Anoni Grrl September 18, 2015 10:19 pm

Leaving aside social status, money and physical strength, who do you think has more power in this relationship? I'm talking about what George Castanza calls "hand"--the power one has in a relationship when the other person wants it more. Personally, I think Aki has more power, but he doesn't fully realize it. What do you think?

    bakaotaku34 September 19, 2015 12:27 am

    personally I think its Asami, eventhough I think he is really attached to akihito, he can easily toss him aside for a greater purpose, this is cold blooded asami after all!

    J Unleashed September 19, 2015 1:41 am

    I think Asami has a significant edge over Akihito mostly because of age and experience.

    Reality bites September 19, 2015 3:10 am

    I may be in the minority but I think they have worked out a way of sharing their power. It is not always equal but they both wind up getting what they need out of their relationship despite what it looks like from the outside. they each bring someting to the table. Asami stability in the form of power, Takaba stability in the form of an emotional center that has no dark spots, they balance each other out. His dark and Takaba's light, just my opin. any way.

    INeedYaoiToSurvive September 19, 2015 6:10 am
    I may be in the minority but I think they have worked out a way of sharing their power. It is not always equal but they both wind up getting what they need out of their relationship despite what it looks like f... @Reality bites

    Agreed. They both bring in the different aspects from their side which are both essential to their relationship.

    INeedYaoiToSurvive September 19, 2015 6:14 am
    personally I think its Asami, eventhough I think he is really attached to akihito, he can easily toss him aside for a greater purpose, this is cold blooded asami after all! bakaotaku34

    No, Asami at this point can't toss Akihito aside. Yes, he is cold blooded but he can't let go of Akihito. He is already nuts about Akihito, in a way he needs him after all Akihito is the light in the darkness for him. The same goes for Akihito, he can't let go of Asami either, he is stubborn and he runs away from him but he in the end returns to his side. He is weak towards his feelings for Asami.

    Anoni Grrl September 19, 2015 7:42 am
    Agreed. They both bring in the different aspects from their side which are both essential to their relationship. INeedYaoiToSurvive

    I can see a sort of balance. Both need each other, and neither could really leave.

    INeedYaoiToSurvive September 19, 2015 7:44 am
    I can see a sort of balance. Both need each other, and neither could really leave. Anoni Grrl

    Yes, exactly.

    eworth September 19, 2015 2:18 pm

    The kind of power you're talking about can maybe be measured in who has the power to hurt the other more and in that, I agree with you that Akihito holds that power and that he is completely unaware of it. I think he feels utterly powerless in this relationship and is only just beginning to have a sense of his own value.

    That key scene when he is brought back after running away and Asami gets so angry illustrates what you're talking about beautifully. Akihito has no clue why Asami gets angry with him. He certainly doesn't understand how he hurt Asami in that scene. Asami tries to wield his own power but you can see in the next scene how it didn't work. Akihito is curled up happily in bed. Asami is brooding in the shower.

    Then I think you have to look at who needs the other more. If Asami dumped Akihito, Akihito would bounce back eventually. He has lots of friends and loving parents to take care of him. If Akihito walked on Asami, Asami would go on, but would he be fine? He doesn't seem to have friends (except for Kuroda, who we've seen is bought and paid for like everything else in Asami's life) and probably no family. (He spends New Year's, a big family holiday in Japan, alone, asleep.) He has the loyalty of his subordinates but that's not the same as having someone you can be truly open with.

    Also "The Day Young Businessman Asami Ryuichi's Little Monster Arrived" extra is cute and funny on the surface but it paints a poignant picture underneath by showing you how sterile, impersonal and empty Asami's life was before Akihito entered it and how it would probably return if Akihito was gone.

    Akihito brought light in every sense of the word into Asami's life. If he goes he takes that with him.

    Yikes! Sorry for writing a book but it's an interesting question about something that is at the heart of this story.

    Anoni Grrl September 19, 2015 4:58 pm
    The kind of power you're talking about can maybe be measured in who has the power to hurt the other more and in that, I agree with you that Akihito holds that power and that he is completely unaware of it. I th... eworth

    That is what I was thinking at first. I think that you describe it well.

    I think it's telling how far Asami will go to try to please Aki. All Aki has to do is mention he likes something, for example fireworks. Asami may not say much, but he'll move heaven and earth to make sure Aki sees fireworks. Asami dislikes sweets, but if Aki puts a piece of chocolate in Asami's mouth, Asami eats it. Aki like zombie movies and Asami thinks snakry thoughts, but holds his tongue and watched them.

    I do see what people mean when they say Aki needs Asami too. Aki is just starting to realize how much Asami means to him.

    BTW, never apologize to *me* for writing too much. I tend to think in huge rushes of words that come faster than my fingers can type. Besides, I think everything you said was on point.

    Reality bites September 20, 2015 3:35 am

    I agree with ewoth that the power to hurt did lie(s) with Takaba. The power to break is (was) in the hands of Asami. Takaba spent a lot of this story trying to prove he was worthy to stand by Asami's side. when he saw Suduo with Asami that really pushed him.Takaba does have the power to hurt, but Asami has the power to break. Neither do.

    Anoni Grrl September 20, 2015 2:29 pm
    I agree with ewoth that the power to hurt did lie(s) with Takaba. The power to break is (was) in the hands of Asami. Takaba spent a lot of this story trying to prove he was worthy to stand by Asami's side. wh... @Reality bites

    I am not sure about "breaking" but Asami has the power to pursue and the power to insist. I think it's a significant development that Aki has started to be jealous (of Sudou, the black haired actress, and Kuroda--and then Aki says everyone is either after money or after Asami). So I'll say that Asami has the power to make Aki jealous too.

    I wonder what would happen if Asami found out about BJ gate and decided to withdraw and give Aki freedom? I don't think that is likely, but if Asami did leave, I wonder how Aki would pursue (because i think he would)?

    Aki's Fan September 20, 2015 4:44 pm
    The kind of power you're talking about can maybe be measured in who has the power to hurt the other more and in that, I agree with you that Akihito holds that power and that he is completely unaware of it. I th... eworth

    You described it perfectly , couldn't agree more.

Anoni Grrl September 16, 2015 5:00 pm

Can I entice anyone into a compare/contrast discussion of YMLIV and the web series Carmila? The epis are short and you get the gist of the characters after a few.

