Exfoliate your lips with some sort of treatment and then put hyaluronic acid product of some kind (like a moisturizer with it would be best )and then seal it with Aquaphor lip balm. Hopefully this works out for u
The mentions of older users made me sad and nostalgic .then I realized I do recognize a lot of current users... I'm on the forums too much. I gotta stick to reading my porn. ️ this is a wake up call.
lovely family
doted husband and wife with their children,
or just big harmonious family ♡
I love Rashta idc what people say. She's not even a well written villain, she just exists to be shit on and it pisses me off. Like she's never written to be intelligent or an actual threat to the mcs, her only purpose is to be the stereotypical "stupid catty bitch" character that every single one of these fucking manhwas has. Minthe from LO and Ch......
These mfking lips won't unchap themselves