Self explanatory.
2477 photo
12 10,2022 created

1350 photo
27 10,2022 created

48 photo
21 03,2024 created

25 photo
03 12,2023 created

I would never make someone cry on purpose, because I'm not a psycho... But.... Hear me out... Glittering eyes ? Red cheeks ? Rosy nose and furrowed brows? That's gotta be the most beautiful facial expressions I've seen.(Sexy, even)
65 photo
08 12,2023 created

Couples or family so cute I'm actually going to shoot myself. Like, fr, when will it be my turn.
568 photo
23 10,2022 created

29 photo
07 11,2023 created

1927 photo
04 01,2023 created

"it's raining, why is it raining"
113 photo
05 10,2022 created

what the fuck?
Looks weird both without and with context
223 photo
20 09,2022 created

Happy endings that bring tears to my eyes
102 photo
30 09,2022 created

4591 photo
09 11,2022 created

19 photo
10 03,2023 created

46 photo
22 02,2023 created

SilkGost-chan's Photo Tags

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