I'll admit right off that they are not a lesbian version of Asami and Aki, but if you had to make rough comparisons, would you think Laura's idealism and lack of experience make her more like Aki whereas Carmila is more like Aami? Or would you say Aki is more like the frat boy Kirch and Asami is like the dean? (Unfortunately the second pair is not a couple unless you go to fanfic).

    daynight September 16, 2015 6:53 pm

    Hello there fellow creampuff!
    I'm not sure about Akihito and Laura....
    Tbh, Asami can be compared to the Dean, in the aspect that both of them are merciless and calculating. But Asami has Aki and I don't think that the dean had anybody. Asami can be compared to Carmilla in aspect of how angry one would get if you were to hurt their loved one (see when Feilong took Aki and when Carmilla lost Mattie).

    It's just my opinion!

    daynight September 16, 2015 7:11 pm

    Also both of them are so whipped. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Anoni Grrl September 16, 2015 7:34 pm
    Hello there fellow creampuff!I'm not sure about Akihito and Laura....Tbh, Asami can be compared to the Dean, in the aspect that both of them are merciless and calculating. But Asami has Aki and I don't think th... @daynight

    Thanks for answering. I was afraid that by going outside of Yaoi, I lost everyone. I kind of agree with your opinion too. I think Laura is a little more deductive than Aki, but they both pursue their idea of what is right, and they both want their bad ass lovers to become better people.

    Anoni Grrl September 16, 2015 7:34 pm
    Also both of them are so whipped. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ @daynight

    LOL this is true.

    daynight September 17, 2015 10:33 am
    Thanks for answering. I was afraid that by going outside of Yaoi, I lost everyone. I kind of agree with your opinion too. I think Laura is a little more deductive than Aki, but they both pursue their idea of wh... Anoni Grrl

    No problem! The more viewers the series has, the more awesome!!!

Anoni Grrl September 16, 2015 12:23 am

I sometimes seem critical of certain things Aki does, so I wanted to take a moment to point out what I like about Aki--and invite you all to do the same.

I really love it when he is daring and defiant, like in this scene:

or this one:

I like him when he is being stubborn and blaming Asami too:


My very favorite Aki moments are when he starts working with Asami--like this:

and especially this:

What do you all like best about Aki?

    Anonymous September 16, 2015 12:41 am

    I can't find the page, but when Akihito leaves Asami a bag with bread & juice hanging on his door. Shows how caring Akihito is. The other is when he is lounging in the jail cell like he's been there a thousand times before. He's just so cute like that.

    Anoni Grrl September 16, 2015 1:45 am
    I can't find the page, but when Akihito leaves Asami a bag with bread & juice hanging on his door. Shows how caring Akihito is. The other is when he is lounging in the jail cell like he's been there a tho... @Anonymous

    Oh yeah--I thought it was so cute that Aki would get food for his "target". :)

    Anonymous September 16, 2015 7:54 pm
    I can't find the page, but when Akihito leaves Asami a bag with bread & juice hanging on his door. Shows how caring Akihito is. The other is when he is lounging in the jail cell like he's been there a tho... @Anonymous

    i also love what happens after that. *smirk

    INeedYaoiToSurvive September 16, 2015 8:15 pm
    I can't find the page, but when Akihito leaves Asami a bag with bread & juice hanging on his door. Shows how caring Akihito is. The other is when he is lounging in the jail cell like he's been there a tho... @Anonymous

    eworth September 16, 2015 11:36 pm

    Favorite aspect of Aki's character: His enormous, loving, open, forgiving heart. That he cares not just about his friends and family but about people who have hurt him in the worst possible ways is a beautiful thing.

    There are many little examples throughout the series, like the bread-and-juice moment mentioned above. I think that extra fits in before the events in volume three, so before Akihito had developed real feelings for Asami and was still aiming to take him down. And yet, he still cared enough to worry that Asami hadn't eaten.

    Another is when he has escaped from Fei Long's men in Hong Kong but Tao finds him and is going on about how wonderful Fei Long is and Aki starts to tell him some hard truths about the man he idolizes and then stops because he just can't hurt this little boy--who hasn't even been particularly nice to him.

    A favorite scene is in chapter 41, where he defends the old man against the street thugs in the park. I could actually see Aki sixty years down the road BEING that old man, handing out sweet bread to sad young people and giving them pep talks!

    But I think it's his compassion for Fei Long that really shows the capacity of his heart. I know a lot of readers consider it Stockholm Syndrome, but I don't think it is because he doesn't excuse Fei Long and he doesn't ever forget what Fei Long is. But he still has the ability to empathize with him, and it's that compassion that breaks through the spite and anger and need for revenge that Fei Long had been harboring for so many years.

    Blah blah, I could go on and on. I just adore him.

    Anoni Grrl September 17, 2015 12:58 am
    Favorite aspect of Aki's character: His enormous, loving, open, forgiving heart. That he cares not just about his friends and family but about people who have hurt him in the worst possible ways is a beautiful ... eworth

    That's a good point: Aki is a genuinely kind man. That takes a lot of strength. He doesn't do it because he wants to be liked or because he is covering up for some weakness. Aki really cares about others and he tries his best to help people.

Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 8:35 pm

I can believe teachers would find it easier to look the other way instead of doing something about bullying. I can't believe the targets' parents stay silent--especially since it's bad enough for some kids to go to the hospital. I have hypothesized that the adults support the game as some kind of training for the rich and powerful kids, but if it gets to the point where people can be hospitalized I would expect a lawsuit or something (in the US there would be a lawsuit and the school would have to have an anti-bullying program even if the program didn't work). I read another dark yaoi where the boys actually killed each other over their game--and it was supposed to take place in a boarding school for rich kids. Aren't rich parents most likely to cause a fuss when their kids are injured and killed? In the US parents with money would have a lot more to say about things (or at least.,more lawyers).

Oh well. It's a story. At least Azusa looks sexy all rumpled with his shirt hanging open.

    MangaLover12 September 8, 2015 9:07 pm

    Oh, what is the name of that dark yaoi manga you have read?

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 9:14 pm
    Oh, what is the name of that dark yaoi manga you have read? MangaLover12

    If I had remember, I'd have said. Let me look and I'll see if I can find a link. There was a messed up older brother and a too sweet younger brother who wanted to know what was going on. The story was never finished.

