Anoni Grrl May 23, 2017 9:11 pm

I am glad to see this update (Chapter15?). Somethings I liked about it are that it shows, once again, how Azusa's character is bold, arrogant, rude, mostly selfish, and still soft when it come to his mother. It has given Karino a card that may last even after the game.

I also liked how Karino said he doesn't pity Azusa. I think that is true. And I think it's a key part of their "frenemy" dynamic--Azusa does not want pity. Azusa is angry and would like to turn the tables on Karino, but Azusa is also honest when he says Karino is all Azusa has. Azusa might have had Atsumu as a friend, but Karino killed that. Tatasumi or even the guy from the photo club were possible allies, but Azusa never considered developing them. Azusa wants to make it on his own--and the only one who has ever gotten close (albeit in a twisted and sick way) is Karino. So we have this abusive power dynamic--but neither Azusa nor Karino see Azusa as a victim. That's important. Because one thing I like about Azusa is that he never sees himself as a victim--even now he sees himself as a king.

I also liked Tatsumi telling Kuse not to have Atsumu shelve the books because that's Kuse's job. I liked Tatsumi explaining why he does not care if he becomes a target (and because Tatsumi is from a powerful family, maybe no one will push it). I liked seeing Tatsumi carrying on too.

I can't wait to see how they will shake things up. Personally, I hope something takes Karino down a peg or two as well, even if it is temporary. But we will see.

Anoni Grrl April 20, 2017 11:17 pm

I think Lucaon is the type you have to really watch to figure out what is going on. He isn't going to talk about (or even think about) feelings much at this point. I think he was goading Ryan and being sarcastic when he offered to let Ryan have a go. Watch how Lucaon reacts every time someone else (anyone else) touches Kyon.

I think Lucaon like to provoke people though--I think Lucaon provoked Karis on purpose before, and that he wants to get caught with Kyon to say, "So what? Yeah, this is mine, and?" But he won't talk as if t is connected to feelings. You have to watch him to see it.

    Anonymous April 21, 2017 2:41 am

    So? I realized that almost immediately. Doesn't change my impression of him...?

    Anoni Grrl April 21, 2017 3:15 am
    So? I realized that almost immediately. Doesn't change my impression of him...? @Anonymous

    That's cool. I was writing mostly because some of the comments seem to take his words at face value, or that they can't have feelings unless they communicate. I wasn't trying to change anyone impression or anything, just to suggest that words are not always everything.

Anoni Grrl April 13, 2017 2:20 pm

I have seen a few comments about how it may be confusing because the survivor seems to enjoy the abuse (or at least love the abuser). This story is a little different than a story about adults in an abusive or complicated relationship. I like to look at the survivor's choices and desires even though that doesn't make abuse okay--but in this case, what choices does a middle school kid have? The legal system in that country seems to have given children a restraining order but provided no social services or child protection to assure they have food, a safe place to stay, and adult supervision. What's the kid supposed to do? Work at a Nike factory? And of course he loves the new abuser--who else does he really have? He's a kid.

So while this is still fiction, and I like the story, this one is not a case of an adult making choices other people don't approve of or enjoying a relationship others find unhealthy (and not even BDSM with fictional liberties to set the scene). The fact that there are children involved changes everything. This one is more of a sad story.

    Anon April 13, 2017 2:50 pm

    I know, it's actually making my eyes damn bloody roll when they say ignorant stuffs like he should have just left the brother or something. They do even realized that seeing the abuse being done to you isn't that ez pz? The one being abused, has been isolated and feels that everyone other that their abuser has ingrain in their mind that no one wants to help them cause they're useless etc.. etc.. They're thinking the lines that they're useless and no one wants to help them, or basically just turning into a blind eye in hopes that the one they love (the gentle one) is still there ans sticks to them. I've read countless abuse stories from both genders alike in real life or the ones from the net. and somehow I can now finally, even just a small proportion of perspective see why the abused stay from their abusers.

    *Sorry for any bad grammars. My English isn't that good.

