangwoo can play people's emotions even though Sangwoo has all the power and control, and Sangwoo is, as one comment so aptly put it, an asshole. I am not saying this to put down readers who like Sangwoo (or those who hate him). This is just my take on him.

Many aspects of Sangwoo's abuse do hit home for many readers, so though it is fiction, I see why feelings may run high on the topic. One that I recognize from real life is the Mr. Wonderful act. I confess this is the type of character I hate the most--one that everyone else thinks is a good guy, and one who thinks of himself as a good guy (or even the victim)--despite the fact that he is controlling and abusive. He's not just good looking--he's charming. He smiles and says the right things and people believe the BS. Now, with chapter 15 (stop reading if you have avoided spoilers), I think it is likely that if Sangwoo's friends meet Bum in chapter 16, everyone will think how wonderful Sangwoo is for putting up with that burden, Bum, and how Bum drags down that nice guy, Sangwoo. Sangwoo is so great to put up with all that. Say what you want about Sangwoo--he does an excellent job of creating a public narrative in which he is the hero. The irony is that the reader (and Bum) know the truth and yet Sangwoo's version is so powerful. It seems likely Sangwoo himself believes it.

It is perhaps partly the strength of Sangwoo's persuasion that draws Bum in, even as Bum cries and says he hates Sangwoo. But when Sangwoo expresses feelings, they are so strong, and so oddly compelling, that even Bum (or perhaps especially Bum) starts to empathize with him and worry more about Sangwoo's feelings than his own welfare. Of course some reader's think "Well, Sangwoo was abused," and "What if Bum leaves and Sangwoo goes over the edge?" Bum may start to think that. Not because it's right, but because that's part of how abusers suck you in. You want to take care of them, and you worry about them, even if they are killing you.

What would be more natural for some abuse survivors than to want to believe they can take control through "love" (or whatever connection they have) and fix everything? In this fantasy, the survivor becomes powerful through the abuser's affection and by meeting the abuser's needs. In terms of a defense mechanism, it makes perfect sense, especially when you can't leave. And who would not want to believe the survivor was loved in the twisted complicated mess of what happens?

Well, okay, I know who would not want to believe that. :)

But the fact remains, that Sangwoo is very good at all those tricks, and he himself may not even be fully aware he is doing them. That doesn't make it okay. It's just part of how I think this story element works.

    Anonymous January 16, 2017 2:50 am

    wowwww just wowww i really love everything u put here. Amazing way of thinking!!!

    now i wish the police guy will come to fix things up as he is the only one left who did not trust sangwoo.

    basically if the author decide to kill him. here my humanity, goes to ashes

    has been shipping police guy x bum since frst chpt but now idc anymore about love plot

    the plot right now is too delicious

    kurosaki January 16, 2017 4:21 am

    I love your explanation

    Anoni Grrl January 16, 2017 5:08 am
    wowwww just wowww i really love everything u put here. Amazing way of thinking!!!now i wish the police guy will come to fix things up as he is the only one left who did not trust sangwoo.basically if the author... @Anonymous

    Thanks. I feel anxiety about the policeman. I hope for him, and I fear...part of a good story, I guess.

    Anoni Grrl January 16, 2017 5:09 am
    I love your explanation kurosaki

    TY. :) I think when we find out more, people will have all sorts of theories about the characters.

    Itzarit January 16, 2017 5:45 am

    I liked your prediction for chapter 16...!! I just have the feeling that somebody is going to die and some new uncertainty in Bum is gonna break loose. I'm prepared to be wrecked.
    And tbh, I like to think Woo is conscious of how messed up he is... though, rlly, it's unlikely. He obviously has mental issues.

    Anoni Grrl January 16, 2017 6:19 am
    I liked your prediction for chapter 16...!! I just have the feeling that somebody is going to die and some new uncertainty in Bum is gonna break loose. I'm prepared to be wrecked.And tbh, I like to think Woo is... Itzarit

    Yeah, they both have mental issues. In a weird way, I think that may be why Bum is still his kind of crazy fits a pattern Sangwoo can work with, so he's worth keeping around.

    Anonymous January 16, 2017 1:12 pm

    Yupp, Im totally agree with you here, love your explanation/thoughts by the way

    Luna (previously Anonimo) January 16, 2017 1:16 pm

    I like your interpretation! Is very accurate, Sangwoo is a hell of a character, unpredictable and so well written that even the readers don't know exactly what to do or feel. The fact that you know that he's crazy and that he's a criminal and that you hate how the world surrender before him... Is just frustrating though fascinating. He's fascinating, in the most obscure way.
    But... I'll put my two cents and I think (and hope) that the mangaka has a card on her/his sleeve and I want to see that "charming" asshole be tamed by his own victim. Bum has the potential to develop his dark side that we know he has and just be a manipulative, calculated asshole too, but just on Woo. Only on him. Or that is what I want... I don't want a cop on a rescue... No. I want Bum in his most fucked and wrecked way a making Woo sing out loud "killing me softly"... I know he can do it.

    Either way I'll be looking forward for the roller coaster this is going to be.

    Anoni Grrl January 16, 2017 3:57 pm
    Yupp, Im totally agree with you here, love your explanation/thoughts by the way @Anonymous

    Thanks. (●'◡'●)ノ

    Anoni Grrl January 16, 2017 3:58 pm
    I like your interpretation! Is very accurate, Sangwoo is a hell of a character, unpredictable and so well written that even the readers don't know exactly what to do or feel. The fact that you know that he's cr... Luna (previously Anonimo)

    I think it will be a hell of a ride too. I'm not sure how it will go at all--that makes it fun.

Anoni Grrl January 13, 2017 5:51 am

Who invited Cruella de Vill?

Anoni Grrl January 12, 2017 8:30 pm



Anoni Grrl January 10, 2017 4:43 pm

I didn't notice in my first reading (because shipping!), but what's up with Sihan in this chapter? He's obviously concerned about Lucaon, but when Ryan goes to talk with Lucaon, Sihan stands in the background instead of sitting, and has his arms crossed defensively: Sihan is looking to blame Kyon and then Emma and talking about trust. I get anger is probably his go-to emotion when things get crappy, but I wonder what's going on in his head?

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