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 9:19 pm

    This is it, Rika the Breeder (not he way US people use breeder to mean straight people):

    MangaLover12 September 9, 2015 2:24 am
    This is it, Rika the Breeder (not he way US people use breeder to mean straight people): Anoni Grrl

    Thanks : )

Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 5:14 pm

So, if the spoilers are correct, we will be told that Karino bullies Azusa to satisfy the rest of the class and it really protects Azusa, does that mean that Azusa was protecting Kusakabe in chapter 1? Furthermore, we were told everyone was mad at Azusa for being such a bully when he was king, but then we are told they want to see people bullied, and that they will revolt if the king is not a bully. Why is Karino a better king than Azusa?

I am confused. Also, what is wrong with these students that so many need to see people hospitalized? Kids pick on each other, but they are usually not that blood thirsty.

    Stormborn September 8, 2015 6:22 pm

    Well some might be, but not a whole school. Although... anyway. It simply doesn't make much sense. I could, COULD, understand Karinos actions and yes bullying Azusa to a certain level but protecting him in the last moment was something I already saw after he stopped those guys of seriously raping Azusa, but why did he force him onto Kusakabe!?!? In which way was that protecting him? The story is dead to me after that happend, since both couples took part in it. Surprisingly enough Azusa seems to be the most sane guy of them all, but they are all just nuts.

    Kiss* September 8, 2015 7:26 pm
    Well some might be, but not a whole school. Although... anyway. It simply doesn't make much sense. I could, COULD, understand Karinos actions and yes bullying Azusa to a certain level but protecting him in the ... Stormborn

    karino is a sadist and azusa seems a maso,even though he doesn't admit it. To me it seems like they enjoy that kind of sex,the problems is that azusa was like nothing had happened...and that is weird. But maybe,like I said he simply doesn't want to be hurt emotionally. The only time he nearly gave up was when karino said he was only a toy to him,and the school was a game. I don't know what they are saying but in chapt9 when karino and azusa met,there was a weird but sweet feeling at the same time,it was as if karino said sorry. I don't know,but these 2 simply get each other. I feel sad for azusa though,when someone treats you like that and you simply shut up...well maybe he thinks that's the way he should be treated and doesn't deserve better(like he said the bottom should be exploited by the top,in the end outside the school he has always been the bottom). I don't know,in this chap Karino seems like he knows what he did was over the top. I want chap10 and plz let it be about azusa and karino,if there is a new couple in chap10 ç.ç,I can't even imagine that...

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 8:20 pm
    karino is a sadist and azusa seems a maso,even though he doesn't admit it. To me it seems like they enjoy that kind of sex,the problems is that azusa was like nothing had happened...and that is weird. But maybe... Kiss*

    I will be sad if there is a third couple--especially since the most likely pair seem like both followers and jerks (so the worst of both so far). I can buy the SM rationale more than I can swallow the "bully him to keep him safe" line. At least S&M makes sense.

    LevixEren September 9, 2015 2:03 am

    In the extra Karino even stated : Whoever gets in the way will be crush by him.
    Now he is like 'I am saving Azusa'??
    Didn't Karino make Azusa as Joker so he can bully Azusa himself & he wanted to see Azusa twisted in pain? Why now he afraid to get overthrown just because he didn't let the classmates bully Azusa enough? So he used the 'bully it himself' excuse? Isn't Azusa known as 'Karino's woman' that's why the class didn't dare to bully Azusa??

    Kiss* September 9, 2015 3:03 am
    In the extra Karino even stated : Whoever gets in the way will be crush by him. Now he is like 'I am saving Azusa'?? Didn't Karino make Azusa as Joker so he can bully Azusa himself & he wanted to see Azusa ... LevixEren

    actually it makes sense. If you think about the system not only inside the school but also outside,Karino cannot break the social rules. It's like the real world,it's about a system,a social system tha cannot be broken. The only king is the system. Karino cannot be with azusa in the real life,for some reason:1. different social status 2.they are gay, in chap4 azusa wanted to use this fact,and they both can do nothing against it,that's why azusa was sad after going to karino's house,the "top" and the "bottom" cannot be together in the real life,the system doesn't allow it(social rules and people won't allow it). Doesn't matter who you are, Karino is the son of a minister yet he said that that video could ruin him. In the school it's the same thing,he can be powerful but is the system that made him powerful,he cannot go against it,he can simply play with it. Karino wants to have azusa only for himself, he is a player,but in its own way he loves azusa.

    Anoni Grrl September 9, 2015 4:06 am
    actually it makes sense. If you think about the system not only inside the school but also outside,Karino cannot break the social rules. It's like the real world,it's about a system,a social system tha cannot b... Kiss*

    Yeah, but Karino still didn't need to make Azusa the target. Karino just wanted to. He could have pursued Azusa on the down low, but he wanted to be cruel at first, and to have all the power and control. Granted, Azusa would have taken a confession as a weakness and tried to use Karino, but Karino didn't have to go that far. The truth is Karino wanted to--because Karino is a bit S.

    I'm fine with Karino being mixed up and dominant and an S, but don't tell me he did it all for Azusa. Not buying it.

    LevixEren September 9, 2015 6:50 am
    Yeah, but Karino still didn't need to make Azusa the target. Karino just wanted to. He could have pursued Azusa on the down low, but he wanted to be cruel at first, and to have all the power and control. Grante... Anoni Grrl

    Yup. I can't understand if it said Karino did it for Azusa. And Karino doesn't need yo make simulation of real world top-bellow to school. If he can be king and want to be with Azusa because he can't in real world he didn't necessarily to make him target.
    I think made Azusa as target indeed forced Azusa to be submissive to King. But as king he can even ask Jack to perform sex so why made Azusa target? The only reason that come up in my mind is yes because Karino is Sadistic, He wants to be dominant, and controlling Azusa. And giving Azusa rank upper than target will grant Azusa small power to resist that's why karino need to make azusa powerless.
    I still confused. Is karino try to make simulation of real world with caste system because he wants to apply it in real world if he finds a way with Azusa? Like practice simulation.

    LevixEren September 9, 2015 6:59 am
    actually it makes sense. If you think about the system not only inside the school but also outside,Karino cannot break the social rules. It's like the real world,it's about a system,a social system tha cannot b... Kiss*

    So basically we can assume that Karino want to be with Azusa without throw away his power. After your hypothesis can we say karino made the caste as simulation of his own life as different status? I still can't quite grasp the whole thing.
    I really really need next chapter to be dedicated for Azusa or Karino. I only love azusa, miss him so bad. Don't another couple please

    Anoni Grrl September 9, 2015 3:35 pm

    My hypothesis (which may be a stretch) is that the adults either set up or allow the caste game so that rich kids could learn practice politics at school. They are supposed to be learning the power dynamics and sex is just one possible side bonus. Think of it as the opposite of Azusa'a idealistic grade school teach who wanted everyone to hold hands. Azusa wanted to run his fastest and didn't care about the slow people. The "we are all in this together" approach didn't let Azusa do his best, and was unfair in that way--but the caste system only let Azusa do his best when he was king. We saw preps were not allowed to outshine the king in basketball, and targets don't play sports, so Azusa never even goes near the track. In addition, his grades suffer when he is a target, so all his mother's dreams for him are dying.