    Anoni Grrl April 13, 2017 3:00 pm
    I know, it's actually making my eyes damn bloody roll when they say ignorant stuffs like he should have just left the brother or something. They do even realized that seeing the abuse being done to you isn't th... @Anon

    Your English is fine. : ) I think the lack of good choices is even more apparent when the survivor is a child. Children can't think like adults, even mature ones who speak like adults at times. That's why telling an 11 year old to study hard so he can get good grades, go to college, and have a great career is never as effective as telling the child he can't have electronics (games, Internet, whatever) until you check his homework and see that it was done well. They can't think long term in the same way as adults, and their brains have not yet fully developed the frontal lobes where higher-order thinking takes place. So, all of the other factors aside (and I grant those are important), a kid *can't* think like an adult--and he certainly does not have the resources or options of an adult. That's why he is an abuse survivor and not a true "M" even in the sense of a story.

    But I do like the story. I'm not complaining about the content. I am just saying the dynamics are different when it's children. Then again, it's doing that yoai thing where high school kids act like little adults and everyone is fine with that. Sure, it's cool that two kids live alone and have no adults--the teachers and uncle and everyone are going to just nod and say they hope everything is okay--because kids can make those choices, right? It's yoai logic. :)

    Anonymous April 13, 2017 4:41 pm
    Your English is fine. : ) I think the lack of good choices is even more apparent when the survivor is a child. Children can't think like adults, even mature ones who speak like adults at times. That's why tell... Anoni Grrl

    Not only the teacher and those in the story. Girls reading this stories without an ounce of sense.

Anoni Grrl April 10, 2017 8:03 pm



So, I guess Ryan will test Lucaon's words. Poor Christoph.

    Anonymous April 10, 2017 8:07 pm

    Ryan is so shady. I feel like he will have an Obadiah Stane moment in the future.

    Anoni Grrl April 10, 2017 8:44 pm
    Ryan is so shady. I feel like he will have an Obadiah Stane moment in the future. @Anonymous

    LOL. I had Logan down for that. I think Ryan is calling Lucaon's bluff. But, yeah, he's no angel either.

    Ariela April 10, 2017 8:59 pm

    Where did you read the raws?

    Anoni Grrl April 10, 2017 10:01 pm
    Where did you read the raws? Ariela

    Others posted it here:

    From their comments, spoiler

    It seems that Ryan lies and tells Kyon he has to meet him and Shian to talk about Lucaon's birthday. There is some sort of food and drink, and then, after


    Ryan kisses Kyon when he knows Lucaon will see. Lucaon does not look particularly happy.

    Ariela April 10, 2017 11:59 pm

    I used google translate in image mode and it's like you said.


    Ryan lies about Lucaon's birthday, but before that he and Kyon went to ''buy'' Lucaon gifts, and Lucaon ''feels'' that Kyon isn't in the house and goes ask Logan about Kyon whereabouts, and Logan was like ''what? everybody here walks around, but you just ask about Kyon'', and Logan notes Lucaon reaction as panic ou something like that. I think Lucaon is finally realizing his feelings, but AAAAAAAH we will find out his reaction to that kiss just in ch 28, i really hopeee that his not gonna say shit to Kyon, I REALLY HOPE. Anyway, sorry for my shitty english ( ̄∇ ̄")

    Anoni Grrl April 11, 2017 1:20 am

    I hope the same. (And there is nothing wrong with your English).(⌒▽⌒)

    Neee~ April 11, 2017 4:49 am
    I used google translate in image mode and it's like you said. SPOILER Ryan lies about Lucaon's birthday, but before that he and Kyon went to ''buy'' Lucaon gifts, and Lucaon ''feels'' that Kyon isn't in the hou... Ariela

    you're telling me this freaking dick hole is keeping track of kyon all the time and gets scared when hes not around god thats CUTE AS FRICK AGGGGGGHHHH (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Anoni Grrl April 11, 2017 1:29 pm
    you're telling me this freaking dick hole is keeping track of kyon all the time and gets scared when hes not around god thats CUTE AS FRICK AGGGGGGHHHH (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ @Neee~

    Yep. Considering Lucaon barely even recognized Logan as an employee, doesn't know most of their names, and in early chapters he just did a head count and noticed "that one" was missing, Lucaon seem awfully tuned into Kyon now.

