Does anyone know any stories with omegaverse, but is a yuri? I saw a few before... but I can’t find them.
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Yeah! I think there’s only these two on here though

Aye for all the asexual peeps how did y’all find out you were Asexual? (=・ω・=)

I can't imagine myself being someone's gf or wife,no,basically I can't imagine being someone's partner romantically.I can be a sincere friend but not more than that(well, for me, friendship is the most sincere relationship)
Well,on top of that I am not really interested in sex, even if there's a lover I don't want to have sex with them.
I am not fine with physical contacts.even if it's my mom or someone really close,I don't usually hug them or let them hug me.

Im actually glad that its a longer reply and thank u for overcoming ur hesitation to talk about personal stuff even though im just a stranger :)
If u may allow me to say this: your parents not allowing homosexuality, or dating, or u marrying for the reason of giving grandchildren to your parents or the financial aspect or pity or whatever... i just hope that u overthink these reasons^^ like if u actually find someone u love (coz maybe ur not actually aromantic but just havent found the one) and its a girl are u gonna let that go because of ur parents? Or having children for the sake of ur parents and not because u actually want to (thats a huuuggggeeee responsibility). My parents do not support homosexuality either but idgaf because their relationship was a huge disaster. They had my siblings and i for mostly for his sake and now shes alone with her children and having trouble to raise them. My parents dont support sex before marriage either but i dont plan to marry either way so f that. And i also dont want children so what^^ i learned that (and i know this may sound like i dont love them) its easy to break off relationships even if they are family, because if they dont respect my decisions and only want to project their idea of happiness on me even tho they failed themselves then theres no room for that.
So tldr i hope u become happy no matter what the people around u say. I hope that if u start a new relationship you do so on equal grounds (like that ur partner knows what ur intentions are and not deceive them for someone elses sake). And i know what aromantic is supposed to be, but the person asking this question was talking about asexuality initially so thats that^^
Hope you have a wondeful day^^
Does anyone know what the one manga is called where the teacher (a female) fall in loves with a student ( a male) and they were both victims of abuse? Like the teachers fiancé raped the teacher I think or something like that. I think it’s a seinen idk.
i don't think it's this one, but maybe? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/wolf_guy_ookami_no_monshou/