    I do not think Karino intended all this. I don't think Karino thought about it. I don't think Karino has thought ahead to possible real life applications of keeping Azusa (at least, not yet). I think the game was a handy tool for both Karino and Kuze to get what they wanted (or who they wanted).

    Kiss* September 9, 2015 3:36 pm
    So basically we can assume that Karino want to be with Azusa without throw away his power. After your hypothesis can we say karino made the caste as simulation of his own life as different status? I still can't... LevixEren

    I was talking about what the caste meant,the meanining of this manga. Karino wasn't even interested in the school caste,simply because he considered it a game compared to the real one,also he is a sadist and a player. Karino made azusa the target first because of his own entertainment,second because that was the only way to have him. If Karino was the king and azusa not the target,karino couldn't do what he did to him. If someone else was the king and azusa wasn't the target I said karino couldn't have him. But the problem is that azusa and karino are both players. Azusa wants to be the KING,remember when Kusakabe found the joker,he didn't take it. He wants everything or well,nothing. After this caste they both can have different cards, being followers that would be better. Karino wants to "own" azusa,and considering azusa's obsession with being the king,the only option was the king-target relationship. So yeah,that caste game is a mini real world. But who knows,azusa seems to have many haters,if someone else was the king,like that guy with glasses,doesn't matter if he wasn't the target they could have bullied him. I don't know but I see it as a twisted relationship. And yes,chapter 10 must be about azusa!! The real torture here is the fact that we've been waiting for 8+ months to see more about karinoxazusa and they give us bunnies

    Kiss* September 9, 2015 3:38 pm
    So basically we can assume that Karino want to be with Azusa without throw away his power. After your hypothesis can we say karino made the caste as simulation of his own life as different status? I still can't... LevixEren

    "So basically we can assume that Karino want to be with Azusa without throw away his power"
    yes,that's what I think at least ((:

    Anoni Grrl September 9, 2015 3:45 pm
    I was talking about what the caste meant,the meanining of this manga. Karino wasn't even interested in the school caste,simply because he considered it a game compared to the real one,also he is a sadist and a ... Kiss*

    I remember complaining about bunnies after chapter 8 too--but thankfully those were just in the raws.

    LevixEren September 9, 2015 3:50 pm
    I remember complaining about bunnies after chapter 8 too--but thankfully those were just in the raws. Anoni Grrl

    Yeah but the bunny here is not the raw!! ╥﹏╥ I want azusa

    LevixEren September 9, 2015 3:51 pm
    I was talking about what the caste meant,the meanining of this manga. Karino wasn't even interested in the school caste,simply because he considered it a game compared to the real one,also he is a sadist and a ... Kiss*

    Well put. 8 months + and we got bunny story ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ *again*

    Anoni Grrl September 9, 2015 3:52 pm
    I was talking about what the caste meant,the meanining of this manga. Karino wasn't even interested in the school caste,simply because he considered it a game compared to the real one,also he is a sadist and a ... Kiss*

    I think you are right about Karino--but I do not know if Azusa is obsessed with being king. I think when Azusa was king, he took it for granted that everyone thought he was awesome and it was all his due. He was a player and he wants power, but he didn't see how easy it would be to loose power. That's why he scorned the jack--he took it for granted his loyal dog Karino would get him the king. Once Azusa became the target, he did not expect to change. It was all kind of a shock to him.

    I think now Azusa is obsessed with getting back at Karino and making Karino kneel. I don't think Asuza cares about the game or being king. I don't think he cares about power for the sake of power. I think he cares about ways to make Karino his bitch this time around.

    Kiss* September 9, 2015 7:14 pm
    I think you are right about Karino--but I do not know if Azusa is obsessed with being king. I think when Azusa was king, he took it for granted that everyone thought he was awesome and it was all his due. He wa... Anoni Grrl

    azusa is broken,and the school caste was a way to fell worthy and powerful,that's why he wanted to be the king. It was an escape from the real world. Karino wants to humble Azusa. After chap4 it seems like the relationship stopped developing. If they can't be together for real,outside the school what's the point then? It all changed when azusa realized it when he went to karino's house. He doesn't need to show his true colors to Karino,because nothing would change. I don't know,I hope something happens,that guy Tatsumi...we need him,cuz karino x azusa are both proud to admit their feelings or do sth. If it goes on like this,these 2 outside the school would act like they don't even know each other. If I'm not wrong the classmates said sth like the king and the target shouldn't even speak to each other,well when azusa went to karino's house that's what happened,but that was much more important cuz it wasn't a game anymore,it was reality.

    Kiss* September 9, 2015 7:17 pm
    azusa is broken,and the school caste was a way to fell worthy and powerful,that's why he wanted to be the king. It was an escape from the real world. Karino wants to humble Azusa. After chap4 it seems like the ... Kiss*

    *too proud to admit

    Anoni Grrl September 9, 2015 7:47 pm
    azusa is broken,and the school caste was a way to fell worthy and powerful,that's why he wanted to be the king. It was an escape from the real world. Karino wants to humble Azusa. After chap4 it seems like the ... Kiss*

    Karino said that he didn't want to play the "friendship"game outside of school, and Azusa countered with "wait till the others hear this". It was as if the others expected Karino to let Azusa iin or something--I don't really understand. Azusais bent,but he isn't broken. That's what so cool about him. Being king made him feel powerful, but he also felt it was his due. He thought he really is cool, outside of being king. He really thinks the others are mostly lame too. Azusa is who he is because of his past--but he is who he is regrades of status too.

    I don't think we should get an blatant admission of feelings. If anything happens, it has to develop sideways and rely on actions more than words. I don't trust Kuse's self-serving wall hitting outpouring, and it wouldn't suit either Karino or Azusa. What would work for me is hopefully at least a temporary turning of the tables so Azusa gets some power back, and (with or without the first part) that they realize their real game is with each other and that they both intend to keep playing it. Then they can see that they can play with who bows and who kneels, but they are both the same inside. I don't want them to say it--just act on it (if that makes sense).