    Ariela April 11, 2017 9:57 pm
    I hope the same. (And there is nothing wrong with your English).(⌒▽⌒) Anoni Grrl

    Thank you! This means much to me (my english i mean), this was one of the reasons i started to read mangas/yaoi. LOOK AT THIS, it seems chapter 28

Anoni Grrl April 4, 2017 8:39 pm

Buy the $100.00 bunny and you get a free carrot. (=・ω・=)

Anoni Grrl March 22, 2017 6:48 pm

Okay, so now it looks like maybe Sun Hwa thought Sunbae had recorded him and let the recording out, and maybe that is what bothered Sun Hwa most (more than the pressure, abuse, and choking). That explains dropping out of school and becoming a recluse. But why would Sunbae stay friends with the homophobic hater and invite copycat to the wedding?

    zawser March 22, 2017 6:57 pm

    Maybe because Sunbae didn't know who actually let the recording go out

    Anoni Grrl March 22, 2017 7:08 pm
    Maybe because Sunbae didn't know who actually let the recording go out zawser

    Maybe. But I think Sunbae rats out the cheater to the prof. I wouldn't think they were friends.

    Anonymous March 22, 2017 7:09 pm

    it would be possible that this guy was invited by someone else or that he just went without invtation

    Anoni Grrl March 22, 2017 7:11 pm
    it would be possible that this guy was invited by someone else or that he just went without invtation @Anonymous

    That would make sense. It makes Copycat a little psycho though. Well, more psycho.

    zawser March 22, 2017 7:14 pm
    Maybe. But I think Sunbae rats out the cheater to the prof. I wouldn't think they were friends. Anoni Grrl

    Wait they did say before that all the arts students were gathering together for the wedding. But idk why that copycat would actually decide to come unless he was gonna get back Sun Hwa

    honeysuckle March 23, 2017 2:59 am

    I watched a lot of korean dramas, it seems they just invited a whole department to their wedding. in my country too, its a common thing to invited your high school or university buddies eventhough you barely know them, sometimes you just need one invitation, just like when you invite an alumnus to reunion party.

    Anoni Grrl March 23, 2017 6:16 am
    I watched a lot of korean dramas, it seems they just invited a whole department to their wedding. in my country too, its a common thing to invited your high school or university buddies eventhough you barely kn... @honeysuckle

    Thanks. That makes sense.

Anoni Grrl March 20, 2017 5:43 pm

Am I the only one hoping Lucaon uses his power to blind Logan and send him out in a state of confusion? It probably won't happen, but I'd like to see it.

    Anon March 20, 2017 6:07 pm

    Omg I thought about the exact same thing lol

    Silvi March 20, 2017 6:25 pm

    lol I wish kyon developes some power.

    Anon March 20, 2017 6:32 pm
    lol I wish kyon developes some power. Silvi

    SAME lol

    Anoni Grrl March 20, 2017 9:22 pm
    lol I wish kyon developes some power. Silvi

    That would be cool--like Kyon sees Logan, panics, and starts using the power without realizing it.

    Silvi March 21, 2017 2:49 am
    That would be cool--like Kyon sees Logan, panics, and starts using the power without realizing it. Anoni Grrl

    i think he's already got special powers like handling lucaon and changing him. Well, the next chapter is so funny as well as romantic *_*

    Anoni Grrl March 21, 2017 1:52 pm
    i think he's already got special powers like handling lucaon and changing him. Well, the next chapter is so funny as well as romantic *_* Silvi

    Well, yes, but those are not powers like Christoph uses by pulling on Sihan or Ryan. :) That's "heart" power, which I usually think is lame, but I'll let Kyon have it because I like Kyon.

    Silvi March 21, 2017 2:35 pm
    Well, yes, but those are not powers like Christoph uses by pulling on Sihan or Ryan. :) That's "heart" power, which I usually think is lame, but I'll let Kyon have it because I like Kyon. Anoni Grrl

    yeah servants can use their master's power and hopefully lucaon will teach him to use that *_*

Anoni Grrl March 20, 2017 2:09 am

Logan, keep your nose out of Kyon's closet. It's Kyon's business what he keeps in there and what he wants to out.

Additionally, I am worried about Christoph. Someone tell me he's okay.

