Idk why any of you thought he'd end up with his knights when there wasn't really any romance, plus they practically helped raise him and except for Dia the other two treated him like family almost. Dia was more like a comrade in arms lol
Iora and Wellmy's relationship now and as kids would basically be what Aria and Mielle would've been like/the way Aria imagined it when Mielle was executed
This is pretty well written honestly, not as exaggerated with the extremes some other mangas with similar stories take. Complex characters and the crown prince isn't extremely terrible without consequence or unreasonable beyond belief, the girl that was written the way the FL's enemy/rival usually is isn't that way either (and was actually super redeemable). The ML doesn't take extremes either and the FL doesn't sit on the side like the dainty damsel. I like it a lot.
As someone who kinda went through (and still goes through) something similar to Judith I get all her resentment. Wasting your life, time and money on children that aren't yours even if they're family is stressful, it's depressing, it's infuriating. And to not even get thanks in return, to have to listen to people who still think you're not doing enough, not sacrificing enough, not wasting enough, it drives you crazy. I can't get rid of that resentment either just like she can't, and while I wouldn't abuse the children I understand how Judith feels and what drove her so far. It's still not a good thing she did but we're human and just as we have our good we have our bad, it doesn't excuse it though.
Why do I always like the 2nd ML better... my 2nd ML syndrome gets worse every time I find another ML I don't like
I don't think this is post partum depression or at least not PPD on its own, there's also PPP (post partum psychosis). Whatever it is Ichika's mom is clearly just not right in the head
Binged this in 2 days mainly because I randomly remembered I started it a couple of years ago and never continued it. I know lots of you are gonna dislike this lol but it was kinda a let down, I feel like the build up to the climactic point in the story was almost nonexistent and like the writer only put in that part with Yuna and her sister at the end because they suddenly remembered that the story started with FL waking up inside her sister's novel since it's not mentioned past the first few chapters. It's probably because I was expecting more action but given it's mostly romance based I shouldn't have so that's on me as well. Good story if you just don't expect too much from the storyline or characters, both plotwise and character wise it's a 5/10. Key/Kai was probably the best written one of them all.
BTW for anyone who doesn't know Greek mythology, Lethe is the name of one of the rivers in the Underworld, it wipes memories just like Lethe says she is oblivion :) I assume her presence alone is a similar thing which is why everyone will forget her once she leaves
Bro made up an idea of her in his head and then got angry and hated her once he realized she didn't match his ideals... what did he expect? Idolizing a stranger and then putting all the responsibility on her for something like this (which while her father was at the forefront of the shit going on doesn't mean he was the only person involved) is ridiculous. Yeah she's part of the family that led it but does the frog in the well think there's anything beyond the sky it can see when it looks up?