    I would still like to see them bring the game down (maybe all 4 of them?) but I don't think the story will go that way.

    Kiss* September 9, 2015 8:09 pm
    Karino said that he didn't want to play the "friendship"game outside of school, and Azusa countered with "wait till the others hear this". It was as if the others expected Karino to let Azusa iin or something--... Anoni Grrl

    "Karino said that he didn't want to play the "friendship"game outside of school, and Azusa countered with "wait till the others hear this"."

    Azusa said "wait till the others hear this" because karino in other terms said that it was just a game,not important. Being the King the class would be upset knowing that he doesn't care about it. I don't know what will happen,but I just don't want azusa to suffer anymore,that poor boy deserves better.

    Anoni Grrl September 9, 2015 8:15 pm
    "Karino said that he didn't want to play the "friendship"game outside of school, and Azusa countered with "wait till the others hear this"."Azusa said "wait till the others hear this" because karino in other te... Kiss*

    I agree. I think Azusa is due for a "win", even a small one.

Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 1:51 am

Does anyone have the gist of what is going on with Asuza? I found a program that tries to recognize kanji from images and then spits out things you can paste into Google translate, but most if not all is lost.

Page 34 (where Azusa speaks to Karino) may have the words "grayed, gloss, condom, allowed, forged, needles, flirtation and hump". Page 35 (where Karino grabs Azusa by the collar) may include, "condom, heat, two, people crawling, cicada, mass and bullhead."

Waiting sucks. Somebody help.

    Kiss* September 8, 2015 2:04 am

    omg I did the same with chap8 it was a torture,I'll try and find a vietnamese version,it's easier with google translate compared to chinese >.>
    at least from what you've written,they are talking about sex I think...

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 2:10 am
    omg I did the same with chap8 it was a torture,I'll try and find a vietnamese version,it's easier with google translate compared to chinese >.>at least from what you've written,they are talking about sex ... Kiss*

    Wait, the raw is Chinese? That changes everything.

    shin September 8, 2015 2:29 am Vietnamese version and Ch.9 have already published in Chinese, It's about Atsumu and Kuze (≧∀≦)

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 3:46 am Vietnamese version and Ch.9 have already published in Chinese, It's about Atsumu and Kuze (≧∀≦) shin

    Thanks. Setting the ORC for traditional Chinese gets better results--but still odd For example I get the impression Asuza did something that upset everyone and that some say not even the king can protect him from. Google translator had the phrase "proud beast Azusa" something about ruthless and castration--possibly with cricket teeth.

    Sorry Kiss, but there are no flirty condoms when I use Chinese. Google translator makes it appear as if Azusa says he surrenders (What!! I hope that is wrong.) Then I think Karino may say "good". The next page may include, "This guy sanctions by me personally to not only say Cloth mouth injuries can also use others'] a mention a hierarchical heron ( To protect the honor of a person ah so the other guys do not just give me the shot ."

    So I think Karino tells them that he personally told Azusa to do whatever it is, but I am not sure.

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 3:47 am Vietnamese version and Ch.9 have already published in Chinese, It's about Atsumu and Kuze (≧∀≦) shin

    PS I am ignoring all the Kuze stuff and his stupid bunny excuses. I am focusing on those few bits with my boy, Azusa.

    LevixEren September 8, 2015 10:07 am
    PS I am ignoring all the Kuze stuff and his stupid bunny excuses. I am focusing on those few bits with my boy, Azusa. Anoni Grrl

    I miss Azusa so baaddd

    helix September 8, 2015 10:20 am
    Thanks. Setting the ORC for traditional Chinese gets better results--but still odd For example I get the impression Asuza did something that upset everyone and that some say not even the king can protect him f... Anoni Grrl

    Lol, this is even better than reading the real stuff xD Too bad there're no condoms. Gotta get that program too (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 2:02 pm
    Lol, this is even better than reading the real stuff xD Too bad there're no condoms. Gotta get that program too (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ helix

    Oh, it's online (and free). I searched for "OCR" and I think "Character recognition in images". If you copy the location of online images, you can usually paste it in and get some characters off the page for Google to translate. It will ask you for traditional Chinese or simplified (at least mine did). I tried both and I am not sure but I think traditional gives slightly better results. I also found flash cards for the most commonly used characters, but it makes my head hurt and I don't know how to look up the characters I want to translate one by one, much less put them in order.

    helix September 8, 2015 2:11 pm
    Oh, it's online (and free). I searched for "OCR" and I think "Character recognition in images". If you copy the location of online images, you can usually paste it in and get some characters off the page for Go... Anoni Grrl

    Thank you so much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ You even gave me the instruction, I'm indebted to you.
    I don't even care if the translation is messed up, still better than kanji :)

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 2:54 pm
    Thank you so much (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ You even gave me the instruction, I'm indebted to you.I don't even care if the translation is messed up, still better than kanji :) helix

    The really funny thing is that I get different results depending on which online OCR I use. Another one tells me the last page involves the words "this guy" "partner" and "my wife". If this one is more correct, then Karino just made Azusa queen, or royal consort.

    helix September 8, 2015 3:03 pm
    The really funny thing is that I get different results depending on which online OCR I use. Another one tells me the last page involves the words "this guy" "partner" and "my wife". If this one is more correct... Anoni Grrl

    LMAO, so the result could be just... random, I guess ^^
    I feel so sorry for the translators now. I mean I knew it's not easy, but is it even possible?

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 3:08 pm
    LMAO, so the result could be just... random, I guess ^^I feel so sorry for the translators now. I mean I knew it's not easy, but is it even possible? helix

    Well it helps to actually know the language. :) Also I think the OCRs have trouble with manga because it's not like a pdf file with typed characters. They don't do well with handwriting either.

    helix September 8, 2015 3:21 pm
    Well it helps to actually know the language. :) Also I think the OCRs have trouble with manga because it's not like a pdf file with typed characters. They don't do well with handwriting either. Anoni Grrl

    I do realize it's not the same ^^ And I think the context helps a bit too. But I know how hard is to translate a story from one language to another, even if both of them are Indo-European, so Chinese seems impossible for me
    ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 3:36 pm

    Okay, my new OCR based guess on the conversation is that Azusa asks Karino if Karino thinks Azusa can surrender, and Karino says something snarky about how Azusa would never succeed in being meek. Then he grabs Azusa and makes some crude comment to the class about Azusa being his woman, and this satisfies their dark desires (apparently this is as bad as being sent to the hospital).

