How can you know that you are bisexual?
i agree with what the other people are saying, but I also wanna add that figuring out your sexuality can take some time. It's not like you'll have a sudden moment of epiphany and realise your sexuality. Observe your feelings (and maybe write them down) about experiences that give you clues about your sexuality. For example, if you're talking to a friend of the same gender and you have some physical contact, you can think about how you felt; or, if an attractive person of the same gender walks in a room/ talks to you, think about how you felt.
It took me a year to confirm that I was attracted to both, guys and gals and I came to the conclusion that i'm Bi. And three years after that, I realised that I don't really give a damn about gender and that I'm pansexual.
I hope this helps!
Also I apologise for any grammatical mistakes
I wanna add ti some of the info, bisexuality is being into two or more genders and most people have a preference for one, which can also change over time. Pansexuality is being attracted to people regardless of their gender/sex, hence no preference. Bisexuality also is an umbrella term for pan, poly, omni, etc. They're not the same but they all fall under the category of liking more than two genders. Also, you can be sexually but not romantically attracted to a gender/sex or the other way around. Like, wanting to sleep with women but not wanting to date them. I assume you're a girl, them you'd be a bisexual heteroromantic.
These questions here haven't made me figure it out myself yet but they're good anyway: do you you just admire people of that gender or is there more? How do you feel imagining being intimate with each other? Do you get turned by them on or do they make your heart beat quicker when you're physically close? How were you as a child with your friends (did you do stuff with each other? Did you pretend to be dating? Did you look up a lot to people of that gender?). I assume you're already sure of one "part" of your sexuality, and some lf these questions also only work if you have romantic feelings for the person, so maybe it's not of help.
In the end it's something that can take long to figure out and tbh the best way is real life experience. Just don't pressure yourself and if you end up not being bi that's totally fine. Feel free to dm me if have any questions, I'm always glad to help a fellow bi questioning out (: