Look... I may not know what the raws are saying.... but I can look at pictures and I!! Am still confused anyone know what the heck is happening in the raws? ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Okay my explanation might be all over the place so sorry in advance, I’ll just mention the important parts . Nothing much happens in chapter 90 it’s just joowon talking to kyuri and in his head he’s basically thinking about how he wishes he could rewrite his and haesoo’s story together and If I remember correctly in that chapter he’s also thinking about confessing to haesoo, in chapter 91 leo tells haesoo’s ex to go to the exhibition and tell joowon that he dated haesoo ( to get a reaction out of him I suppose) and to get a picture of haesoo and joowon together. In that same chapter there’s a scene where haesoo looks up at his picture while taekyung is talking to him and he starts to cry. In chapter 92 we find out why he was crying, he cried because of the concept of the photoshoot which was ‘imagine you’re in an empty room having sex with the person you love and you can no longer see them’ at that time he thought of joowon and in chapter 92 he says after remembering that he cried bc he felt like somethin/someone was being cut from his life and he felt sad bc of it he didn’t want things to be left like that. At the end of chapter 92 joowon is at a flower shop picking flowers to give to haesoo at the exhibition and he’s trying to figure out what to say on it to haesoo
Uh what just happened-