    I may change my mind about this if someone who can actually read Chinese posts more. :)

    Kiss* September 8, 2015 4:19 pm
    Well it helps to actually know the language. :) Also I think the OCRs have trouble with manga because it's not like a pdf file with typed characters. They don't do well with handwriting either. Anoni Grrl

    I tried it.
    I think Kuze said "Maybe that guy doesn't know how to handle/cherish azusa"
    azusa is saying to karino something like that "do you think that with that thing I will surrender?"
    and karino replies somehing like he his very strong not to surrender.
    that's what I got at least XDXD

    Anoni Grrl September 8, 2015 4:47 pm
    I tried it.I think Kuze said "Maybe that guy doesn't know how to handle/cherish azusa" azusa is saying to karino something like that "do you think that with that thing I will surrender?"and karino replies someh... Kiss*

    You might have a better version. :)

    I am going to make the most I can from those two pages.

Anoni Grrl September 6, 2015 8:07 pm

So are we certain Aaron can't be Russian? On the other hand, if we go strictly by oldest name origin, this could be the first Jewish mafia operation in Japan (at least that I have seen in a manga).

    Lightasus September 6, 2015 8:34 pm

    "The variant used in the Russian language is "Аарон" (Aaron)"

    Seems to me like it's not really impossible... Especially since Ayano just probably went for a name that sounded cool to her and could be decently pronounced and written in Japanese. I'm unsure if it's a frequently used name in Russia but it's there.

    Anonymous September 6, 2015 11:25 pm

    I will not be surprised to learn he has some connection to Yuri. He looks like a younger version of Yuri. If he is related to Yuri, that would explain why he has now twice targeted Akihito. Killing Aki surely is not part of his mission. He's there to retrieve the goods Sudou had sold him. But when he targets Aki at the start of chapter 53, he has an evil grin. Is he trying to get back at Aki for Yuri's sake?

Anoni Grrl September 3, 2015 3:12 pm

It's going to be a while before an update, so just to get people chatting...
What songs remind you of each couple and/or the whole Caste Heaven story? If you think a character has a theme song, you can say that too.

Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 1:59 am

I have a serious (sort of) question about the timeline. How much time do you think has passed in the Viewfinder series? I'm not asking this to bicker about Aki--I just want to figure it out. We know at from the extra there was a summer, a new year, a festival with fireworks when they were living together. I got the impression that some months had passed between the main stories at some point. How much time does it seem like? About a year?

    tokidoki September 1, 2015 2:41 am

    Well, after the initial meeting with Asami and subsequently Fei (which was probably only a few days later as the data seemed to be quite important, it does not look like too many weeks passed by before Fei was speculating over Akihito again - then he showed up in Japan a week later threatening Akihito - so maybe two months there? Which lead to his kidnapping and being taken to Hong Kong the next day. He must have been with Fei only a couple of weeks because Asami's wounds had not healed at the point of his rescue. Then they spent some time recuperating - maybe a couple of weeks? By the time they returned to Japan Akihito's stuff had been moved into Asami's apartment. The festival could be almost any, but to run around in yukatas means that it was likely still summer/early fall. Likely Asami ad Aki have known each other for maybe six months by the time of the Momohara incident? I am just guessing on that one though. The extras could just be misplaced in this version (as there are a few placed before the series even starts)

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 2:52 am
    Well, after the initial meeting with Asami and subsequently Fei (which was probably only a few days later as the data seemed to be quite important, it does not look like too many weeks passed by before Fei was ... tokidoki

    Thanks. I read somewhere it was about a month in Hong Kong. In my mind, the first two extras happened after the first story, though I am not sure why. So I'm thinking at least a few months passed before the second story with the MO. there's a few weeks between the first Mo story and when Fei comes back, so maybe 4-5 months by then. Then there is a month in Hong King, and maybe 2-3 weeks recovery. Maybe the New Year's incident happens after they get back but before Aki moves in. So then the stalker deal probably happened in the Spring, time passes without a story, and they were together about a year by the time they watched fireworks.

    So a little over a year together? Am I off?

    tokidoki September 1, 2015 3:09 am
    Thanks. I read somewhere it was about a month in Hong Kong. In my mind, the first two extras happened after the first story, though I am not sure why. So I'm thinking at least a few months passed before the sec... Anoni Grrl

    Probably close or maybe a bit less I think - Asamis wounds opened pretty easily so - if we take into account how long a wound needs to heal - about a month/month and half total - I would say that Aki was in Hong Kong only a few weeks. I am not sure on the 4-5 month wait there - as the information seemed pretty time sensitive - so maybe a month at most? But that is just guessing.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 4:01 am
    Probably close or maybe a bit less I think - Asamis wounds opened pretty easily so - if we take into account how long a wound needs to heal - about a month/month and half total - I would say that Aki was in Hon... tokidoki

    Oh I think that it was only 2-3 weeks between the first Mo story and the second--but that Aki and Asami had been together 4-5 months by then. There was no connection between the first story and the MO , right?

    tokidoki September 1, 2015 4:10 am

    Mmmm...hard to say, but I get the feeling that Aki an Asamis relationship was still pretty new - he did sau something about seeing Asami around sometimes, but not how long it had been, so it's anyones guess.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 4:23 am
    Mmmm...hard to say, but I get the feeling that Aki an Asamis relationship was still pretty new - he did sau something about seeing Asami around sometimes, but not how long it had been, so it's anyones guess. tokidoki

    Ah "together" might be too strong. I mean, they were having encounters, and Assami had someone keeping tabs on Aki--and it was often enough that Asami had offered to get Aki and apartment (which Aki turned down).

    Dee September 1, 2015 4:06 pm

    where may you buy the DVD?

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 4:15 pm
    where may you buy the DVD? @Dee

    DVD? You can find links to the Animixes (sp?)on Youtube (and DL from there). You can buy the US licensed parts of the books (I'd have to google the link).

    Are there Drama CDs? I have never seen an ova. Did I miss it?

    ~ September 1, 2015 5:29 pm
    DVD? You can find links to the Animixes (sp?)on Youtube (and DL from there). You can buy the US licensed parts of the books (I'd have to google the link).Are there Drama CDs? I have never seen an ova. Did I mis... Anoni Grrl

    No OVA, but there are drama CDs - as far as I know two sets of two CDs each have been released...You can find quite a few parts (not sure if all) on Youtube. The cast was changed after the first two CDs, and the actors who took over the roles are the ones we now know from the AniMix.

