That man ass is so seggggsyyy and then when he said “That’s it spread those legs a little wider” GRAAAAWWLLLLLL yes sir!
So pale though, he needs some vitamin D.
Coleslaw must wanna get dragged down a highway
Gawd Damn what you doing out here with all this ass
Hey girlie I mentallycan’t do this today
H-hey Joshy Pooh
Gawd Damn is he half horse or sum
Feels like something awakened in me
*cocks gun
Isn’t it time for your old ass to croak
Oops, mean to up vote
Ethan sir IM JUST A HOLE
That man ass is so seggggsyyy and then when he said “That’s it spread those legs a little wider” GRAAAAWWLLLLLL yes sir!
So pale though, he needs some vitamin D.