Anoni Grrl March 6, 2017 3:47 am

Does Aki really call hot monk "Michihiro Kun"? Isn't kun for younger males?

    amber1998 March 6, 2017 3:59 am

    Michihiro calls aki aki-san, so maybe michihiro is younger

    ねぇねぇ March 6, 2017 3:59 am

    "Kun is used by people of senior status addressing or referring to those of junior status, by anyone addressing or referring to male children or male teenagers, or among male friends. It can be used by males or females when addressing a male whom they are emotionally attached to or have known for a long time.Although kun is generally used for boys, it is not a hard rule. For example, kun can be used to name a close personal friend or family member of any gender."

    Though it seems a tad too casual indeed lol. Maybe it's to pick on him a bit, making him seem like a lower status from him or something. After all, he asks him to call him simply Michihiro, and Akihito is just stubborn calling him Michihiro-kun lol.

    ねぇねぇ March 6, 2017 4:06 am
    Michihiro calls aki aki-san, so maybe michihiro is younger amber1998

    -san is the most commonplace honorific and is a title of respect typically used between equals of any age. Less used between teenagers though, but it's very commonplace between adults. It just shows that Michihiro is a respectful person (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Anoni Grrl March 6, 2017 4:42 am
    -san is the most commonplace honorific and is a title of respect typically used between equals of any age. Less used between teenagers though, but it's very commonplace between adults. It just shows that Michih... ねぇねぇ

    But he does say "Akihito" and not "Takaba". I'm sure we'll get more about this later.

    Anonymous March 6, 2017 5:24 am

    The English translation is wrong. It's difficult to tranlate into English. The original Japanese is Akihito calling him Michihiro kun. But the monk said his name is pronounced Doukan. It's the same Kanji (Chinese character) but has two different pronounciations. Akihito is calling him that on purpose.

    Anoni Grrl March 6, 2017 5:42 am
    The English translation is wrong. It's difficult to tranlate into English. The original Japanese is Akihito calling him Michihiro kun. But the monk said his name is pronounced Doukan. It's the same Kanji (Chine... @Anonymous

    Thank you! Does this mean Doukan is younger than Aki?

    Anonymous March 6, 2017 6:45 am

    Nah, I don't think Doukan is younger than Akihito. I think Doukan add the "san" after Akihito maybe out of resecpt for Asami (my guess). And Akihito calls him Michihiro kun maybe just to piss him a little, Akihito is not happy with his present situation, not knowing anything.

    Anoni Grrl March 6, 2017 1:02 pm
    Nah, I don't think Doukan is younger than Akihito. I think Doukan add the "san" after Akihito maybe out of resecpt for Asami (my guess). And Akihito calls him Michihiro kun maybe just to piss him a little, Akih... @Anonymous

    Oh, "kun" is part of Aki's bratty rebellion too. :) Thank you!

Anoni Grrl March 2, 2017 3:26 pm

I know some people here avoid Tumblr, and others may not follow Fictional Serial Killer, so I wanted to let those of you who might be interested know that this blog has a series of posts explaining some subtle language differences, particularly about when Bum uses the polite rather than the personal register with Sangwoo. Here is the last post that speaks about it:

The gist of these posts is that at first Bum uses the polite way of speaking to Sangwoo out loud, but Bum thinks of him in informal language. Over time, Bum sometimes uses informal ways to address Sangwoo (especially when he is stressed or being almost killed). Sangwoo seems to like this. Sangwoo doesn't seem as happy when Bum goes back to treating Sangwoo formally. It's an interesting observation.

Also, from these posts and a few others, it seems like Sangwoo comes off snarkier in Korean. I mean, we can tell he's taunting people and an ass, but I think we miss some of the subtlety. Like when he tells Jieun her forehead resembles a dolphin it's major shade in Korean (I think) and then he covers with some comment about teasing her because she is so pretty, but it's that type of sarcasm some use when teasing people who don't get that the speaker is making fun of them (which is the same type of snide attitude Jieun used with Bum that night--but Sangwoo uses this type of put down even more than she does throughout the story). I think many things he says have more sting in Korean somehow.

Anyway, I thought it's interesting. I hope some of you do too.

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