    Dee September 1, 2015 7:07 pm
    DVD? You can find links to the Animixes (sp?)on Youtube (and DL from there). You can buy the US licensed parts of the books (I'd have to google the link).Are there Drama CDs? I have never seen an ova. Did I mis... Anoni Grrl

    I only read/speak English. I went on Amazon but it's in Japanese

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 7:50 pm
    I only read/speak English. I went on Amazon but it's in Japanese @Dee

    Are you looking for the books? Because Amazon has those in English.

    Lightasus September 1, 2015 7:51 pm
    I only read/speak English. I went on Amazon but it's in Japanese @Dee

    You can turn in English. On the page of an item just look at the top right and it asks you if you want to see the page in English. Works for the transactions etc., obviously it won't work on item descriptions or titles.

    To search it though, copy paste "animix ファインダーの隻翼"

    Now, it's about 150$. Mangas are cheaper than anywhere else, but really, don't expect the same with anime, it's horrifyingly pricey compared to western standards.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 7:55 pm
    You can turn in English. On the page of an item just look at the top right and it asks you if you want to see the page in English. Works for the transactions etc., obviously it won't work on item desc... Lightasus

    Can you buy them at any price with English subs?

    Miyanoai September 3, 2015 7:47 pm
    Can you buy them at any price with English subs? Anoni Grrl

    It was never officially translated I don't think so no official subs. The one on YouTube has them though, last I checked.

    Dee September 3, 2015 9:34 pm
    Are you looking for the books? Because Amazon has those in English. Anoni Grrl

    not the books. I bought one on my kindle and the manga is too small to read

    Sammy September 4, 2015 1:27 am

    1 year not much time for them two when you consider the hell they've gone through

Anoni Grrl August 31, 2015 9:05 pm

So here is a question that I had again when watching the Animix: Why didn't Aki text his friends that he didn't tell them to go to the boat, and that it was a trap? He could have said he made someone mad with a picture, and they were trying to set his friends up, and the guys could have gotten out before Fei went to them.

    Hanne August 31, 2015 9:34 pm

    He was told by Fei not tell them anything, with the implication that Fei would hurt them. And he did not know if Fei had people watching them, waiting for any sign that Akihito had warned them? This is my assumption, but if someone was threatening me that way, I would think that they were in complete control of the situation at the boat too. Or maybe, by not telling them what was going on, he thought he was protecting them from Feis people?

    Candy eye August 31, 2015 10:09 pm

    Hanne was right. Fei long had all the angles covered and it will be too risky of a chance to take in that situation. Even if aki had texted his friends about his treat, it wouldn't matter cause the result will end the same way. He used aki against asami pinpoint black.

    Anoni Grrl August 31, 2015 11:02 pm
    Hanne was right. Fei long had all the angles covered and it will be too risky of a chance to take in that situation. Even if aki had texted his friends about his treat, it wouldn't matter cause the result wil... @Candy eye

    Maybe--but when they were on a boat full of models, it would have been easier to get away. Maybe a coded message that only his friends should pick up on--something about meeting people through work and how he only took pictures of nice people, and then saying how much he hates sweets and stuffed animals.

    Candy eye August 31, 2015 11:23 pm

    I mean pinpoint blank. Hope I said right

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 12:06 am
    I mean pinpoint blank. Hope I said right @Candy eye

    I think you mean "point blank" as in within easy shooting range, but I understood. :) I make typos and let auto-correct fill in the wrong word all the time.

    Hanne September 1, 2015 12:27 am
    Maybe--but when they were on a boat full of models, it would have been easier to get away. Maybe a coded message that only his friends should pick up on--something about meeting people through work and how he o... Anoni Grrl

    Akihito has kept his relationship with Asami a secret, and I doubt he told his friends about Fei, so why would he start setting up secret 'texts' about dangers they need to avoid? And I am sure Akihito did not expect to encounter Fei again nor would he expect that Fei would target his friends, so he would not need to set something like that up, that would be extremely paranoid, and Akihito is anything but that.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 12:58 am
    Akihito has kept his relationship with Asami a secret, and I doubt he told his friends about Fei, so why would he start setting up secret 'texts' about dangers they need to avoid? And I am sure Akihito did not ... Hanne

    They know he is a photographer for a newspaper, and that sometimes his photos upset people. He doesn't need to set it up in advance--just say things that his friends should key into because some hings sound false (e.g. "I hate sweets and stuffed animal heads") and some reminder about how he upsets some people at work and they want to get even--even by playing dirty. My friends would pick up on that enough to know something was wrong, even if they might just think I needed to be rescued from a bad date. He could have tried.

    Hanne September 1, 2015 1:25 am
    They know he is a photographer for a newspaper, and that sometimes his photos upset people. He doesn't need to set it up in advance--just say things that his friends should key into because some hings sound fal... Anoni Grrl

    And if they were being monitored? He could have put them in far worse danger...and Akihito is pretty new to his job as a photojournalist, so he would not expect that people would find out who his friends are and that they would be held over his head. Realistically. (I am sure most photojournalists do not have such precautions in place, just in case some heavy from mafia almost 3,000 km away would return and do this?) Plus, he is probably not thinking that clearly as he is scared as hell - as he told Asami.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 1:34 am
    And if they were being monitored? He could have put them in far worse danger...and Akihito is pretty new to his job as a photojournalist, so he would not expect that people would find out who his friends are an... Hanne

    That's why it would be in code. I would think warned is in less danger, specially when they are on the boat by the models. Again, you wouldn't set up the code in advance. You just use the same sort of clues you give your friends at a bar when you want them to get you away from a guy you don't want to openly upset or be mean to, or when you are introducing them to someone you can't insult but you know they want to avoid if possible. You just tweak it on the spot for whatever the situation warrants. For example, if it were my friends, I'd text something like '"A boat, right? Like after prof X's Art class and we watched Dexter and talked about all the fun things he did with people on boats." Now my friends would know prof x taught Criminology and Dexter was a serial killer who dumped bodies off of boats. Aki is different, so maybe he would reference a investigative journalism prof and a zombie movie where people were eaten on boats. The thing is you use your history with your friends to warn them without saying anything Fei would know about. It's something you can make up on the spot because you know your friends and they know you.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 1:43 am
    That's why it would be in code. I would think warned is in less danger, specially when they are on the boat by the models. Again, you wouldn't set up the code in advance. You just use the same sort of clues you... Anoni Grrl

    Also, what makes you think Akihito is new at being a photojournalist? If he is 23, he's been out of uni for at least 2 years, and he probably has been involved in journalism clubs since high school or middle school--since manga characters all act like adults at middle school.

