Call me traditional but in a world of bl manhwas having ukes ‘squirt’ all the time it’s nice to have some good old fashioned urine back in the game. Make piss great again!!!
Am I just fucking stupid or was her whole thing at the start that she wanted to get married, so why is her dad going on about how she refused to?? Before she was kidnapped she always said she’d marry for the sake of the family idk it’s been a long time since I started this
No Euiyoung, nothing showing what happened to Euihyuns dad, no seeing what Euihyun does now that he doesn’t have to pay off debt and what he’ll do with his life, NO EUIYOUNG… it needed at least another ten chapters sigh
Call me traditional but in a world of bl manhwas having ukes ‘squirt’ all the time it’s nice to have some good old fashioned urine back in the game. Make piss great again!!!