boobies.jpeg's experience ( All 5 )

changes by malice k, you're not the only one by the Sundays, apathy by watergh0st and seagirl by king krule.   reply
03 01,2024
So I saw this topic pop up, I clicked and came to the realization that I had already answered its years ago... I apparently wanted to peg someone And have the simple things in life. Pretty solid goals from 2020 me. Now as I near adulthood (like in a week). I still want to peg someone someday. And I do still want simple things. I want to be a calme......   1 reply
20 08,2023
about question
Never have any romantic experience with a dude with a basic ass name like Roger or dave!! If that shit don't work out. It's going to be awkward when you read shit with their basic ass names why couldn't his parents be more creative   reply
03 07,2021
got mine as a baby they closed up when i was 4 but my mom opened them up again with a needle >:(   reply
02 05,2021
28 02,2021
my love for booty is immeasurable and crosses the boundary's of gender lol (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ so basically i'm pan   reply
28 02,2021

boobies.jpeg's answer ( All 243 )

about question
I don't play them ... ever not the gaming type.   reply
1 days
about question
My parents are from Mexico, but I was born and raised in the west coast. (West coast best coast ) 1. I eat Mexican rice and white rice when the meal calls for it. (my dad likes cooking outside of Mexican cuisine) 2. Gelatina de mosaica, Tamales,Posole, arroz con leche and idk Ponche Navideño. Sincerely I think the most American thing I eat durin......   reply
2 days
about question
Being abstinent and unmarried doesn't mean you have to be alone! Nuns aren't alone,they're in a convent. Not that you have to, though I do believe people need people. And that doesn't have to mean romance. Finding people with similar mindsets and interests is a start. Having a roommate who's kinda the same. And having cats,dogs or birds are nice......   reply
2 days
A hairy , beefy and bearded man. On a more serious note, it's people or things, that leave an impression in my mind and inspire curiosity. Anything I feel a deep resonance with. It's warm and I can feel it in my hands,chest and my throat.   reply
3 days
about question
19.... been here since I was 13 though on and off. I'm definitely stunted socially ahhahahahhaha I like to think the more prominent translators/users have like brunch, drink mimosas and have built up credit.   2 reply
5 days

boobies.jpeg's question ( All 0 )