    Hanne September 1, 2015 1:47 am
    Also, what makes you think Akihito is new at being a photojournalist? If he is 23, he's been out of uni for at least 2 years, and he probably has been involved in journalism clubs since high school or middle s... Anoni Grrl

    He clearly state that his assignment with Asami is his first job, and it has only been a few months at that point since he problems with Fei - hence - new at the job.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 1:52 am
    He clearly state that his assignment with Asami is his first job, and it has only been a few months at that point since he problems with Fei - hence - new at the job. Hanne

    I see where Asami identifies Aki as a "young and promising freelance photographer":

    Where does it say that's his first job? and if it's Aki's first job, how does Asami know he is "promising"?

    Hanne September 1, 2015 1:53 am
    That's why it would be in code. I would think warned is in less danger, specially when they are on the boat by the models. Again, you wouldn't set up the code in advance. You just use the same sort of clues you... Anoni Grrl

    Do you have that kind of system set up with your friends? I never have - I don't get my friends in trouble like that, nor would I insult others behind their backs with 'secret' text messages to my friends. And Akihitos friends were probably not in the same classes as him as he is a photojournalist. If you have been on on University campus, most separate degrees are taught in different buildings and have different subjects they teach. As I said, paranoia - and that would only come with Akihito having quite a reputation - which takes a few years to build. (22 is about the time most people graduate from University programs and most journalists need a four year program before getting a job in the field)

    Hanne September 1, 2015 1:57 am
    I see where Asami identifies Aki as a "young and promising freelance photographer": does it say that's his first job? and i... Anoni Grrl

    I misspoke-wrote - but look at page 12 of vol. 1 - the detective is talking about Akihito's lack of experience.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 2:05 am
    Do you have that kind of system set up with your friends? I never have - I don't get my friends in trouble like that, nor would I insult others behind their backs with 'secret' text messages to my friends. And ... Hanne

    Set up? No. But my friends would cue in on in-jokes and implied messages that are different than the words. That's why I said he could use information only friends would know to warn them. He'd have to make it up on the spot and trust they are smart enough to catch on. You don't need to be paranoid.

    Even on a big uni, many of my friends were in the same classes as I--but you are missing the point. The fact is you use *whatever* common history you have with them to say something they would know was wrong but Fei would not. It's not paranoid if they are actually in danger. Once again, he wouldn't have set it up in advance; he'd have to think on his feet.

    My friends do more than that just to get out of awkward social situations or tell inside jokes.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 2:12 am
    I misspoke-wrote - but look at page 12 of vol. 1 - the detective is talking about Akihito's lack of experience. Hanne

    Oh, compared to Asami, Aki is definitely a newbie. Aki is nowhere ready to take down someone like Asami. I agree with you on that.

    tokidoki September 1, 2015 2:23 am
    He clearly state that his assignment with Asami is his first job, and it has only been a few months at that point since he problems with Fei - hence - new at the job. Hanne

    No - you were correct - in chapter 2 he says that he met Asami on his very first scoop as an undercover journalist - page 6.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 2:24 am
    Do you have that kind of system set up with your friends? I never have - I don't get my friends in trouble like that, nor would I insult others behind their backs with 'secret' text messages to my friends. And ... Hanne

    Ok, now my friends sound like mean girls, but they are really very nerdy. Think of it like this. I am an agnostic, but I have a very religious family. So if my Aunt is around, one of my friends will bless me and ask me to pray with her. I know this means she finds it amusing that I will not tell my aunt I am a heathen. I can't openly glare and tell her to die, so I smile and tell her I treasure her friendship and that I will find a way to repay her kindness. People who didn't know us might think we were in a cult or something. Or say we are at a bar, and there is a drunk guy getting kind of handsy. He seems like the kind who might get a little violent too, so I am trying to not insult him as I edge away. I'm not trying t be mean. I just want to avoid something nasty if I can. My friend may come over and ask how I am doing to see if I am into the guy. I would tell her how much the guy reminds me of her cousin Kevin. She would know her cousin is the kind who gets mad and calls women names when they turn him down, and may get forceful when drinking. She'd find a way to get me out of there. It's that kind of thing. We don't plan it. It just happens.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 2:35 am
    No - you were correct - in chapter 2 he says that he met Asami on his very first scoop as an undercover journalist - page 6. tokidoki

    "Scoop" is a little different than assignment, but I'll grant you he is not extremely experienced.

    tokidoki September 1, 2015 2:46 am
    Ok, now my friends sound like mean girls, but they are really very nerdy. Think of it like this. I am an agnostic, but I have a very religious family. So if my Aunt is around, one of my friends will bless me a... Anoni Grrl

    Akihito is using a fairly old phone - so likely he does not use it that often to send text messages (remember this manga has been ongoing for some time - since 2007 - so technology has really changed in that time and people are much more used to social media now (in later chapters he has a smart phone)

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 2:55 am
    Akihito is using a fairly old phone - so likely he does not use it that often to send text messages (remember this manga has been ongoing for some time - since 2007 - so technology has really changed in that ti... tokidoki

    Well that, and the focus of the story is his relationship with Asami, so if he saved his friends without Asami, we'd miss out on some hot sex. :)

    I took the tech lag into account by not wondering why they didn't upload photos/data to their "cloud".

    tokidoki September 1, 2015 3:05 am

    Well the disk he mailed to Asami is pretty old tech too, and fell into disuse in the mid to late 2000s - iCloud is from around 4 years ago.

    Anoni Grrl September 1, 2015 3:27 am
    Well the disk he mailed to Asami is pretty old tech too, and fell into disuse in the mid to late 2000s - iCloud is from around 4 years ago. tokidoki

    He seems to use old film cameras, but have CDs too. :)

    tokidoki September 1, 2015 3:38 am
    He seems to use old film cameras, but have CDs too. :) Anoni Grrl

    Many photojournalists still use old film cameras - I still use mine (I took photography - not photojournalism) In fact I have cameras that are at least 50 years old in my collection - because the teachers at my University taught us a love for film cameras (and you can often get better results with film than digital - although that has changed in the past few years) I don't recall seeing any CDs, but I was not really on the lookout for them - I did have to look up what an MO Disk was though as I had not seen one before (3.5 inch disks yes but we did not call them MOs where I live)

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