now before i get flamed for this i want to preface this by saying that i absolutely loved this manga. however, i see so many people complaining about others being upset at her losing weight in the end and i have to say i am one of them and here’s my reasoning as to why. yes, her boyfriend loved her before she lost weight and no, he didn’t ask her to lose weight for him. yes, she chose out of her own will to lose weight and become healthier.
however, i think the issue you guys don’t get with this is the message this sends, which is literally one voiced by shizuka herself and i think y’all just glossed over this line. she says she wanted to make herself more lovable compared to the person she was when she met akira and when he said he liked her. she’s implying she’ll be more lovable if she loses weight and that’s the fucking problem. i don’t think we can deny his love for her despite her figure or deny that she lost weight because she wanted to but i think we can’t just pretend she just lost weight because she wanted to lose weight, she literally says she wants to be more lovable for him and as someone who’s plus size it really fucking sucks that we rarely have series where the fat girl is in a happy relationship and happy with herself without ending up losing weight. something else i’d like to add is that there’s always the assumption that fat means unhealthy when that isn’t always the case? there’s skinny people who are very unhealthy and can eat just as much or just as unhealthy as a fat person but because they’re skinny they’re considered healthy when they’re not. there’s also fat people who have relatively healthy lifestyles but are still fat so personally i think it’s bullshit when people assume someone’s unhealthy just because they’re fat or when they tell people to lose weight all unset the guise of “caring for their health” when quite frankly they don’t know anything and it’s none of their business.
anyways, long rant aside, this was a very sweet and fun read! i absolutely adored the characters and the story but i find it very sad and frustrating that we can’t have fat characters find love and stay the way they are bc a lot of the time it really pushes the message that you won’t be loved it you’re fat, or in this case that you’ll be more lovable if you lose weight.
Honestly, I resonated with her, not a loveable per se but more confident. I was bullied and I used eating as a way to cope, and my self-esteem took a nose dive. Which adds to my mental health that already sucks. So, I'm trying to get healthy for myself and my family.
Wdym by dead dove? Is that a title? Same genres like a femdom crazy shit? Why can't i search it here tho? AfemaleGirlwholoveswomentoo
dead dove refers to a tag used in fanfiction called dead dove do not eat. the tag is used in fanfics to warn the reader to mind the tags and read at their own risk. basically the tag is mostly used for fictional content that may be deemed as dark, problematic, or immoral.
now before i get flamed for this i want to preface this by saying that i absolutely loved this manga. however, i see so many people complaining about others being upset at her losing weight in the end and i have to say i am one of them and here’s my reasoning as to why. yes, her boyfriend loved her before she lost weight and no, he didn’t ask her to lose weight for him. yes, she chose out of her own will to lose weight and become healthier.
however, i think the issue you guys don’t get with this is the message this sends, which is literally one voiced by shizuka herself and i think y’all just glossed over this line. she says she wanted to make herself more lovable compared to the person she was when she met akira and when he said he liked her. she’s implying she’ll be more lovable if she loses weight and that’s the fucking problem. i don’t think we can deny his love for her despite her figure or deny that she lost weight because she wanted to but i think we can’t just pretend she just lost weight because she wanted to lose weight, she literally says she wants to be more lovable for him and as someone who’s plus size it really fucking sucks that we rarely have series where the fat girl is in a happy relationship and happy with herself without ending up losing weight. something else i’d like to add is that there’s always the assumption that fat means unhealthy when that isn’t always the case? there’s skinny people who are very unhealthy and can eat just as much or just as unhealthy as a fat person but because they’re skinny they’re considered healthy when they’re not. there’s also fat people who have relatively healthy lifestyles but are still fat so personally i think it’s bullshit when people assume someone’s unhealthy just because they’re fat or when they tell people to lose weight all unset the guise of “caring for their health” when quite frankly they don’t know anything and it’s none of their business.
anyways, long rant aside, this was a very sweet and fun read! i absolutely adored the characters and the story but i find it very sad and frustrating that we can’t have fat characters find love and stay the way they are bc a lot of the time it really pushes the message that you won’t be loved it you’re fat, or in this case that you’ll be more lovable if you lose weight.
Honestly, I resonated with her, not a loveable per se but more confident. I was bullied and I used eating as a way to cope, and my self-esteem took a nose dive. Which adds to my mental health that already sucks. So, I'm trying to get healthy for myself and my family.